Презентація до уроку англійської мови "Keep in touch"

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Презентація до уроку англійської мови "Keep in touch" за підручником А. Несвіт з теми "Science Magic"
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Form 9th. Unit 4 . “Science Magic” Lesson 2 .by Olga Osolodkova

Номер слайду 2

Listen and say what is the theme of the lesson:

Номер слайду 3

Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions. Ex.1, p. 97-98. Do you enjoy talking on the phone? How many calls a day do you make (no more than two, three to five, more than five)?• Do you have a mobile phone? What is the best thing about a mobile phone? What is the worst thing about it?• Are most of your calls for business or for pleasure?• Do you have an answering machine? Do you ever screen calls (listen to the machine before answering)?

Номер слайду 4

Example: A: Do you enjoy talking on the telephone?B: Not much. I make very few telephone calls a day. I’d rather write to people or see them. How about you?A: I love talking on the phone, especially a mobile phone. I think of a phone call as a visit.

Номер слайду 5

Reading Lab. Ex. 2, p. 98. The article you are going to read mentions several different inventions. Look through the article quickly (Ex. 3) find them and make a list. Say whatyou know about them.

Номер слайду 6

Reading Lab. Inventions. Check your answers:a mobile phonea cordless phonea camera. MP3 playerthe telegraphradioa computer

Номер слайду 7

Reading Lab. Ex. 3, p. 98-99. You are going to read an article about mobile phones. Choose the most suitable heading from the list (A–F) for each part of the article (1–4). There is one extra heading which you don’t need to use. There is the example (0) at the beginning. Check your answers:1 F Why do we need it?2 A How does it vary?3 D How has it changed the world?4 B What idea(s) and inventions had to be developed before it could be created?

Номер слайду 8

Vocabulary file. Ex. 4, p.99.• to credit to somebody - кредитувати когось • portable - портативний• a receiver - приймач• a configuration - конфігурація• a display - дісплей• a flip - фліп• a keypad - клавіатура

Номер слайду 9

Vocabulary file:• tiny - крихітний• a digital organizer - цифровий органайзер• to browse - переглядати• the advent - поява• an extension - розширення• a device - пристрій• a building block - будівельний блок

Номер слайду 10

Find a word or phrase in the article that has a similar meaning to each ofthese words and phrases. Ex. 5, p. 99.1. A mobile phone – ..... . 5. To design – ..... .2. A form – ..... . 6. To have – ..... .3. A screen – ..... . 7. To look through – ..... .4. To speak to – ..... . 8. A machine – ..... .

Номер слайду 11

Check your answers. Read the sentences with them. 1. A mobile phone – cell phone 5. To design – to invent2. A form – configuration 6. To have – to own3. A screen – display 7. To look through – to show 4. To speak to – communicate 8. A machine – a device

Номер слайду 12

Post-reading task. Do the test. Ex. 6, p. 100.1. The invention of a mobile phone is credited to Dr Martin Cooper at ..... .a) Nokia b) Motorola c) LG2. A mobile phone allows you more range and allows you to communicate much further from virtually anywhere ..... .a) in the place where you live b) in the country you live in c) in the city, country, or world3. New fashions, new technology, more features, cheaper cost, better performance keep the market place filled with ..... .a) plenty of choices b) poor choices c) very expensive models4. The mobile phone ..... the world since its introduction in 1973.a) hasn’t radically changed b) has radically changed c) is trying to radically change5. The mobile phone is just ..... . a) the first step in the development of modern technologyb) a new invention c) the next extension of the previously developed technology6. The mobile phone was developed from ..... .a) a computer b) a telephone and a radio c) a telephone and a computer

Номер слайду 13

Post-reading task. Check your answers1. The invention of a mobile phone is credited to Dr Martin Cooper at ..... .a) Nokia b) Motorola c) LG2. A mobile phone allows you more range and allows you to communicate much further from virtually anywhere ..... .a) in the place where you live b) in the country you live in c) in the city, country, or world3. New fashions, new technology, more features, cheaper cost, better performance keep the market place filled with ..... .a) plenty of choices b) poor choices c) very expensive models4. The mobile phone ..... the world since its introduction in 1973.a) hasn’t radically changed b) has radically changed c) is trying to radically change5. The mobile phone is just ..... . a) the first step in the development of modern technologyb) a new invention c) the next extension of the previously developed technology6. The mobile phone was developed from ..... .a) a computer b) a telephone and a radio c) a telephone and a computer

Номер слайду 14

Conversation Lab. Talking over the telephone: Hello!/Hi! This is … speaking. Is Mary in?May I speak to…, please?I was wondering if you could help me?Please tell him/her I called. Sorry. I must have called the wrong number. Good talking to you. Could you please give me a ring…?Can I take/leave a message for…?I’ll give you a ring in a week.

Номер слайду 15

Work in pairs. Read and complete the telephone conversations. Usethe necessary words and phrases from the box on p. 100. Ex. 7, p. 101. Act them out. Betsy: (1) ..... !Ann: Hi, is Betsy (2) .....?Betsy: Speaking. Ann: Oh, right, hi! My (3) .....’s Ann. I’m a friend of Jane. My elder brother, Jane and I go to the (4) ..... to learn English. Betsy: Oh, OK. She (5) ..... me about you. How are you?Ann: Fine, thanks. Betsy: And how’s Jane?Ann: Oh great. She told me to (6) ..... hello. Anyway, I was wondering (7) ..... . Betsy: I’ll try.

Номер слайду 16

Home assignment: Tell about the role of the mobile phone in your life. Thanks for your work!See you on Friday!

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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
2 лютого 2022
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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