Презентація "Біографія і творчість Вільяма Шекспіра"

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Мета створення презентації- знайомство учнів 8 класу з біографією та творчістю видатного англійського письменника Вільяма Шекспіра під час вивчення теми "Література. Англійські письменники".
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

The Biography & Creativity of the English national poet and writer – Bard of Avon, William Shake-spear /1564 -1616/ April 23, the date of birth &death. Semenenko T. A.22.10.20.

Номер слайду 2

The plan of the presentation.1. The parents and young years of William Shake-spear.2. The years of struggle and creative work.3. The destiny of William`s family.4. The theatre in the times of Shake-spear.5. The heredity of the great man.6. The attitude to William Shake-spear.7. The grave of William Shake-spear.8. The glory of a great playwright.

Номер слайду 3

Father – John Shake-spear, a glover and a local policeman. Mother – a daughter of a gentleman of the honorable family. Education – 11 years of a free grammar school. Marriage & Family Life – William marries (he is 18). His wife(Anna Hathaway is 26). At the age of 21, William is a father of 3 children, daughter Susanna, twins Hamnet and Judith /1585/. The parents & young years of William shake-spear.

Номер слайду 4

The years of struggle & Creative Work 1586 – William Shake-spear seeks a fortune in London. He leaves Stratford in the hope of making money. He manages to join the theatre and work there as an actor.1593 – the first poem “Venus and Adonis”.1594 – the purchase a share in the acting company Men.1595 – the first tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”.1596 – the death of William`s son (Hamnet).1597 – Shake-spear purchases New Place, one of the two largest houses in Stratford. He helps his parents.1599 – William and 6 associates are owners of the outdoor theatre “Globe”. King James I supports the theatre, the company becomes King`s Men. (The actors entertain the king at the court).1607 –William`s daughter Susanna marries. (At the age of 24).

Номер слайду 5

The years of struggle &creative work.1608 – the death of Shake-spear`s mother.1609 – Thomas Thorpe publishes “Shake-spear`s Sonnets” (154 sonnets written in his youth).1610 – Shake-spear buys the biggest house in Stratford where he lives as a country gentleman. /Up to now the house of Shake-spear is shown in Stratford-on-Avon and many tourists come to see it every year/.1612 – “A Funeral Elegy”./The poem was found in 1983 at the University of California/.1616 – February,19,Shake-spear`s daughter Judith gets married; April,23, the national poet and writer dies at the age of 52. /He was buried inside the Stratford church and a monument was erected to his memory/.1741 – In 125 years, another monument was erected in the Westminster Abbey.

Номер слайду 6

The destiny of William`s family.1624 – the year of the death of Anna Hathaway (the wife of William Shake-spear)./ She survived her husband 8 years/. His favorite daughter Suzanna, gave birth to only one child, Elizabeth, who was married twice but childless in 1670. She was Shake-spear`s last direct descendant. Judith had three sons, all of whom died in childhood.

Номер слайду 7

The theatre in the times of shake-spear. A high round building without any roof except over the stage. People sit and stand around the stage right under the sky. In winter the theatres are always closed. The plays take place in the day-time, between 1 or 3 o`clock in the afternoon. There isn`t any scenery. The public is informed about the place where the play is going on by a paper that people can easily read. For example: field, seashore, wood and so on. There aren`t any actresses, women are not allowed to work in the theatres. A boy plays the part of a woman.

Номер слайду 8

The heredity of the great man. 1590 -1613 - the years of writing 37 plays and 154 sonnets. The most famous plays – 4 great tragedies – “Othello”, “Macbeth”, “Hamlet”, “King Lear”. Eight historical plays are about English kings, including Richard II, Henry V and Richard III. Other historical plays deals with Roman history, includes Julius Caesar and Anthony and Cleopatra. Among comedies are such as “A Midsummer Night`s Dream” and “Twelfth Night”, “Two Gentlemen of Verona”.

Номер слайду 9

The attitude to William shake-spear Various ages have found various things in Shake-spear. 1. The Romantics admitted his freedom. 2. The 19-th century admired his delicate psychological insight of his characterization. 3. All ages have admired command of language. 4. He is presented by modern critics as deeply concerned with the moral basic of life. “Nature”, “right”, “order”, “truth”, the key concepts, created and tested in the conflicts with form of the plays.

Номер слайду 10

The grave of William shake-spear A verse on the grave stone. Good friend for Jesus sake forbear To dig the dust enclosed here: Blest be the man that spares these stones And curst be he that moves my bones.

Номер слайду 11

“The Glory of a great Playwright”. Shake-spear`s plays – the great issue of life – love, hate, jealousy, power, ambition, death and so on. They have been translated into several different languages, many of them have been made into films, both in English and other languages. His plays are relevant today, that`s why modern directors sometimes do the plays in modern dress and one of them has been turned into a modern musical. His romantic tragedy, “Romeo and Juliet”, became the basis for the musical West Side Story. I am sure you have seen some of them. If not, you should see them when are on. You will enjoy them very much.

22 жовтня 2020
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