Позакласний захід з англійської мови "Happy English"

Про матеріал
HAPPY ENGLISH (виходять ведучі) P.1: Good afternoon, dear boys and girls! P.2: Good afternoon, teachers, parents and all guests! P.1: Welcome to our party – Happy English! P.2: Dear friends, let`s greed each other with a song! (виходять третьокласники, пісня «Hello, hi, good morning!») (Song “Hello, hi, good morning”) - Hello, hi, good morning! Good morning, hi and hello. Nice to meet you, pupils. Hi, good morning, hello! - Hello, hi, good morning! Good morning, hi and hello. Nice to meet you, teachers. Hi, good morning, hello! Good morning, good morning! Good morning, hi and hello. Good morning, good morning! Good morning, hi and hello.
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Тріскинська ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів






Позакласний захід

з англійської мови

 «Happy English»











Маковецька Яна Петрівна






(виходять ведучі)

P.1: Good afternoon, dear boys and girls!

P.2: Good afternoon, teachers, parents and all guests!

P.1: Welcome to our party – Happy English!

P.2: Dear friends, let`s greed each other with a song!

(виходять третьокласники, пісня «Hello, hi, good morning!»)

(Song “Hello, hi, good morning”)

  • Hello, hi, good morning!

Good morning, hi and hello.

 Nice to meet you, pupils.

Hi, good morning, hello!


  • Hello, hi, good morning!

Good morning, hi and hello.

 Nice to meet you, teachers.

Hi, good morning, hello!


Good morning, good morning!

Good morning, hi and hello.

Good morning, good morning!

Good morning, hi and hello.


P.1: There are pupils of the third form. They learning English only second year!

P.2: They are smart schoolchildren, as all children in our school!

P.1: We study a lot of subjects, but English is the youngest!

P.2: Our boys and girls learning English only five years!

P.1: And last two years we were working by hard especially!

P.2: We are the lovely competitors of regional festival “Hello, English”.

P.1: And now the pupils of the third form present to you their happy song!

P.2: It`s song about alphabet. Please, welcome pupils of the third form with song “The ABC”!


(виходять учні третього класу з картками букв)

(The ABC song)


  • A B C D E

Listen and sing

The alphabet with me.


Listen and sing

From A to J.




Listen and sing

The alphabet with me.


Listen and sing

From K to V




Now sing all the letters in

The alphabet.





Listen to the letters

In the alphabet.


P.1: The pupils of the sixth form are the competitors of this festival too.

P.2: They wont to tell you some jokes and an interesting song with dance. Please, welcome!


(виступ учнів 6 класу з номером «English KVK»)

B1: We are from the beautiful village Triskyni.

B2: Our school is big and cool!

We study Maths, English and Art,

The teachers are good,

The peoples are smart!

B1: Maths and English,

Crafts and Art-

All school subjects make you smart.

Growing up with every day-

Then your life will be OK!

B2: Useful lessons, noisy breaks,

Happy faces, tasty cakes.

All school textbooks teach you new,

Teachers spend much time with you.

B1: The school bell rings, we run to class,

The teacher tells new things to us!

B2: We get new knowledge every day.

“Our school, we thank you,” pupils say.

B1: And now we are in the festival.

B2: “Hello, English” has door that open wide,

And friendly jury waits inside.

B1: Hurry, hurry, let`s go in,

For soon our little performance will begin.

B2: Today we have some KVK.

B1: Our team`s name is “Smile”!

Team: Hello! (З-за куліс)

B2: Today we shall sing, smile, joke and dance. It`s be a little excursion to our school.

B1: The first joke! At the Maths lesson.

(3 учасники: 1 вчитель, 2 учні)


T.: Vova, do you know the numbers?

P1: Yes, I do! My father teaches me!

T.: Good. What comes after three?

P1: Four.

T.: What comes after six?

P1: Seven.

T.: Very good. Your father did a good job. What comes after ten?

P1: A Jack (показує картинку).


B2: At the Geography lesson.

(3 учасники: 1вчитель, 1 учень, 1 тримає карту)


T.: Katia, show on the map of the Red Sea, please.

P.: Sorry, but I did not see. On this map all seas are blue!

B1: At the exam. Ira and Wika go to exam.

(3 учасники: 1 вчитель, 2 учні)


T.: Will you tell me your name?

(всі учні підіймають руку, показує на P1)

P1: Will Knot (показує картку)

T.: Why not?


B2: At the individual lesson.

(2 учасники: 1 вчитель, 1 учень)


P1: Oleh Petrovych, have you ever been in America?

T.: Sure. All the Americans mention my name by meeting each other several times a day.

P1: Really?

T.: However they spell my name backwards. Instead of “Oleh” they say “Hello” (показує картки).


B1: At the Music lesson.

(3 учні: 1 вчитель, 2 учні).


