Позакласний захід з англійської мови для учнів 7 класів «Подорож на повітряній кулі» Balloon Travelling

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Позакласний захід з англійської мови для учнів 7 класів "Подорож на повітряній кулі" (Balloon Travelling) дасть можливість учням перевірити свої знання про країну, мова якої вивчається, про її знаменні дати, події, місця.
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Позакласний захід з англійської мови для учнів 7 класів

«Подорож на повітряній кулі»

Вчитель англійської мови Черняхівської гімназії  Черняхівської селищної ради  Житомирської області Якобчук Ганна Іванівна

C:\Documents and Settings\DrDmitriy\Мои документы\Downloads\вз шар.jpgBalloon Travelling

Teacher:  Today we have an unusual meeting. We’ll travel by the balloon over the Great Britain. Before starting our travel, I’d like to ask you – Do you like English? Do you want to speak well? Why?

We have 4 teams of 5 members. And the tasks are in this secret envelope.


Task 1: Geographical  map.

Each team takes the card with the name of the country, but without the first letter. Write the first letter and put the card on the proper place on the map.

_cotland    _ales   _othern  Ireland     __ngland   (S  W  N  E)

Teacher: Look at the map. You can see the British Isles - Great Britain and Ireland. Great Britain consists of  England, Wales and Scotland. Great Britain together with the Northern Ireland makes the United Kingdom.


Task 2: Capitals.

The list of capitals is on the blackboard. Raise the number of capital after each question.






 6.Washington D.C.

 1.What is the capital of Great Britain? (1)

 2. What is the capital of  Ukraine?  (4)

 3. What is the capital of  Scotland?  (2)

 4. What is the capital of  Wales?  (3)

 5. What is the capital of  England?  (1)

 6. What is the capital of  Northern Ireland?  (5)



Task3: A Cup of Tea.

Teams say the words to the topic “Food” (in chain). If the word is correct , they have the right to open any letter of the “secret words”. The team which read the “secret words” ahead, have 2 points more. CHOCOLATE CAKE

Task4: Sightseeing

The list of famous places is on the blackboard. Raise the number of place after each question.

 1.Buckingham Palace

 2.Tower Bridge

 3.St.Paul’s Cathedral


 5.Westminster Palace

 6.London Eye


 1.What is the largest observation wheel in Europe?(6)

 2.What is the most well known stone rings? (4)              

 3.What road across the river is 244 m length? (2)

 4.What church is situated on the highest point of  London? (3)

 5.What is the official London residence of the British

 Queen? (1)                

 6.What palace is the seat of the Parliament? (5)


Task 5: Holidays

The list of holidays is on the blackboard. Raise the number of holiday after ach question

 1.January 1

 2.October 30

 3.April 1

 4.December 25

 5.April 24

 6.February 14

 1.When do English people celebrate Christmas? (4)

 2. When do English people celebrate St.Valentine’s Day? (6)

 3. When do English people celebrate Easter? (5)

 4. When do English people celebrate Halloween? (2)

 5.When do English people celebrate New Year? (1)

 6. When do English people celebrate All Fools Day? (3)


Task 6: Lexical Chairs

There 3 chairs and 4 players. Teacher says the words on one topic. If she says the odd word, the players have to sit on the chairs. And one pupil leaves the game.

1.apple, banana, oranges, melon, pine-apple, lemon, train

2.blackboard, school, teacher, river

3.plane, bike, train, bus, ship, car, game

The summary of the game.







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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
23 лютого 2021
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