Present Simple/ Present Continuous Tenses

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Граматичний тест рівня А2-В1 для перевірки розуміння двох часів в англійській мові: Present Simple та Present Continuous.
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 Present Simple / Present Continuous Tenses Test

  1. All the members of our family often ___ for evening tea.
  1. gathers
  2. are gathering
  3. gather
  1. Ann ___ with her friends early in the morning.
  1. isn’t usually meeting
  2. don’t usually meet
  3. doesn’t usually meet
  1. His eyes are closed. He ___ at you.
  1. isn’t look
  2. isn’t looking
  3. doesn’t look
  1. I ___ dinner because I’m really hungry.
  1. cook
  2. am cooking
  3. is cooking
  1. All children ___ chocolate.
  1. adore
  2. are adore
  3. are adoring
  1. Their mother can’t fall asleep because the children ___ too much noise.
  1. are making
  2. makes
  3. make
  1. We ___ letters to our relatives every month.
  1. sends
  2. send
  3. are sending
  1. We ___ a picnic at the moment.
  1. are have
  2. are having
  3. has
  1. Don’t go out! It ___ hard at the moment.
  1. is snowing
  2. snows
  3. snow
  1. My father is in Greece now. He ___ at a very nice hotel.
  1. stays
  2. is staying
  3. stay
  1. Betty can’t answer the phone. She ___.
  1. is sleeping
  2. is sleep
  3. sleeps
  1. ___ your boyfriend often invite you to the cinema?
  1. Does
  2. Is
  3. Do
  1. How ___ to work?
  1. does you usually get
  2. are you usually getting
  3. do you usually get
  1. Jenny always ___ nice expensive clothes.
  1. wears
  2. is wearing
  3. wear
  1. Sam and Tim ___ tennis very often.
  1. don’t play
  2. doesn’t play
  3. are not playing
  1. What ___ on Saturdays?
  1. are you doing
  2. does you do
  3. do you do
  1. Mark and Greg always ___ home before 9 p.m.
  1. come
  2. comes
  3. are coming
  1. – Why ___?

– I’ve lost my keys.

  1. do you cry
  2. does you cry
  3. are you crying
  1. My parents ___ the house right now.
  1. is cleaning
  2. are cleaning
  3. clean
  1. Look at that man! ___ him?
  1. Does you know
  2. Do you know
  3. Are you knowing


26 листопада 2020
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