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Презентація до позакласного заходу “Shakespeare’s party”, який присвячений творчості Вільяма Шекспіра, допоможе педагогам при підготовці до проведення Шекспірівських днів у школі.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

William Shakespeare 1564-1616 This year we commemorate the 408th  anniversary  of  William Shakespeare’s death.

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William Shakespeare Early years Was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-Upon-Avon, England His father, John Shakespeare, owned a shop as a glove maker and also held several government positions, including Mayor of Stratford. His mother’s name was Mary Arden. He was the 3rd child of 8 children He received excellent education with heavy focus on grammar and literature at the King’s New School

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William Shakespeare Marriage and Family Married at age 18 to Anne Hathaway (she was 26) 1st child was a daughter, Susanna -born in 1583 Twins, Hamnet and Judith, born in 1585 Hamnet died at age 11

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William Shakespeare “Lost Years” The period between 1585 and 1592 is known as the “Lost Years” because there are no documentary records of Shakespeare’s activities

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William Shakespeare Later Years Moved to London around 1591 and became an actor Worked with the Lord Chamberlin’s company of players, later known as the King’s Men

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William Shakespeare Later Years Returned to Stratford around 1610 where he lived as a country gentleman Wealthy - owned one of the largest homes in town

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Shakespeare died in 1616 at the age of 52 in Stratford. He was buried in Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon. William Shakespeare

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William Shakespeare Works of Literature Along with acting, he also wrote some of the most renowned and studied literature written in the English language Wrote 154 sonnets Wrote 37 plays - comedies, tragedies, and historical dramas The first collected edition of Shakespeare’s plays was published in 1623.

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William Shakespeare Comedies All’s Well that Ends Well As You Like It Comedy of Errors Measure for Measure Midsummer Night’s Dream Taming of the Shrew Much Ado About Nothing Twelfth Night Merchant of Venice

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William Shakespeare Tragedies Julius Caesar Hamlet Macbeth Othello Romeo and Juliet King Lear

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William Shakespeare Historical dramas King Henry V King John Richard II Richard III

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William Shakespeare Works of Literature He had an amazing influence on our English language

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Elizabethan Age Shakespeare lived and wrote during what is known as the English Renaissance, which lasted from about 1485 through the 1660s Period is also known as Elizabethan Age, named after Queen Elizabeth who ruled England from 1558-1603

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Globe Theatre Shakespeare and the Lord Chamberlain’s Men performed at Burbage’s theatre until 1599, when they built their own playhouse, the Globe Shakespeare referred to the Globe as “this wooden O,” a term that led scholars to believe it was a circular building

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A white flag indicates that there is a play today.

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Plays were performed during the day. .

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The wealthy sat in the upper decks.

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Young men dressed up to play the female roles.

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Globe Theatre Attending Shakespeare’s theatre was quite different from attending theatre today, which is thought of as very quiet and austere In Elizabethan England it was a noisy, popular gathering place for people of all ages and from all walks of life

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Globe Theatre Drinking and eating were permitted in the pit, which often became very noisy If a spectator did not like a particular character or scene, he or she would feel free to hiss or boo of throw anything he or she might have on hand

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Globe Theatre The original theatre was destroyed by a fire in 1613 It was rebuilt in 1614, closed in 1642, and demolished in 1644 A modern reconstruction of the original Globe, named “Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre” opened in 1997

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Globe Theatre Today, audiences of this “wooden O” can sit in the gallery or stand as informally as a groundling…

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Globe Theatre …just as they would have done 400 years ago!

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Match the beginnings with the endings of some Shakespeare's plays and translate them into Ukrainian The beginnings: -A Midsummer -Anthony and -The Taming -The Comedy -Hamlet -The Merry Wives -Julius -Twelfth The endings: -Caesar -Of Windsor -Prince of Denmark -Of the Shrew - Night -Night's Dream -Cleopatra -Of Errors

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-"A Midsummer night's Dream" - "Сон в літню ніч" -"Anthony and Cleopatra" - "Антоній і Клеопатра" -"The Comedy of Errors", - "Комедія помилок" -"The Taming of the Shrew", -"Приборкання норовливої" -"Hamlet, Prince of Denmark", -"Гамлет, Принц Датський" -"The Merry Wives of Windsor", -"Віндзорські пустунки" -"Julius Caesar", -"Юлій Цезар" -"Twelfth Night" - "Дванадцята ніч"

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Comedies 'A Midsummer night's Dream' ' The Comedy of Errors' ' The Taming of the Shrew' ' The Merry Wives of Windsor' 'As You Like It' 'Twelfth Night‘  Tragedies 'Anthony and Cleopatra' ' Hamlet' ' Julius Caesar' 'Romeo and Juliet' 'The Merchant of Venice' 'Othello' 'King Lear' 'Macbeth'

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Captain’s competition

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Match quotations from Shakespeare’s works with their translation 1. All's well that ends well. 2. All that glitters is not gold. 3. Much ado about nothing. 4. To be or not to be, that is the question. 5. Delays have dangerous ends. 6. Brevity is the soul of wit. 7. The beginning of the end. 8. Life is not all cakes and ale. 9. To win golden opinions. 10. All the world's a stage, all the men and women are merely players. A. Багато галасу даремно. B. Усе добре, що добре закінчується. C. Життя наше - гра, а люди в ньому актори. D. Початок кінця. E.Не все то золото, що блистить. F. Стислість - сестра таланту. G. Заслужити сприятливу думку. H.Бути чи не бути - ось питання. I. Зволікання до смерті подібне. J. Життя прожити - не поле перейти.

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1. All's well that ends well. - Усе добре, що добре закінчується. 2. All that glitters is not gold. - Не все то золото, що блистить. 3. Much ado about nothing. - Багато галасу даремно. 4. To be or not to be, that is the question. - Бути чи не бути - ось питання. 5. Delays have dangerous ends. - Зволікання до смерті подібне. 6. Brevity is the soul of wit. - Стислість - сестра таланту. 7. The beginning of the end. - Початок кінця. 8. Life is not all cakes and ale. - Життя прожити - не поле перейти. 9. To win golden opinions. - Заслужити сприятливу думку. 10. All the world's a stage, all the men and women are merely players. – Життя наше - гра, а люди в ньому актори.

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" The National Bard", "The Immortal Poet of Nature", "The Swan of Avon", "The Great Unknown"

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