Презентація " At the hospital for the 3rd form"

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Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

At the hospital

Номер слайду 2

Sing a song.

Номер слайду 3

Put the missing letters into the words and spell the names. Hospit…l, co…gh, e…rache, toot…ache, stomache-a…he, head…che, …old, do…tor, nu..se.

Номер слайду 4

Put the verbs into the PAST SIMPLE TENSEto be- to wash-to go- to watch-to wake up- to look-to have- to land-to give- to visit-to feel- to jump-to say- to shout-to ride- to play-to eat- to climb-

Номер слайду 5

Learn new words Go right-ідіть прямо. I’ll see- побачимосяlet’s go in quietly- давай зайдемо тихо. I got a text message- Я отримав повідомлення. Someone played a trick on us- Хтось жартує з нами. Leave us alone- Залиште нас самих. I want – Я хочу. The book is ours- Книга наша. We found- Ми знайшлиneed an injection- потрібна ін’єкція. Just lie down on the bed- Тільки ляжте на ліжко. We have to go now- Нам потрібно йти. Hope you get better soon!- Сподіваюсь, тобі стане краще

Номер слайду 6

Watch the video

Номер слайду 7

Номер слайду 8

Номер слайду 9

Номер слайду 10

Номер слайду 11

Check out. Ex.1, p.66(AB)2. They went to room 209.3. They found Horax, not Ben’s grandfather.4. It was a trick.5. Horax shouted ‘’I want the book, and I want the letter’’.6. At the moment, the doctor came in.7. Ben and Lucy said goodbye and went out of the room. Ex.2, p.66(AB)2 . F 3. T4. F5. T Ex.3,p.66(AB)2, 3, 1 Ex.1, p.67(AB)1. Are you all right? 2. Leave me alone!Ex.2, p.67(AB)t: jumped, lookedd: played, smiled, listenedid: landed, shouted, wanted

17 лютого 2021
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