Програма факультативу

Про матеріал
Факультатив з англійської мови "Дебати" 11 клас 1 Бесіда за круглим столом: “Are you a risky person? If you are how can it change your life? What kind of person can be risky? 2 Бесіда за круглим столом:” “What should an ideal school be like? How is your lyceum different from the ideal one Why?” 3 Бесіда за круглим столом:” Your school is going to open a new club after classes. You headmaster asks for your suggestions. What kind of club would your friends at school benefit from the most? Do they need specialists to run it or the students could do it themselves?” 4 Рольова гра: “ You are given a chance to become school president. What promises would you give to the pupils? What personal characteristics do you have to become a leader? What is your idea of a good school, class leader?” 5 Дискусія на тему: “Teaching machines will replace teachers in future.” 6 Дискусія на тему: “What is more important in life: fame and money, or goodness of character? What do you define as ”a good character”? Is it possible to have aim for moral character and for money?” 7 Бесіда за круглим столом: “What would you do on an inhabited island? How can people behave in extreme situations? What are survival steps to do for them to overcome all the difficulties? 8 Дискусія на тему: “Some people believe that the Earth is being damaged by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live.” What is your opinion? Use specific reasons to support your answer. 9 Бесіда на тему: “Having moved to another country some people decide to follow the traditions of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer?” 10 Дискусія на тему: ”There is that young people can teach older people.” 11 Дискусія на тему: “A great fortune is a great slavery.” Do you believe people are always happy having much money? 12 Дискусія на тему: “People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress?” Проведення рольової гри „ Я – сучасний психолог”. 13 Бесіда за круглим столом: “Every generation of people is different in important ways. How is your generation different from your parents’ one? Give examples to support your answer. 14 Дискусія на тему: “Family life is less important than a career.” 15 Рольова гра: “You are a prosperous businessman. You have received some land to use as you wish. How would you use it? Create a project of your future plan.” Презентація творчих проектів. 16 Дискусія на тему: “Money doesn’t buy happiness but it helps.” 17 Дискусія на тему: “Physical punishment is a necessary element in bringing up a child.” 18 Розігрування життєвих ситуацій у ролях. 19 Бесіда за круглим столом: “ Discuss the changes you"
Перегляд файлу

Навчальна программа факультативу з англійської мови “Дебати“

для учнів класу іноземних мов


Програма факультативу розрахована для роботи з учнями 10-11 класів із поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов і віповідає вимогам програми для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів «Іноземні мови. Програми для профільного навчання 10-11 класи». Навчальна програма створена за принципом комунікативної спрямованості навчання, формує в учнів навички комунікативної компетенції на основі взаємопов’язаного мовленнєвого, соціокультурного і мовного розвитку відповідно до їхніх вікових особливостей на базі реальних комунікативних ситуацій у чотирьох видах мовленнєвої діяльності. Автентичний матеріал підібрано з урахуванням рівня мовленнєвої компетенції учнів з іноземної мови. Використання Інтернет ресурсів, засобів масової інформації, робота із словниками, довідковою літературою дає змогу учням розвивати навички самостійної пошукової роботи. Опанувавши програму, учні навчаться дискутувати з різних проблем, відстоюючи свою думку з її чіткою аргументацією, аналізувати події життя людей, висловлювати своє ставлення до них, знаходити рішення проблем суспільства, сім’ї, школи, поглиблять знання із історії та культурної спадщини життя людей країн, мова яких вивчається.

Пояснювальна записка

Програма факультативу розрахована для роботи з учнями 10-11 класів із поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов і відповідає вимогам програми для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів «Іноземні мови. Програми для профільного навчання 10-11 класи». Заняття факультативу проводяться один раз на тиждень протягом 2-х років навчання в ліцеї, розраховані на 70 годин.

Враховуючи інтеграцію України в політичне, економічне і культурне життя Європи і всього світу, програма розрахована на формування мовних та мовленнєвих компетенцій учнів, особлива увага приділяється розвитку соціокультурної та загально навчальної компетенції. Програму створено за принципом комунікативної спрямованості навчання і  передбачає практичне опанування учнями мовленнєвих умінь на рівні, достатньому для здійснення іншомовного спілкування в чотирьох видах мовленнєвої діяльності: аудіюванні, говорінні, читанні та письмі.

