Presentation"From Everyday Acrivities to Creative Tasks"

Про матеріал
The presentation of the workshop helps a teacher to explain the ways of intergrating creativity into everyday classroom exercises. It shows how a teacher can improve pronunciation, practise vocabulary, develop communicative skills of the studentsthrough different creative tasks such as using tongue twisters, speaking about yourself according to te given plan, playing dice game, using cross sense technology.
Зміст слайдів
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From Everyday Activities to Creative Tasks

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-to give tips on intergrating creativity into everyday classroom practice, typical learning activities and exercises working with the language system. Aim:

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Creativity is not for special days and not for a select few. It is for presenting and practising vocabulary, presenting and practising grammar, improving pronunciation, developing speaking, writing, listening and reading. Small changes introduced step-by-step at different levels of teaching can gradually lead to a richer and more motivational, more creative learning environment for the learners and a more fulfilling, more rewarding teaching experience for the teachers. You will see how can the idea be used in different ways.

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Improving pronunciation

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TONGUE TWISTER 1. a repetition activity2. playful3. a warm-up activity   

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Tricky Tristan tracked a trail of tiny turtles. How many tiny turtles did Tricky Tristan track?Tricky Tristan tracked twenty-two tiny turtles;That’s how many tiny turtles tricky Tristan tracked.

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While we were walking,We were watching. Window washers wash. Washington’s windows. With warm washing water.

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Blue eyes are nice. They shine in sunrise. Blue eyes are nice. Show me them twice. by Olha Nychyporuk, 10-B form

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Fireflies are flying around the fire. Fireflies are there to admire. How will the fire rise higherif fireflies expire? by Tetiana Nikitiuk, 10-B form

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Developing speaking

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1. Students talk about themselves. They are asked to share facts about themselves, their feelings, ideas, opinions, etc. 2. Students talk as someone else. They act and speak in a role. They receive some information about a situation, a problem, the character they are, etc. and they pretend to be that person in the given situation.3. Students talk about someone or something else. They talk about a situation/story they are not part of. Three Categories of Speaking Activities 

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SPEAK ABOUT YOURSELF1. Your 1st name.2. 4 adjectives3. Mother of/daughter of/father of/son of/ teacher of4. Who loves (3 things)5. Who is proud of (3 things)6. Who fears (3 things)7. Who would like to visit (3 things)8. Resident of9. Your surname

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Practising vocabulary

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Teaching vocabulary, we help our students to connect the form of a word with its meaning. Students can get to the meaning if they see or hear the word and they have the meaning in mind when they say it or write it. When we present vocabulary, we provide the form, spoken and/or written, and give some guide to the meaning through a context, images, objects, mime, sounds and verbal clues or by creating a situation in which the meaning is clarified. It is often called creativity, as the teachers try to find ways to clarify meaning without using the mother tongue, but the students can do some more creative work.

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1 – give the definition (explain what it is)2 – draw the word3 – write a sentence4 – Does it have an opposite/a synonym?5 – What is the word in your language?6 – pick another word that starts with the same letter. Dice Game

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Cross Sense Technology

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Cross sense is a modern technology for learning with the help of visualization. It is a puzzle of the new generation which combines some intellectual tasks, the aim of which is to create the chain of associations with the help of pictures (and not only). The central card/picture #5 –is the topic of “cross sense”.

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Scheme #1 - 1-2; 2-3; 3-6; 6-9; 9-8; 8-7; 7-4; 4-5. Scheme #2 - 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 5. Scheme #3 - 1-2; 2-3; 3-6; 6-9; 9-8; 8-7; 7-4; 4-1 + (5-2, 5-6, 5-8, 5-4) 

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Doing these tasks students have a chance to share their own experience and to use their imagination. It is an example of more creative alternatives to typical, everyday classroom exercises and procedures.

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3 липня 2019
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