Present Simple/Present Continuous/Present Perfect/Present Perfect Continuous

Про матеріал
Present Simple - Теперішній простий час Present Continuous - Теперішній тривалий час Present Perfect - Теперішній доконаний час Present Perfect Continuous - Теперішній недоконано-тривалий час Вживання часів. Порівняння часів. Приклади вживання.
Перегляд файлу

               Present Simple                        Present Continuous                     Present Perfect             Present Perfect

(Теперішній простий              (Теперішній тривалий                (Теперішній                     Continuous

                           час)                                             час)                               доконаний час)              (Теперішній


недоконаний час)

      Постійна дія;    Дія відбувається в       Результат.         Дія почалась

      Незмінний факт;        даний момент;      у минулому і

      Розклад. План на найближче     триває до

                                                                                    майбутнє.                                                                              тепер.

I/we/you/they + V                     I + am + Ving                            I/we/you/they + have + I/we/you/they + have +

He/she/it + Vs                           He/she/it +is + Ving                      Ved/III к                            been + Ving

                                                                  We/you/they + are+ Ving   He/she/it + has + Ved/III He/she/it + has + been +

                                                                                                                           к                                          Ving

Do + I/we/you/they +V? Does + He/she/it + V?

Am + I + Ving?

Is + He/she/it + Ving?

Are +We/you/they + Ving?

Have + I/we/you/they + Ved/III к? Has + he/she/it + Ved/III к ?

Have + I/we/you/they+ been + Ving? Has + He/she/it + been + Ving?

I/we/you/they + don’t + V. He/she/it + doesn’t +V.

I + am not + Ving

He/she/it + isn’t + Ving

We/you/they + aren’t + Ving I/we/you/they + haven’t +

Ved/III к

He /she/it + hasn’t +

Ved/III к

I/we/you/they + haven’t

+ been + Ving He/she/it + hasn’t + been + Ving

I go to school every day. He always plays football in the park. Do I go to school every day? Does he always play football in the park? I don’t go to school every day. He doesn’t always play football in the park.

I am going to school now. He is playing football in the park at the moment. We are still doing our homework.

Am I going to school now? Is he playing football in the park at the moment? Are we still doing our homework?

I am not going to school now. He isn’t playing football in the park at the moment. We aren’t still doing our homework.

imageI have already gone to school. He has played football in the park. Have I already gone to school? Has he played football in the park? I haven’t already gone to school. He hasn’t played football in the park.

I have been going to school for 10 minutes. He has been playing football in the park for 1 hour. Have I been going to school for 10 minutes? Has he been playing football in the park for 1 hour?

I haven’t been going to school for 10 minutes. He hasn’t been playing football in the park for 1 hour.

Always - завжди

Never - ніколи

Usually - зазвичай

Often- часто

Sometimes - інколи

Every – кожного

Rarely – рідко

Seldom - рідко

At 7 o’clock – о 7 год

On Monday – у Понеділок Now - зараз

At the moment – в даний момент

Still - досі

Today / tonight – сьогодні / вночі  In - через

In the future – у майбутньому  Tomorrow - завтра Since – з

For – протягом

Already – вже

Just – щойно

Never –ніколи

Ever – коли-небудь

Yet – ще не

Since – з

For – протягом

Already – вже

Just – щойно

Never –ніколи

Ever – коли-небудь

Yet – ще не

6 квітня 2023
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