Заняття факультативу проводяться іноземною мовою із опорою на вже вивчену тематику, яка відповідає вимогам програми для поглибленого вивчення іноземних мов. Запропоновані теми сприяють узагальненню та   розширенню знань, враховуючи вікові інтереси учнів. Заняття факультативу створюють можливості для  повторення, автоматизації засвоєного раніше лексико-граматичного матеріалу та збагачення мовного потенціалу старшокласників. Лексико-граматичний запас учнів поповнюється за рахунок мовних явищ, які є типовими для літературних, публіцистичних текстів. До роботи залучаються культурологічні тексти різних стилів, автентичні аудіо та відео матеріали, довідкова література, Інтернет ресурси, матеріали засобів масової інформації. Автентичний матеріал підібрано з урахуванням рівня мовленнєвої компетенції учнів з іноземної мови.

В основу формування лінгвокраїнознавчої компетенції покладено сучасну тематику, що створює сприятливі умови для знайомства з цінностями життя людей інших країн, культурних реалій, звичаїв, традицій України, англомовних країн та інших країн світу у спеціально змодельованих ситуаціях спілкування. Вивчення тем проводиться у всіх чотирьох видах комунікації - особистій, суспільній, освітній та професійній. Наявність соціокультурного компоненту зробить цей процес  ефективним, що дасть змогу виховати активну особистість, підготовлену для участі в діалозі культур.

Практичні заняття факультативу мають комунікативний характер і проводяться з використанням інтерактивних технологій у різноманітних формах: міні-лекціях, творчих майстернях, дебатах, телемостах. Учням надається можливість самостійно знаходити інформацію в англомовних джерелах, систематизувати її у вигляді колективних проектів, написання рефератів, інформаційних бюлетенів, стіннівок і презентувати її в класі перед всіма учнями для подальшого обговорення іноземною мовою.

Заняття факультативу мають виховний вплив, оскільки вчать учнів культурі спілкування, яка прийнята у сучасному цивілізованому світі, емоційно-ціннісному ставленню до світу, що їх оточує, розвивають мовні, інтелектуальні, пізнавальні здібності учнів, підвищують мотивацію до  подальшого самовдосконалення в галузі володіння мовою, розвивають уміння переносити знання і навички в нову ситуацію шляхом проблемно-пошукової діяльності.

Мета факультативу:

Поглибити та вдосконалити знання, вміння та навички учнів з англійської мови.

Завдання факультативу:

  1. Заохочувати учнів до подальшого самовдосконалення в галузі володіння мовою, поглибленню мовних знань, розвиваючи та удосконалюючи навички мовленнєвої компетенції.
  2. Розвивати комунікативні, інтелектуальні, пізнавальні здібності учнів, навички соціокультурної компетенції на базі створення реальних комунікативних ситуацій.
  3. Удосконалювати навички пошукового, оглядового читання текстів різного стилю з метою узагальнення отриманої інформації, її критичного оцінювання крізь призму головної ідеї автора в контексті конкретного комунікативного завдання.
  4. Залучити учнів до роботи з додатковою літературою, словником, довідковою літературою, мультімедійними засобами.
  5. Виховувати в учнів культуру спілкування, розвивати  вміння висловлюватись вільно та навчити толерантно вступати в дискусію з різних питань, відстоювати свою думку з її чіткою аргументацією, швидко реагувати на протилежну думку опонента, займаючи певну позицію з розглянутої проблеми.
  6. Виховувати в учнів свідомість, яскраву особистість з активною позицією в житті, повагу до батьків, один до одного, вчителів, людям старшого покоління, а також почуття гордості та любові до країни, сім’ї, школи.
  7. Розвивати в учнів уміння представляти рідну культуру, країну, стиль життя людей у процесі іншомовного культурного спілкування.

