Презентація до уроку "Молодь і здоров'я. Профілактика ВІЛ", повністю співпадає з одноіменим уроком. Рекомендовано для використання на уроках з учнями 11 класу та учнів ІІ курсу ПТНЗ (Професійно-технічних навчальних закладів)
The theme: Youth and Health.AIDS and HIV Prevention Aims:
to learn how to communicate according to the topic of the lesson;
to enrich your vocabulary;
to get the additional information on the topic;
to develop your skills in listening, speaking and reading;
to bring up your senses to care about health;
to bring up your humanity as to people with HIV/AIDS
to develop and broaden your outlook.
The act of preventing something or things that people do in order to prevent something A simple living thing that is smaller than a bacterium and can enter your body and make you ill The process of providing medical care A medical condition that has a particular set of effects on your body or mind To approve of an idea or a person or organization and help them to be successful A reaction To stop something from happening One that can spread from one person to another An effect or influence A medical condition in which your body doesn’t have the normal protection against diseases Human immunodeficiency virus
A virus that can cause AIDS and is usually passed on by having sex Acquired immune deficiency syndrome A serious disease that destroys the body’s immune system (its ability to defend itself against infection) and usually causes death Match the words with the description
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Fight against AIDS Response to HIV/AIDS AIDS sufferers / patients / victims People living with HIV Drug addict IDU
Injection Drug Users We don’t say We say Nowadays we pay more and more attention to the politically-correct language. Note that:
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HOME ASSIGNMENT Your Home Assignment is to rethink everything said at the lesson and write a short essay about this problem.
And one thing more. You should think about your own recommendations how to avoid HIV / AIDS.
Nov. 10th, 2016 .