Позакласний захід "Valentine's Day".

Про матеріал
Сценарій до Дня святого Валентина. Призначений для учнів початкових та середніх класів .Містить пісні про кохання і матеріал до вистави "Попелюшка".
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Presenter1: Roses are red, violets are blue

                               Sugar is sweet and I love you

Захваченный кадр 1

Presenter 2Good afternoon, dear pupils and guests. It's so lovely to meet you at our Valentine's party.

Presenter 1 I hope that Valentine's Day will bring you lots of fun. We'll speak about the history of the holiday, listen to beautiful songs and poems and watch a wonderful performance about Cinderella and her Prince. I hope you will enjoy our  party.

Do you know why it is named  after St. Valentine?


Presenter 2 A legend says that a longtime ago in Rome there was a priest named Valentine. Claudius  who was Emperor at that time made a law that no one could become engaged or married. He was afraid that if men had sweethearts or wives, they wouldn't want to fight in wars. But Valentine felt sorry for young people who were in love. So he married them secretly. When Emperor found it he had Valentine put to death. Some people say this happened on February 14th.


Presenter 1 Nowadays Valentine's Day is a special time when people tell each other that they love them and care about them. People send special cards with romantic messages on this day. But often they don’t write their names in the cards. The name of the person sending the card, traditionally, is a secret. Here are some poems for you

Захваченкадр 1

Pupil 1

Friends will come and friends will go,                                                  
The seasons change and it will show,
I will age and so will you,
But our friendship stays, strong and true.

Pupil 2

There's nothing as nice as someone who shares,                               
your laughter, your secrets, your wishes and cares,
someone who's there through your good times and tears,
who stays by your side as your friend through the years.

Pupil 3

I believe in angels,                                                                                
The kind that heaven sends,
I am surrounded by angels,
But I call them friends.

Pupil 4

Friends at school                                                                                                                                                                   

Are big and small

Friends at school

All best of all

Pupil 5
When you ask God for a gift,                                                                
Be thankful if he sends,
Not diamonds, pearls, or riches,
but the love of real true friends.

Pupil 6
My friends is nice                                                                                   

We like to play

We play together every day

We laugh and cry

And laugh again

Because you see we are




Pupil  7

Love is like an air                                                                                  

You could feel it but you can’t see it

Love is like candy

Once you fall you can’t get out

Love is like your brother or sister

You can’t live without it but

You can with live it

Presenter 1 And now you can see a performance about two sweethearts: Cinderella and her Prince.



Scene 1

Stepmother: There will be a ball in the King's palace. Let's go to the ball.

Stepsisters: Great! Fantastic!

Захвенкадр 3

1 Stepsister: Cinderella, give me my white dress!

Cinderella: Here it is!

2 Stepsister: Cinderella! Give me my hat and the mirror!

Cinderella: Here they are!

1 Stepsister: Give me my fan!

Cinderella: Here it is!

Захвенкадр 4

1 Stepsister: Cinderella, would you like to go to the ball?

Cinderella: Oh, don't laugh at me. I have not a beautiful dress and glass shoes

2 Stepsister: Of course not. You can't go to the ball.

1 Stepsister: Yes, she is too dirty to go there.

Stepmother: Well, my dear, let's go to the ball!


Scene II

Fairy: Why are you crying my dear child? Please, don't cry!

Cinderella: I can't go to the ball. I have not beautiful dresses and glass shoes.

Fairy: I'll help you and you will go to the ball. Here are glass shoes and a white dress. But remember. You must go home when the clock strikes 12.

Cinderella: Oh, thank you very much!

Захвенкадр 5


Scene III

(in the King's palace)

King: Look at that beautiful girl!

 Prince: Oh, how beautiful she is! May I dance with you?

Cinderella: With pleasure!

 Prince and Cinderella are dancing. The clock strikes 12.


Cinderella: Oh. It's 12 o'clock. I must go!

Cinderella is running away and losing her shoe.


 Scene IV

Cinderella: Did you like the ball?

1 Stepsister: Yes, very much, there was a beautiful girl at the ball.

2 Stepsister: She ran away and lost her glass shoes.

Stepmother: Prince wants to marry her!

(Prince and heralds are coming)

Herald : Please, try on this glass shoe!

1 Stepsister: Oh. It's too small for me!

Herald to Cinderella: Will you try it on?

Захвенкадр 8

Stepmother: Oh, it's our Cinderella

Cinderella: But I want to try it on!

(Cinderella puts on the shoes)

Stepsisters Oh, Cinderella, we beg your pardon.

Cinderella: Never mind. I pardon you.

Prince: I love you!

Захвенкадр 9


Compere 2 So, the prince has found his Cinderella.


Compere 1 But  As for our party, it goes on. And…Today we have guests from Great Britain!

The greatest Beatles (song Yesterday)

Захвенкадр 10


The Beatles

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed
so far away
Now it look as though they're here
to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday

Suddenly, I'm not half the man I
used to be
There's a shadow hanging over me
Oh, yesterday came suddenly

Why she had to go I don't know, she
wouldn't say
I said something wrong, now I long
for yesterday

Yesterday, love was such an easy game
to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday



Presenter 2 And what about Ukraine? We have beautiful singers too

Presenter 1 It is a surprise for you. Meet the prettiest singer Tetiana  , the  most handsome-Oleksandr  and their song 100 kisses


She is so sweet and so shine
She likes to come to all the stars in the sky
She sees his face every day
But when she comes close to him
She feels lost to say

One hundred kisses
Is all that she misses
A thousand touches
Sent you in hearts
One hundred moments
Of magic and romance
And beating of two
Loving hearts

He is so strong and so smart
He is a dream of every lady’s heart
He sees her face every day
But when he comes close to her
He feels lost to say

One hundred kisses
Is all that he misses
A thousand touches
Sent me in hearts
One hundred moments
Of magic and romance
And beating of two
Loving hearts

Захвенкадр 11

Presenter 1


Dear, guests! Our party is over.  We all love you very much and want to give you these small but beautiful presents.











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  1. Золочівська Оксана
    Актуально! Свято Валентина вже близько, візьму на замітку!)
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
30 січня 2023
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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