Зміст програми:

Людина та суспільство. Сім’я, дім учня. Проблеми у сучасних сім’ях. Права та обов’язки дітей, батьків. Життя бездомних дітей. Злочин та кара. Відповідальність в житті людини. Освіта. Навчання в школі. Сучасний учитель та учень. Школа моєї мрії. Робочий та вихідний день учня. Здоров’я людини. Стиль життя. Музика, її роль в житті людей. Успіх та невдача в житті людини. Мрії та реальність. Щастя очима підлітка. Справжня дружба. Переваги та недоліки популярності у житті відомих людей. Ризик у житті людей. Майбутня професія. Роль засобів масової інформації у суспільстві. Телебачення, його вплив на підлітків. Насильство у світі, війна як засіб отримання грошей та влади. Україна. Рідний край. Охорона навколишнього середовища.  Життя молоді у Великобританії, США, та інших країнах. Звички та традиції народів різних країн.

Очікувані результати:

  1. Кінцевою метою роботи факультативу є розвиток здібностей та здатності учнів користуватись іноземною мовою для досягнення комунікативних цілей.
  2. Учні повинні навчитись сприймати найголовніші моменти дискусії, критично оцінювати інформацію в автентичних текстах, статтях та звітах на сучасні теми, застосовуючи оглядове чи пошукове читання.
  3. Учні повинні навчитись висловлювати своє переконання, думку, згоду або незгоду у відповідь на отриману інформацію, вільно вступати в бесіду на знайому тему, підтримати бесіду або дискусію.

4. Учні мають навчитись навичкам керівництва процесу спілкування, прийняття рішень, вироблення довіри, спілкування й улагоджування конфліктів.

5. Учні мають навчитись розуміти сучасну адаптовану літературну прозу в    межах рівня знань 11 класу (обсяг 2250 друкованих знаків).

 6. Учні повинні навчитись використовувати додатковий матеріал для самостійної пошукової роботи ( словники, довідники,  газети, журнали).

Тематика спілкування:

1 рік навчання

  • Дискусія на тему: “ Home is where our heart is ”. How long can people feel as if being at home in a new place? What does it depend on?
  • Бесіда на тему: “ Why should people follow the principles of healthy living ?

Обговорення статті “ Health is a game of skill and a game of chance…”

(Matrix , pre-intermediate ).

  • Дискусія на тему: “ Prevention is better than cure.
  • Дискусія: „Violence on TV. Can TV make a person violent?” Презентація проектів учнів.

        Бесіда на тему: “What would be your first steps of оvercoming some difficulties in a new school? “

        Дискусія на тему: “ Is it easy to be famous? What is necessary to do to become famous?” Обговорення життя відомих людей.

  • Бесіда на тему: “Life style of people.”
  • Бесіда на тему: „ If you had an opportunity to add additional traits to your character what would you choose? Why? Which of those qualities does your friend have?”
  • Бесіда за круглим столом: „ If you were to make a list of the most outstanding Ukrainians what names would you include in it? Explain your choice.
  • Дискусія на тему: “The school system in Ukraine needs changing.”
  • Бесіда за круглим столом: What do you think of the so-called “yellow press”? What sort of press do you think is worth reading?”

     Презентація реклами улюбленого видання.

  • Дискусія на тему: ”What do you think makes an independent person? How far can independence go? Are you independent enough? How much does your outlook depend on the opinion of others?”
  • Дискусія на тему: ”Do you think you would bring up your own children differently from the way you have been brought up by your parents? ”
  • Бесіда за круглим столом: „You are going to participate in the international program for teenagers. What difficulties will you meet while adjusting to new conditions of living? What will be the most difficult for you? Why? What will you be easy to do? ”.
  • Бесіда на тему:Your friend is crazy about playing computer games and doesn’t want to go out anywhere at the weekends. Prove that playing much computer games won’t do him any good. Suggest some other ways of spending free time.”
  • Бесіда на тему: You are in charge of the work of a sport club in your school. What program will you suggest to involve the pupils of your school to be interested more in sport? Do you think it’s really important? Why?”

Презентація власних програм учнів.

  • Дискусія на тему: ” Do you think being ambitious is a good trait of   character? Why? Are you an ambitious person? Share your ambitions with your friends.”

     Будування діаграми Вена.

