Презентація "Autumn festivals in USA" стане яскравим доповненням до уроку, на якому вивчається тема традиційних свят у Великій Британії та Сполучених Штатах Америки.
Autumn festivals. English teacher. Hanna Kovalenko. School 4
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Vocabulary to honor – шанувати carpenter – столяр vital force – життєва сила Armistice Day – День перемир’я tomb – надгробний пам'ятник holy evening – святий вечір wreaths – вінки horns of plenty – роги достатку
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Labor day is a national holiday that is always on the first Monday in. September. It is a day that honors working people.
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The story of Labor day began in the 19-th century with a dream of a carpenter named Mc. Guire. The first Labor parade was held in New York in 1882.
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Columbus Day is a legal holidaythat honors Christopher Columbus’first voyage of America in 1492. The traditional date for this holidayis October 12. Americans now celebrate thisday on the second Monday in October.
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It is also a day to recognize the strong tiesof friendship between the two countries: Italy and the United States.
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Veterans’ Day, like Memorial Day, is a solemnoccasion honoring men and women who have served in the armed forces and particularly those who fought during the Spanish-American War, World Wars, I and II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.
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Halloween is a festival celebrated on October 31-th. The name of the holiday means hallowed or holy evening because it happens the day before All Saints Day.
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Most American children have a wonderful, exciting day on Halloween.
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On this day, children wear costumes and masks.
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But not only children wear costumes and masks.
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In the United States, the fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day. Americans give thanks for the blessings they haveenjoyed during the year.
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It is usually a family day, celebrated with big dinners and happy reunions. Even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative.
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The first American Thanksgiving was held in Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1621.
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Thanksgiving turkey is much like the ones that were hunted in the forests around Plymouth.