Preposition of Place (Test)

Про матеріал
Тестові завдання для учнів 5 класу для перевірки навичок вживання прийменників місця
Перегляд файлу

Preposition of Place for 5 grade

  1. The tourists are ___ mountains.  


a) at

b) in 

c) at the

d) in the


  1. We were not ___school yesterday. 


  1. in the


  1. in


  1. at 


  1. at the


  1.  My friend and I were __ Odessa last weekend.


  1. In


  1. in the  


  1. at the  


  1. at

  1. Why will your mother __ work next Saturday?


  1. in the


  1. at the 


  1. in


  1. at


  1. My parents like to eat ___ restaurant.


  1. in 


  1. at the 


  1. at 


  1. in the


  1. We watered flowers ___ classroom last Monday.


  1. at the 


  1. in the 


  1. in 


  1. at


  1. We were not ___ home yesterday morning, beacuse we were ___ dentist’s.


  1. in the, at 


  1. at, at the 


  1. in the, at the 


  1. at, in the


  1. My relatives were __ London last month.


  1. at 


  1. in 


  1. at the 


  1. in the


  1. My friend was ___ bed because he was ill two day ago.


  1. in the


  1. at the


  1. in


  1. at


  1.  My grandparents were ___ theatre last night.


  1. in the


  1. at


  1. in


  1. at the



  1.  Her family lives __ village.


  1. at the


  1. in


  1. in the
  2. at




До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
29 березня 2020
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