T.: Есть только миг между прошлым и будущим, именно он называется… (під фонограму).

P1: Present Simple Tense.


B2: At the English lesson.

(5 учнів: 1 вчитель, 4 учні)


T.: Make up a dialogue, please!

(P1 I P2 піднімають руки)

P1: Hello!

P2: Hello!

P1: How do you do?

P2: All right.

T.: Please, translate.

P3: Як ти це робиш?

Р4: Тільки правою.


P1: To be or not to be?

P3: Дві бджоли чи не дві бджоли?


P2: How we can name the man, without left ear, left eye, left hand and left leg?

P4: All right!


T.: Please, tell “окрошка” in English.

P3: Oh, baby!


B1: After classes. At home. Father and daughter.

(2 учасники: 1 тато, 1 донька)

D.: Father, can you write in the dark?

F.: I think so. What do you want me to write?

D.: Your name on this school progress record.. (показує табель)


B2: One interesting story from internet.

(3 учасники: 1 чоловік, 1 дружина 1 з ресепшену, за сценою)

Just married in their vocation in Egypt. Hotel.

(Заходять чоловік і дружина, оглядають номер готелю, дружина бачить мишу, кричить).

W.: Please, call to reception!

H.: Oh, no! You call!

W.: But my English is poor!

H.: Ok! (гудки) Hello! Do you know Tom and Jerry?

R.: Yes, I do!

H.: Jerry is hear.

(Всі виходять на сцену. Пісня з танцем).


(Song “I like you”)


One Track Mind – I like you.

I like you
I like you
I like you

If your tall or small, I like you
If your fat or thin, I like you
If your rich or poor, I like you
I like you, I like you

Ev ev ev everybody come on everybody
Shake it to the left now
Shake it to the right now
Ev ev ev everybody come on everybody
Keep dancing tonight

Ev ev ev everybody come on everybody
Shake it to the left now
Shake it to the right now
Ev ev ev everybody come on everybody
Keep dancing tonight

If your tall or small I like you
If your fat or thin I like you
If your rich or poor I like you
I like you I like you

Ev ev ev everybody come on everybody
Shake it to the left now
Shake it to the right now
Ev ev ev everybody come on everybody
Keep dancing tonight

Ev ev ev everybody come on everybody
Shake it to the left now
Shake it to the right now
Ev ev ev everybody come on everybody
Keep dancing tonight

No more no less I like you
If your fat or thin I like you
If your rich or poor I like you
I like you I like you

Ev ev ev everybody come on everybody
Shake it to the left now
Shake it to the right now
Ev ev ev everybody come on everybody
Keep dancing tonight

Ev ev ev everybody come on everybody( tall or small I like you)
Shake it to the left now 
Shake it to the right now (fat or thin I like you)
Ev ev ev everybody come on everybody (rich or poor I like you)
Keep dancing tonight (I like you I like you)


P.1: Schoolgirl of the fourth form wants recite a poem.

P.2: Please, welcome Oksana with the poem “How many?”


(учениця четвертого класу декламує вірш)


How many?

How many seconds in a minute?

Sixty and no more in it.

How many minutes in an hour?

Sixty for sun and flowers.

How many hours in a day?

Twenty-four for work and play.

How many days in a week?

Seven both to hear and speak.

How many weeks in a month?

Four and no more wants a month.

How many months in a year?

Twelve the calendar makes clear.

How many years in an age?

One hundred says the sage.

How many ages in time?

No one knows the rhyme.


P.1: Oksana says about the time, but did not say, how many seasons in the year!

P.2: The year has four seasons. And about seasons will tell pupils of the third form.


(учні 3го класу, постановка «Seasons of the year»)


(під музику виходить осінь)


Autumn: I am the season

When it is cool,

When we it apples

And go to school.

I am the season

When fruit is sweet.

I am the season

When school friends meet.

My name is autumn, and there are my months.


(виходять вересень, жовтень та листопад)


September: The grass is dry and brown.

Chrysanthemums are bright and gay.

September has come to town!

The robins all have gone away.

October: Yellow, red and green and brown,

See, the little leaves come down.

Dancing, dancing in the breeze,

In October falling from the trees.

November: In November they dance upon the trees,

Then they float on the breeze.

Then they gaily blow around,

Now they are sleeping on the ground.

Autumn: Warm September brings the fruit;

Sportsmen then begin to shoot.

Brown October brings the pheasant,

Then to gather nuts is pleasant.

Dull November brings the blast –

Hark! The leaves are whirling fast.


(Song “Autumn”)


Red leaves, yellow leaves,

Orange and brown,

The leaves are on the trees.

The leaves are all around.


Brown leaves, orange leaves,

Yellow and gold,

The leaves are on the ground.

Now the leaves are very old.


Orange leaves, yellow leaves,

Gold and red.

