Презентація до теми "​Painting"в 10 класі.

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The aims of the Project are: 1. To collect information about Ukrainian and Russian artists. 2. To find out the cultural interaction of Ukrainian and Russian painters. 3. To develop pupils' imagination, creative abilities, communicative skills through describing pictures. 4. To encourage pupils' understanding beauty and national value of Ukrainian painting.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Номер слайду 2

“ART IS LONG AND LIFE IS SHORT” The aims of the Project are: 1. To collect information about Ukrainian and Russian artists. 2. To find out the cultural inter -action of Ukrainian and Russian painters. 3. To develop pupils’ imagination, creative abilities, communicative skills through describing pictures. 4. To encourage pupils’ under -standing beauty and national value of Ukrainian painting. The outline of the Project: 1. The role of great Russian artist Karl Briullov in Taras Shev -chenko’s creative life. 2.The influence of Ukrainian history on Illia Repin’s creations. 3. The cultural connection of Russian marine painter Ivan Aivazovsky with Ukraine. 4. A valuable heritage of Ukrainian artist Kateryna Bilokur.

Номер слайду 3

The role of great Russian artist Karl Briullov in Taras Shev -chenko’s creative life. Self-portrait of Taras Shevchenko, 1840. In the same year Shevchenko was accepted as a student into the Academy of Arts i the workshop of Karl Briullov.

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Briullov depicted a sudden eruption of Vesuvius which had happened early in the morning in 79 AD and the town had been covered with 7 meters of ashes for 18 centuries.“The Last Day of Pompeii”

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Shevchenko was a serf. A prominent Russian artist Briullov, Shevchenko’s teacher, painted a portrait of a famous Russian poet Vasiliy Zhukovsky. The portrait was bought by Tsarivna because V. Zhukovsky was the teacher of her children. She paid 2.500 rubles for the portrait. This sum of money was used to buy Shevchenko out of serfdom.

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In his childhood Shevchenko took a great interest in drawing. He graduated from St. Petersburg Academy of Arts and became an artist. He painted a lot of pictures and 150 portraits.

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Portrait painting was the leading genre in Shevchenko’s work as an artist. He often visited Hermitage and copied the most outstanding works of Rembrandt. The contemporaries called Taras “Ukrainian Rembrandt”.

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Women’s portraits take a special place in Shevchenko’s painting.

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“A picture is a poem without words” / Horace /

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“A picture is a poem without words” / Horace /

Номер слайду 12

The influence of Ukrainian history on Illia Repin’s creations 1844*1930 Repin was born in Ukraine. The artist was a blood brother to Cossacks because he was interested in their heroic deeds. He came to Zaporizhzhia, Kyiv, Odesa to know more about Cossacks. As a result of his research Repin created his masterpiece “Zaporizhzhian Cossacks Write a Letter to the Turkish Sultan”

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In 1676 the Turkish Sultan called Cossacks for obedience in his letter. But their answer was full of humor and jeer. There was nobody in the whole world who felt freedom, equality and fraternity as deeply as Zaporizhzhian Cossacks.

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The cultural connection of Russian marine painter Ivan Aivazovsky with Ukraine (1817-1900) I.Aivazovsky is a great marine (seascape) painter. He painted calm radiant sea and shaped its magnificence in storm. This canvas is a hymn to human courage against Natural force and ode to the beauty of Nature. The artist reflected the sea in motion, represented the rolling waves and their transparency. His sea is magnificent and breathing.

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“The Ninth Wave”

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Aivazovsky built a large exhibition hall in his native town Feodosia in the Crimea. There is a museum now.

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Номер слайду 20

A valuable heritage of a prominent Ukrainian artist Kateryna Bilokur (1900-1961). She didn’t have any education and had to study by herself. Kateryna had lived her life in pain and poverty. She didn’t have any family and children. The grave illness tortured her.

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Bilokur’s woks are exhibited in museums in Ukraine and abroad, a picture gallery bearing her name was open in Yahotyn, a street was named after her in Kyiv.

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K. Bilokur called flowers "the eyes of the Earth, the soul of the Earth", "my children”.

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The painter admired the patterns on household utensils, Ukrainian clothes, towels, flowers. Great fame came after her death. The Bilokur Prize Fund was founded for praising the most talented artists.

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Resources: www.day.kiev.ua/158810/ ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Брюллов,_Карл_Павлович uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Рєпін_Ілля uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Іван Айвазовськи www.everyday.com.ua/arts/bilokur/gallery. С веком наравне. Рассказы в картинках.- Москва,1989. O.Bobrova. Taras Shevchenko – “Ukrainian Rembrandt”./ English.-2005.-№29-30. V. Koryshko. Sounds, colours, words./English.-2003.-№29-32. G. Vovk. Ukrainian painting./ English.-2005.-№9.

11 лютого 2018
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