  • Дискусія на тему: “One must be sometimes cruel to be kind.”
  • Бесіда за круглим столом: „What day of your life will you remember for long? Why?”
  • Дискусія на тему: Pupils should take an active part in the life of the community to become better citizens.”
  • Дискусія на тему: “ What is done cannot be undone.”? Must a person use any means to achieve the aim?
  • Дискусія на тему: ” Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding.” Albert Einstein.
  • Дискусія на тему:  “The price of popularity means that you have no private life of your own.”

Презентація проектів учнів.

  • Дискусія на тему: ”Studying is impossible without cheating.”

        Групова робота: Make up a list of ways in which you can make learning English more like learning your own language.

  • Групова робота: “ What makes a good teacher of a foreign language?”

     Презентація проектів учнів.

  • Дискусія на тему:  “Classmates are more important influence than parents on a child’s success at school ”.
  • Дискусія на тему:  “ When you are having  fun you are not learning ”.

Драматизація ситуацій із шкільного життя ліцеїстів.

  • Дискусія на тему:  „Many teachers assign homework to pupils every day. Do you think daily home­work is necessary for them? Why?”
  • Дискусія на тему: “Appearances are deceitful.“ What traits of character do you value most of all in people you deal with?
  • Дискусія на тему:  "Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone when they are in trouble and find the solution of problems themselves. Others like to be with friends most of the time and rely on their help. What do you prefer? Why?”
  • Бесіда за круглим столом:  “If you could change one important thing in the town you live in what would it be? Why?”

Презентація робочих планів  учнів із пропозиціями змін у місті.

  • Дискусія на тему:  Do you think young people should succeed with out the help of their family?
  • Дискусія на тему:  “Better to be alone than in a bad company”. What is your idea of a true friend? Do you support the following: “A friend is never known till needed?”

Робота в малих групах по створенню портрета справжнього друга.

  • Бесіда за круглим столом: “It has recently been announced that a new shopping centre may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose that plan? Why? Use specific details to support your answer.”




























Факультатив з англійської мови “Дебати“

11 клас






































































Факультатив з англійської мови "Дебати"

11 клас





Бесіда за круглим столом: “Are you a risky person? If you are how can it change your life? What kind of person can be risky?



Бесіда за круглим столом:” “What should an ideal school be like? How is your lyceum different from the ideal one Why?”




Бесіда за круглим столом:” Your school is going to open a new club after classes. You headmaster asks for your suggestions. What kind of club would your friends at school benefit from the most? Do they need specialists to run it or the students could do it themselves?”




Рольова гра: “ You are given a chance to become school president. What promises would you give to the pupils? What personal characteristics do you have to become a leader? What is your idea of a good school, class leader?”



Дискусія на тему:  “Teaching machines will replace teachers in future.”



Дискусія на тему: “What is more important in life: fame and money, or goodness of character? What do you define as ”a good character”? Is it possible to have aim for moral character and for money?”




Бесіда за круглим столом: “What would you do on an inhabited island? How can people behave in extreme situations? What are survival steps to do for them to overcome all the difficulties?



Дискусія на тему: “Some people believe that the Earth is being damaged by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live.” What is your opinion? Use specific reasons to support your answer.



Бесіда на тему:  “Having moved to another country some people decide to follow the traditions of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer?



Дискусія на тему: ”There is that young people can teach older people.”



Дискусія на тему: “A great fortune is a great slavery.” Do you believe people are always happy having much money?



Дискусія на тему: “People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress?”

Проведення рольової гри „ Я – сучасний психолог”.



Бесіда за круглим столом: “Every generation of people is different in important ways. How is your generation different from your parents’ one? Give examples to support your answer.




Дискусія на тему: “Family life is less important than a career.”




Рольова гра: “You are a prosperous businessman. You have received some land to use as you wish. How would you use it? Create a project of your future plan.”

Презентація творчих проектів.



Дискусія на тему:  “Money doesn’t buy happiness but it helps.”



Дискусія на тему:  “Physical punishment is a necessary element in bringing up a child.”



Розігрування життєвих ситуацій у ролях.



Бесіда за круглим столом: “ Discuss the changes you"























2 рік навчання

  • Бесіда за круглим столом: I am а citizen of this country ”. Написання колективного твору, обговорення сучасних подій у країні. Випуск стінної газети. Проведення рольової гри “ The Journalist
  • Дискусія на тему:  “ All you need is ignorance and confidence then success is sure ”. ( Mark  Twain )
  • Дискусія на тему: “ Success makes life easier, it doesn’t make leaving easier “. ( Bruce  Springsteen )
  • Дискусія на тему: “Punishment should fit the crime “, “An eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth”,Must parents be responsible for the mistakes of their children?”