The leaves are on the bonfire,

The bonfire`s gold and red.


Orange leaves, yellow leaves,

Gold and red.

The leaves are on the bonfire,

The bonfire`s gold and red.


(під музику виходить зима)


Winter: I an the season,

When children ski

And Father Frost

Brings New Year Tree.

I am the season,

When mornings are dark,

When birds do not sing

In the forest and park.

My name is winter and there are my months.


(виходять грудень, січень і лютий)


December: In December the snow is falling,

The wind is blowing.

The ground is white

All day and all night!

January: I am running on my skies.

White and silver are the trees.

I am as cold, as one can be,

Try to catch me, I am January.

February:  Snow and frost on the ground,

Snow and frost on the tree.

Snow and frost on the top-house

My name is February!

Winter: Cold December brings the sleet,

Blazing fire, and Christmas treat.

January brings the snow,

Makes our feet and fingers glows.

February brings the rains,

Thaws the frozen lake again.


(Song “Winter”)


It`s very cold

With snow and ice,

But we`re very happy,

Winter is nice.


Snowballs are fun

With snow on the ground.

We`re got new ice skates

For the ice all around.


Look at the snowman

With his funny round head.

He`s got two black eyes

And his nose is red.


It`s very cold

With snow and ice,

But we`re very happy.

Winter is nice!

But we`re very happy.

Winter is nice!


(під музику виходить весна)


Spring: I am the season,

When snowdrops bloom,

When we don`t like

To stay in the room.

I am the season,

When birds make nests.

I am the season

We all like the best.

My name is spring and there are my months.


(виходять березень, квітень і травень)


March: In March first come the little snowdrops,

Before the grass is green;

Then come the yellow crocuses,

Before the leaf is seen.

April: Rain, rain, April rain,

You are feeding seed and grain,

You are raising plants and crops

With your gaily sparkling drops.

May: All the world is dressed in green,

Many happy birds are seen,

Flowers bright and sunshine dear

Snow that lovely May is here.

Spring: March brings breezes sharp and chill,

Shakes the dancing daffodil.

April brings the primrose sweet,

Scatters daisies at our feet.

May brings flocks of pretty lambs,

Sporting round their fleecy dams.


(Song “Spring”)


Let`s dance,

Let`s sing,

Here is spring.


Let`s jump,

Let`s run,

Here`s the sun.


Sun and rain,

Let`s dance and sing,

I can see a rainbow,

Here is the spring.



(під музику виходить літо)


Spring: Woods are green, the sun is bright,

And the wind is warm and light.

Children bathe and play, and run

My season is very fun!

My name is summer and there are my months.


(виходять червень, липень і серпень)


June: June is here. Days are long,

And the sun is bright and strong.

I am the month when nights are short.

And we all have plenty of fun and sport.

July: July`s sun shines hot and high.

Baby birds now learn to fly.

Green, green leaves and tasty fruit,

All the things are so good!

August: The month of August

Is the month of fruit;

But remember, children,

My fruit is not so good.

Summer: June brings tulips, lilies, rose,

Fills the children`s hands with posies.

Hot July brings thunder-showers,

Apricots, and gilly-glowers.

August brings the sheaves of corn;

Then the harvest home is borne.


(Song “Summer”)


The sun is yellow,

The sky is blue.

Now it`s summer,

And the holidays too!


We play on the beach,

We swim in the sea.

There are boats and surfboards,

For my friends and me.


We sleep in a tent,

We have picnics in the sun.

We ride in the park.

And we have great fun.


The sun is yellow,

The sky is blue.

Now it`s summer,

And the holidays too!

Now it`s summer,

And the holidays too!


(виходять ведучі)


 P.1: Spring is green,

Summer is bright,

P.2: Autumn is yellow,

Winter is white.

 P.1: It`s the last minutes our happy holiday!

P.2: Let`s sing the song “If you are happy!”


(Song “If you are happy”)


If you are happy and you know it

Clap your hands

If you are happy and you know it

Clap your hands

If you are happy and you know it

And you really want to show it

If you are happy and you know it

Clap your hands


If you are happy and you know it

Stamp your feet

If you are happy and you know it

Stamp your feet

If you are happy and you know it

And you really want to show it

If you are happy and you know it

Stamp your feet


If you are happy and you know it

Snap your fingers

If you are happy and you know it

Snap your fingers

If you are happy and you know it

And you really want to show it

If you are happy and you know it

Snap your fingers


If you are happy and you know it

Say: "O.K. "

If you are happy and you know it

Say: "O.K. "

If you are happy and you know it

And you really want to show it

If you are happy and you know it

Say: "O.K. "


If you are happy and you know it

Do all four

If you are happy and you know it

Do all four

If you are happy and you know it

And you really want to show it

If you are happy and you know it

Do all four


Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Сценарії
10 жовтня 2022
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