Презентація Unit 2 Food

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Презентація з англійської мови . Unit 2 Food - lunchbox . Write what food you take/don’t take to school in your lunchbox. “Good health is above wealth” “Live not to eat but eat to live”
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

My Lunchbox

Номер слайду 2

“Good health is above wealth” “Live not to eat but eat to live”

Номер слайду 3

Breakfast, dinner, supper. Breakfast in the morning Dinner in the day. Tea comes after dinner. Then it’s time to play. Supper in the evening. When the sky is red. Then the day is over. And we go to bed.

Номер слайду 4

1) have / does / her / lunch / What / in / Ann / packed?2) time / food / have / for / Ann / doesn’t / healthy / Why?3) important / a / to / snack / is healthy / it / Why / have?4) finally / has / What / taken / Ann / lunch?5) you / Mother’s / think / do / What / advice / about?

Номер слайду 5

I група It’s important to have a healthy snack in your packed lunch. II група It’s better to eat a packet of crisps than nothing at all. III група Pupils are so busy during a day. They can’t find time for a snack.

Номер слайду 6

Homework: ex.6.p 41. Write what food you take/don’t take to school in your lunchbox.

Vita Paliy Volodymyrivna
11 жовтня 2022
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