Драматизація фрагментів аудитивного тексту.

  • Дискусія на тему: “Тhere are homeless people in our country. It’s a sign of social disaster. What do you think might have happened to these people?

Презентація проектів “ My Home is my Castle “.

        Бесіда за круглим столом: “What would be your first steps of changing the society you live in if you were the Prime Minister ? “

     Проведення рольової гри.

  • Групова робота:Create a portrait of a leader as you see him to be. Explain your choice.Discuss with your partner who can be a leader in your class. Give reasons to support your answer.
  • Дискусія на тему:Success or Failure. What makes your life happier?”
  • Дискусія на тему: “ Smuggling is not a new crime. Could this evil be stopped at once? “.

Презентація творчих проектів з даної проблеми.

  • Бесіда за круглим столом: “ Rights and duties of children in the family”. Написання колективного твору “A happy family as I see it ”.
  • Дискусія на тему: “Rights and duties of parents in the family”.
  • Дискусія на тему: “A teenager’s life can often be more difficult than their parents suspect. What real problems do teenagers face today? Do you feel they need to show more respect to the old generation nowadays?”
  • Дискусія на тему: Comment on the following: “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Sir Winston Churchill.
  •  Робота в групах. „  The choices we make in our youth can greatly affect our adult lives. Speak about the decisions you have made in your live that will be important in the future. If you could would you change any of them? What should we take into account making important decisions in life?”
  • Робота в групах. “What does a phrase “web of life” mean to you? Do you think everything is connected on our planet? How? How does the surrounding world influence you? How do you influence others? ”

Створення власних сторінок життя учнів.

  • Дискусія на тему: “ Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Thomas A. Edison. What is your idea of a key to success?
  • Бесіда за круглим столом: “If you had an opportunity to open your own business. What types of people would you engage? Why? “
  • Дискусія на тему: What do you believe to be the greatest problem in today’s society? Why do you consider it to be bad? How does it affect the society? How can these problems be solved? ”

     Презентація творчих проектів по проблемам суспільства.


  • Бесіда за круглим столом: “Are you a risky person? If you are how can it change your life? What kind of person can be risky? ”
  • Бесіда за круглим столом:” “What should an ideal school be like? How is your lyceum different from the ideal one Why?”
  • Бесіда за круглим столом:” Your school is going to open a new club after classes. You headmaster asks for your suggestions. What kind of club would your friends at school benefit from the most? Do they need specialists to run it or the students could do it themselves?”

Презентація плану роботи клубу школи майбутнього.

  • Рольова гра: “ You are given a chance to become school president. What promises would you give to the pupils? What personal characteristics do you have to become a leader? What is your idea of a good school, class leader?”

Презентація директорами шкіл проектів майбутнього ліцею.

  • Дискусія на тему: “Do you think public attitude toward the teaching profession has changed? How? Why?” What do you value most of all in the teacher you like?

Створення портрету творчого учителя.

  • Дискусія на тему:  “Teaching machines will replace teachers in future.”
  • Дискусія на тему: “What is more important in life: fame and money, or goodness of character? What do you define as ”a good character”? Is it possible to have aim for moral character and for money?”
  • Бесіда за круглим столом: “What would you do on an inhabited island? How can people behave in extreme situations? What are survival steps to do for them to overcome all the difficulties?
  • Дискусія на тему: “Some people believe that the Earth is being damaged by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live.” What is your opinion? Use specific reasons to support your answer.

Презентація творчих проектів.

  • Бесіда на тему:  “Having moved to another country some people decide to follow the traditions of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer?
  • Дискусія на тему: ”There is that young people can teach older people.”
  • Дискусія на тему: “Despair is the price one pays for setting oneself an impossible aim”. Graham  Greene.
  • Дискусія на тему: “A great fortune is a great slavery.” Do you believe people are always happy having much money?
  • Дискусія на тему: “People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress?”

