Give English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and expressions. Ризикована справа Піклуватися. Шукати. Публікувати Видавець. Розум. Заробляти на прожиття. Репортер Проти Засмучений. Фабрика. Безпечний. Удавати. В’язниця. Погоджуватися. Пароплав. Діставатися берега. Пересікати Вітати. Наважитися
Номер слайду 3
Put the destinations of Nellie’s trip into the correct order. China. The Mediterranean Sea. Italy. San Fransisco. Japan. France. The Pacific Ocean. England. New Jersey. The Red Sea. The Suez Canal. The Indian Ocean18.05.2022
Номер слайду 4
New Jersey. The Pacific Ocean. England. France. Italy. The Mediterranean Sea. The Suez Canal. The Red Sea. The Indian Ocean. China. Japan. San Fransisco. New Jersey18.05.2022
Номер слайду 5
Rearrange the sentences according to the text.{00 A15 C55-8517-42 AA-B614-E9 B94910 E393}After less than eighty days she returned home. The people expected her stories about her trip around the world. Elizabeth was given money for the trip. Elizabeth was very creative in her writing. Elizabeth Cochraine sent her letter to a newspaper. Elizabeth Cochraine started to write about poor people. Elizabeth Cochraine had an interview with the editor. Elizabeth Cochraine began to work as a reporter in New York. She was greeted by many people on her way to New Jersey. Elizabeth visited a lot of countries while she was travelling.18.05.2022
Номер слайду 6
{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}Elizabeth Cochraine sent her letter to a newspaper. Elizabeth Cochraine had an interview with the editor. Elizabeth Cochraine started to write about poor people. Elizabeth Cochraine began to work as a reporter in New York. Elizabeth was very creative in her writing. Elizabeth was given money for the trip. Elizabeth visited a lot of countries while she was travelling. The people expected her stories about her trip around the world. She was greeted by many people on her way to New Jersey. After less than eighty days she returned home.19.05.2022
Номер слайду 7
Answer the questions:1. Why did Elizabeth Cochraine write a letter to newspaper?2. Why did the editor decided to ask E. C. for the interview?3. Did Elizabeth persuade the editor to give her a job?4. What did women reporters write about at that time?5. Did Elizabeth Cochrane wtite about the same things?6. Why did she have to move to New York?7. What was the main reason for her successful carrer?8. Who did she meet in France?19.05.2022