Smart junior 2 My favourite food. Підготувала : Богданова Юлія Олександрівна
Say and pointmeatcerealbananassaladbeansricebreadfruitmilkchipsfishpastacheesesandwichtomatosoupdoughnutcabbagebeetrootsour creamchicken
Grammar. I like rice. Do you like chips?Yes, I do./No, I don’t. I don’t like chips.don’t = do notsandwichtomatosandwichestomatoesrrrrr
Look and say, then write 4 sentences in your copybooks: I like… and I don’t like…I like pasta. I don’t like bananas.
Have fun
Listen and point to the food the girl likes
Listen , point and read. Do you likeapples?No, I don’t like apples. I like burgers andchips.
Sing the songr
Look , read, then say about you and ask your friend. Meg I like chips. Do you like chips?Jack No, I don’t. I don’t like chips.
Our lesson is overgoodbye
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