Презентація до уроку англійської мови в 7 – А класі з теми "ЗМІ" (в межах методичного вернісажу «Стан реалізації вимог нового Держстандарту в 7 класах»).

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Продовжити формування мовної здогадки та мовленнєвої реакції учнів; розвивати фонетичний та інтонаційний слух, творчі здібності учнів, слухову пам'ять, увагу, логічне та асоціативне мислення, писемне мовлення, вміння та навички читання, перекладу іншомовних структур, роботи з ПК, самостійність, пошуково-пізнавальну активність, уміння знаходити і виправляти фактичні помилки.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

GOOD DAY !1style.colorfillcolorstroke.colorfill.type

Номер слайду 2

Choose the correct answers 1. What ______is the Simpsons on? a) advert b) channel c) screen d) broadcast 2. Actor George Clooney played one of the main ___in the medical drama ER. a) participants b) viewers c) characters d) audience 3. I need the _____ to change the channel on the TV. a) remote control b) broadcast c) presenter d) camera4. There were 24 episodes in the first _________ of CSI: Miami. a) advert b) series c) screen d) audience5. Millions of ______ around the world watched the Olympic Games. a) viewers b) audience c) episodes d) participants6. I really don’t like reality ____. a) characters b) shows c) screens d) episodes7. My sister was _________ on the quiz show Who Wants to be a Millionaire? a) an audience b) a character c) a broadcast d) a participant8. We watched an interesting _____ about elephants last night. a) screen b) programme c) presenter d) viewer2

Номер слайду 3

Choose the correct answers 1. What ______is the Simpsons on? a) advert b) channel c) screen d) broadcast 2. Actor George Clooney played one of the main _______in the medical drama ER. a) participants b) viewers c) characters d) audience 3. I need the _____ to change the channel on the TV. a) remote control b) broadcast c) presenter d) camera4. There were 24 episodes in the first _________ of CSI: Miami. a) advert b) series c) screen d) audience5. Millions of ______ around the world watched the Olympic Games. a) viewers b) audience c) episodes d) participants6. I really don’t like reality ____. a) characters b) shows c) screens d) episodes7. My sister was _________ on the quiz show Who Wants to be a Millionaire? a) an audience b) a character c) a broadcast d) a participant8. We watched an interesting _____ about elephants last night. a) screen b) programme c) presenter d) viewer3

Номер слайду 4


Номер слайду 5

1. First of all it keeps people informed; we can learn a lot of information watching TV. 2. There are too many advertisements on TV. Sometimes it can encourage us to buy things we don't need at all. 3. We can choose programmes that appeal to us more, because TV provides programmes for all interests. 4. Watching TV takes almost all our free time. We just watch it, don`t concentrate, and waste time.5. Sometimes we can relax, entertain ourselves when we are tired. 5

Номер слайду 6

6. Some violent programmes and films make people cruel and rude. 7. Advertisement on TV gives us information about different products and it makes easier to choose things and to buy them. 8. When we watch TV we learn about the world, famous people and global or recent news.9. It takes a lot of time and it makes us lazy. And it's very harmful for our health, especially for eyes. 6

Номер слайду 7

7 Television is proof that people are ready to watch at anything, just would not watch at each other. Ann Landers, American publicist (1918-2002)style.colorfillcolorfill.type

Номер слайду 8

Complete the sentences. (Agree, opinion, scene, incident, about, news, look)1. In my _____there are too many reality shows on TV.2. I _________ with you.3. You _______ really pleased.4. I’ve got some amazing __________.5. Tell me ______________it.6. This was the dramatic _____________ last night.7. The ___________ happened early this morning.8

Номер слайду 9

Complete the sentences. (Agree, opinion, scene, incident, about, news, look)1. In my opinion there are too many reality shows on TV.2. I agree with you.3. You look really pleased.4. I’ve got some amazing news.5. Tell me about it.6. This was the dramatic scene last night.7. The incident happened early this morning.9

Номер слайду 10

Choose the correct answers John Hi, Kate. You________ fed up. a) feel b) do c) look. Kate Yes, I’ve got some bad ________ . a) feelings b) news c) days. John Really? Do you want to tell me _________ it? a) about b) of c) to. Kate I had an interview for a weekend job yesterday. John ______ did it go? Did you get the job? a) How b) Where c) Who. Kate You’re _____ ! The interview was terrible! a) kidding b) funny c) smiling. John What ______ ? a) happens b) was happening c) happened. Kate Everything went wrong. Anyway _______ ’s your news? a) how b) when c) what10

