Урок "Визначні місця Великобританії"

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Розробка уроку "Визначні місця Великобританії" для 9 класу. Метою уроку є мотивувати учнів до групової роботи, готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати різні типи пам'яті, формувати навички уживання нових лексичних одиниць та граматичних явищ. Виховувати вміння концентруватися, слухати інших. Підвищити в учнів інтерес до вивчення англійської мови, а також збільшити обсяг знань про лінгвістичну специфіку мови країни, що вивчається.
Перегляд файлу

Дата: 04.02     Учитель: Літвінова О.В.

Клас: 9В

Тема: Визначні місця Великобританії

Мета: називати символи Великобританії, ознайомити  з цікавими фактами про Великобританію та визначними місцями Лондона, вміти відповідно реагувати в заданій ситуації , використовуючи знання з граматики пройденої теми.

Обладнання: телевізор, ноутбук, презентація про визначні місця Лондона, відео Window on Britain Part 1, картинки із зображенням символів Британії, картки із завданнями



I Introduction


Good morning. Tell me, how are you? Who chooses the first, second, third smile?

So, if you are OK, let’s start our lesson.

2.Check-in homework

At the previous lesson we were talking about symbols of the UK. Your home task was to learn them. Let’s check how well you know them.

On the desk you can see pictures of the symbols. Match them and the names of the countries which you can see on the board.

England – St.George, red rose, lion

Wales – St.David, daffodil, red dragon

Northern Ireland – St.Patrick, shamrock

Scotland – St.Andrew, thistle, unicorn

3.Aim and topic of the lesson

Now you have already known symbols of the UK and its countries.

Tell me, what else you would like to know about Britain?

Today we are going to learn more about Britain, some facts about this country and find out more about famous places of London.

II Main part of the lesson

1.Watch and complete (pair-work). Window on Britain Part 1

How much you know about Britain? Watch the video and complete the sentences with the numbers. You have 2 extra numbers which you don’t need to use.

42      9        75        24      2      10        12

a) Over ___ % of the land  in Britain is farmland.

b) Only ___ % of the working population are farmers.

c) Britain has ___ national parks.

d) National parks cover  ___ % of Britain.

e) Over ___ million foreign tourists come to Britain every year.


You have to match questions and answers on the pictures. If there are some words you don’t know, write them down. Because at the end of the lesson you will have to answer some questions.

1.The nickname of the British policemen – Bobbies

2.The Tower of London was – a prison

3.Name of the famous London’s bus – Double-decker

4.What is the famous taxi in London – cab

5.Nickname for the traditional English breakfast – fry-up

6.What is the capital of  Wales- Cardiff

7. What is the capital of  Northern Ireland –Belfast

8.The brolly is an – umbrella

9The currency of Britain - pound

3. Presentation (Group work)

People say, “If you didn’t see London, you didn’t see the world”

On the screen you can see the map of London. Read the information about sights of London and decide which building it is about.

4.Writing(Group work)

Read the sentences. What would you tell in such situations?

Use indirect questions and modal verbs.

1.You think it was possible to  get to Buckingham Palace by this tram.

2. You think it wasn’t good idea to ride London Eye because you are afraid of height.

3.You need to get to the Globe Theatre. Ask for direction.

4. You are sure that your friend saw the wax figure of Sherlock Holmes in Madam Tussaud’s Museum.

 5.You are sure that your friend didn’t see Buckingham Palace in Paris.

6. You think it was possible to see the wax figures in Madam Tussaud’s Museum.

7.You regret you didn’t visit London Zoo.

8.You need to get to the Hyde Park. Ask for direction.

5.Answer the questions

1.The nickname of the British policemen – Bobbies

2.The Tower of London was – a prison

3.Name of the famous London’s bus – Double-decker

4.What is the famous taxi in London – cab

5.Nickname for the traditional English breakfast – fry-up

6.What is the capital of  Wales- Cardiff

7. What is the capital of  Northern Ireland –Belfast

8.The brolly is an – umbrella

9The currency of Britain - pound

10.How many national parks are there in Britain?

III Conclusion


At home you have to find more information about Britain and make 5 questions to ask them to the classmates.


To sum up I want you to choose one of the smiles:

  • Choose this smile if you know some sights of Britain and London.
  • Choose this smile if you can name most of the sights of Britain and London, can tell some information about them and can make indirect questions or you modal verbs, but make some mistakes.
  • Choose this smile if you can name most of the sights of Britain and London, can tell some information about them and can make indirect questions or you modal verbs and do it correctly.

You were working well today. Later I will put your marks into the day books. Thank you. The lesson is over. Have a nice day.

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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Морська Л.І.)
6 лютого 2022
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