Prepare 6. Урок у 6 класі на тему "Food."

Про матеріал
Вдосконалювати лексичні навички; повторити та відпрацювати лексику з теми; вдосконалювати навички говоріння, письма, читання та аудіювання; розвивати вміння працювати в парах; виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.
Перегляд файлу


Topic: Food all over the world


  •       to improve lexical skills;
  •       to revise and practise vocabulary on the topic;
  •       to improve speaking, writing, reading and listening skills;
  •       to develop skills to work in pairs;
  •        practise in using much, many, a little, a few;
  •        to bring up the interest in learning English.

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to describe food in different countries, say what they eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, have practice in using much, many, a little, a few.

Equipment: printed cards, worksheets.



I. Introduction.




Which ones?

1. Which foods are usually cooked in an oven?

croissant      fruit salad     omelette      pizza     sushi

2. Which foods often contain raw (uncooked) food?

curry      fruit salad      rice      sandwich      sushi

3. Which foods are NOT usually served hot?

fruit salad      pizza     sandwich     soup     sushi

4. Which foods don’t eat vegetarians?

lettuce     beet     beef     strawberry    lamb

The Main Part


T: What do people eat in the UK? What do they like drinking?

Watch the video and say what they eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

T: What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?


Exercise 1

Food in Britain 

Complete the sentences with the words.

croissant        soup           rice          sandwich          takeaway       sushi

fruit salad             omelette           dumplings              curry

Початок форми1. ….is meat or vegetables cooked in a spicy sauce. It often comes with rice.

Кінець формиПочаток форми2. A ….  has cheese, meat or vegetables between two pieces of bread.

Кінець формиПочаток форми3. To make an ….    , you must beat eggs, add small pieces of meat, cheese or vegetables and then fry it.

Кінець формиПочаток форми4. You don't eat  food in a restaurant. Someone brings it to you or you collect it in the restaurant and then eat it, usually at home.

Кінець формиПочаток форми5. There are many kinds of ….   . In the UK, it is often white, but it can also be other colours such as brown or black. It is very common in Asian food.

Кінець формиПочаток форми6. A     is soft, curved bread. People usually eat it for breakfast.

Кінець формиПочаток форми7. A   is a mixture of pieces of different fruits.

Кінець формиПочаток форми8.  can contain meat, vegetables or fruit. They are usually boiled or fried.

Кінець формиПочаток форми9. …. consists of cold rice and meat or vegetables, especially raw fish. It comes from Japan.

Кінець формиПочаток форми10. A …. is a hot, liquid food. It usually contains vegetables or meat or both.


Exercise 2

“National dishes.”

          T: There are cards with  names of countries, their national or favourite dishes and pictures of dishes. You must match them.

France     Croissants

Japan       Fried rice,   sushi,   rice  cakes

The  USA   hamburgers

England    fish and chips, roast beef

Hungary    goulash

Italy     lasagna,   pizza

Mexico    taco

Poland   bigos

Scotland   haggis

Spain    paella  



Exercise 3

“Excess component.”

There are dishes and their ingredients. Children must find an excess component.

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "sushi"




rice     salmon

jellyfish  tuna

octopus  shrimp





C:\Users\Anastasiia\Desktop\English camp2018\the-ultimate-hamburger.jpg


       buns      meat   tomatoes

cheese   cabbage     sauce  potato











C:\Users\Anastasiia\Desktop\English camp2018\e4cad715fa2c3406c8bce678272beed8_l.jpg

potatoes    egg   onion


 garlic     flour        salt










C:\Users\Anastasiia\Desktop\English camp2018\ukrainskiy-krasnyy-borshch.jpg



onion         carrot      beet

cabbage     cucumber    potato









How often do you usually eat out?

What do you like to order?





  1. Check your understanding: matching

Match the people with the best restaurant for them. Write the restaurant names below.

Your Local Caff

The Lemon Tree

Fast Best

The Chocolate Box

Last Days of the Raj

A Taste of Tuscany


Tom, aged 18

My girlfriend and I are vegetarian. Could you

recommend a suitable restaurant for us?


Lucy, aged 16

My friend has a sweet tooth and I want to take

her somewhere special this weekend.


Dino, aged 21

My mates and I all love spicy food. Can you recommend

somewhere good for us to go tonight?


Melissa, aged 27

I only get 30 minutes off for lunch and I'm in a hurry.

Where can I get something quick to eat?


Micky, aged 38

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day in my opinion.

Do you know anywhere that serves a good brekkie?


Momo, aged 22

We love Italian food, especially pasta. Everyone loves

Italian, don't they? Any good Italians near here?

2. Check your understanding: multiple selection

Write the names of restaurants from the article.

1. Which restaurant(s) serve hot and spicy food?

2. Which restaurant(s) only have desserts and sweets?

3. In which restaurant(s) can you listen to some great music?

4. Which restaurant(s) are good for people who don't eat meat?

5. Which restaurant(s) employ staff trained in Europe?

6. Which restaurant(s) serve an all-day breakfast including sausages, bacon and eggs?

3. Discussion.

Which of these restaurants would you choose to go to, and why?


Complete the dialogue with the questions below.

T: Do you know what "Chicken Madras" is?

"Chicken Madras" is an Indian curry.


How often do you eat it?              Is it easy to make?             What does it come with?


What is it made of?            What’s it like?


A: A typical dish in my country is "Chicken Madras".


A: It’s made of chicken and curry sauce.


A: It’s served with rice.


B: It’s very spicy, but it’s delicious.


B: No, it’s very difficult.


B: I eat it once a week.

Now choose a dish from your country and have a similar dialogue with your partner.


Cross out the wrong answers to complete the sentences below.

1. I don’t drink much/many milk.

2. I had some/any apples for breakfast this morning.

3. I’m a vegetarian. I don’t eat -/a beef.

4. How many/How much oranges do you eat every day?

5. I usually have a little/a few olives in my salad.

6. Paul doesn’t eat many/much oranges.

7. People say that a little/a few yogurt every day is good for you.

8. I’ve got a/some cheese in my fridge.

9. Pete puts a lot of/much onions in his salad.

10. I eat a lot of/much beef every day.

11. Do you eat many/much beef every day?

12. Did you eat much/many carrots yesterday?














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