Номер слайду 11

Choose the correct answers John Hi, Kate. You________ fed up. a) feel b) do c) look. Kate Yes, I’ve got some bad ________ . a) feelings b) news c) days. John Really? Do you want to tell me _________ it? a) about b) of c) to. Kate I had an interview for a weekend job yesterday. John ______ did it go? Did you get the job? a) How b) Where c) Who. Kate You’re _____ ! The interview was terrible! a) kidding b) funny c) smiling. John What ______ ? a) happens b) was happening c) happened. Kate Everything went wrong. Anyway _______ ’s your news? a) how b) when c) what11

Номер слайду 12

Tom Hi, Caitlin. You look happy. Caitlin Oh, yes. I’ve got some amazing news. Tom Really? Tell me all about it. Caitlin Well, I sent a CD with my songs to the talent show on Channel 9 a month ago. Tom Yes, what happened?Caitlin Well, I had an audition yesterday. Tom You’re kidding! How did it go?Caitlin It was really good. Five other people were auditioning, too. Tom That’s good news. Caitlin Yeah. What about you? What’s your news?Tom Oh, no news, really. So, maybe see you soon on TV?Caitlin Yes, maybe! See you around. Tom Bye, Caitlin. Good luck.12

Номер слайду 13

Answers: Presenter, programme, camera, chat show, channel, audience, weather forecast, series, participants, medical drama.13

Номер слайду 14

14{2 D5 ABB26-0587-4 C30-8999-92 F81 FD0307 C}ABCDEFGHIJKLM12345678910111213 NOPQRSTUVWXY Z14151617181920212223242526 Do the sums 3 * 6=100 - 95= 50 - 31=200 : 10=18 = R 5 = E19 = S20 = Tr

Номер слайду 15

The wind is beginning. The first raindrops are falling. Its coming on to pour. The pouring is changing on swirling. The swirling is becoming quiet. The pouring is becoming quiet, too. The latest raindrops are falling down. Only the wind is blowing. The sun is shining brightly. Hug each other and clap your hands. 15

Номер слайду 16

Choose the correct answers.1. Maggie_____ her book and went to bed. a) was finishing b) finished2. Who _________ the match yesterday? Manchester United. a) was winning b) won 3. I saw you in town yesterday. You _____ at the bus stop. a) were standing b) stood4. Dad broke his arm while we ____ in Austria. a) were skiing b) skied5. How old were you when you _________ school? a) were starting b) started 6. I was trying to listen to the teacher but Martin _______ . a) was talking b) talked7. I turned off the TV because the children _________ it. a) weren’t watching b) didn’t watch16

Номер слайду 17

Choose the correct answers.1. Maggie_____ her book and went to bed. a) was finishing b) finished2. Who _________ the match yesterday? Manchester United. a) was winning b) won 3. I saw you in town yesterday. You _____ at the bus stop. a) were standing b) stood4. Dad broke his arm while we ____ in Austria. a) were skiing b) skied5. How old were you when you _________ school? a) were starting b) started 6. I was trying to listen to the teacher but Martin _______ . a) was talking b) talked7. I turned off the TV because the children _________ it. a) weren’t watching b) didn’t watch17

Номер слайду 18

HOMEWORK For brains: Multi. ROM Reading. For interests: bring different kinds of videos. (It`s up to your wish).18

Номер слайду 19

Have a nice day!24

Номер слайду 20

Past Continuous. A question word + was/were/Subject/-ing form1. Was Mum reading ?2. What was Mum reading?

Номер слайду 21

1. Where/ going/ you/ were ? Where were you going ?What was Harry reading?2. Harry /was/ What/ reading ?3. Sleeping/ Lara/ was ? 5. Playing/Gina/was/an hour ago/football?Was Lara sleeping ?4. Talking/ were/ Mum and Dad ? Were Mum and Dad talking ? Was Gina playing football an hour ago?

Номер слайду 22

Choose the correct words.1. Anna did / was doing her homework when I called.2. We are / were writing emails all yesterday afternoon.3. They wasn’t / weren’t chatting on the phone.4. Mum wasn’t / didn’t making lunch for us when we arrived early.5. He didn’t / wasn’t having a shower at 7.30.6. Why were you waking me up? I was sleeping / slept.

Номер слайду 23

1. Anna did / was doing her homework when I called.2. We are / were writing emails all yesterday afternoon.3. They wasn’t / weren’t chatting on the phone.4. Mum wasn’t / didn’t making lunch for us when we arrived early.5. He didn’t / wasn’t having a shower at 7.30.6. Why were you waking me up? I was sleeping / slept.

Номер слайду 24

Make a sentence in The Past Continuous. 1. Two o`clock/ were/ having/ lunch/ at/ they?2. Sammi/eating/8 p.m./dinner/was/at?3. Week/last/class/in/we/doing/were/what?

Номер слайду 25

1. Were they having lunch at two o`clock?2. Was Sammi eating dinner at 8 p.m.?3. What were we doing in class last week?

До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 7 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
30 квітня 2020
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