Проведення рольової гри „ Я – сучасний психолог”.

  • Бесіда за круглим столом: “Every generation of people is different in important ways. How is your generation different from your parents’ one? Give examples to support your answer.
  • Дискусія на тему: “Family life is less important than a career.”
  • Рольова гра: “You are a prosperous businessman. You have received some land to use as you wish. How would you use it? Create a project of your future plan.”

Презентація творчих проектів.

  • Дискусія на тему:  “Money doesn’t buy happiness but it helps.”
  • Дискусія на тему:  “Physical punishment is a necessary element in bringing up a child.”

Розігрування життєвих ситуацій у ролях.

  • Бесіда за круглим столом: “ Discuss the changes you expect to find in yourself in ’10 years’ time.”
  • Бесіда за круглим столом: Do you agree with the words: “ What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” Zig Ziglar.

Використана література

1. Virginia Evans. “Successful Writing” – Upper-intermediate, Express Publishing, 2004.

2. Diana L. Fried-Booth. “ Project work” – Oxford University Press, 2003.

        3. Yule G. and W. Gregory. “Survey interviews for interactive language learning”. ELTF 43/2, 1987.

       4. Paul Harvey, Rhodri Jones. “Britain Explored” – Longman, Pearson Education, 2002.

5. Anna Uhl Chamot. “Perspectives 2000”- Intermediate English, Heinle and Heinle Publishers under the Universal Copyright Convention and Pan-American Copyright Convention.

6. Rob Nolasco and Lois Arthur. “Conversation”- Oxford University Press, 2003.

 7. Barry Tomalin and Susan Stempleski. “Cultural Awareness”, 2000.

        8.Charles N.Quigley. “ Foundations of Democracy” - Center for Civic Education, 1998.

        9. Charles N.Quigley. ”Project Citizen”- Center for Civic Education in cooperation with the National Conference of State Legislatures, 1997.

   10. Yule G. and W. Gregory. “Survey interviews for interactive language learning”. ELTF 43/2, 1987.

  11. Martin Bygate “ Speaking” Oxford University Press, 1997.

  12. Газета Digest.

  13. Матеріали засобів масової інформації.

  14. Використання Інтернет матеріалів.

Практичне заняття факультативу на ІІ році навчання


   Тема:                    Лідерство. Відповідальність у житті людини.

                                   Leadership.  Responsibility in life of people.


Практична мета:    Розвивати навички усного монологічного та діалогічного

                            мовлення з теми «Відповідальність у житті людини»,                                                                                 розвивати навички аудіювання, читання.

Розвиваюча мета:   Розвивати пізнавальний інтерес учня, його емоційний та

інтелектуальний потенціал, логіку мислення, критичне мислення.


Виховна мета:        Виховувати почуття гідності, свідомості, правильної    поведінки в суспільстві.


Унаочнення:          Магнітофон, роздавальні картки з навчальними ситуаціями,

        картки-таблиці, тексти для додаткового читання.


                                                     Хід заняття


1. Introduction. Warm up.

Speaker: Glad to meet you today! Do you enjoy the company of people you study every day? Are you smiling and happy at school? Do you find it difficult to meet new classmates? new people in life? Does your mood change often and suddenly for no reason? Do you notice other people’s feelings? Do you keep your feelings and ideas for yourself? Are you usually calm and not worried by things? Can your friends depend on you? Is it important for you to succeed all the time? (P1 P2 P3…)

Speaker: So, as you’ve noticed from my questions, we’ll talk today about traits of character of people, their responsibilities in life, which of them you consider to be important and how to control your feelings in different situations.

2. Pair-work.

Speaker: Look through the character adjectives and discuss which of them you consider to be positive or negative qualities. Discover what type of person you are.

















Speaker: Read the situations in the cards and comment on them.

Card 1  

Suppose you see a friend shoplifting. Is it your responsibility to report the theft? What is your responsibility to help your friend?  What would you do first?

Card 2

Suppose you where asked to prepare a report for the conference, but for some reasons you couldn’t do it. What would be your responsibility before the teacher? pupils taking part in the conference? What would you do if you weren’t present at the conference?

Card 3

Suppose the monitor of your class has seriously fallen ill and will be out of school for two months. What would you do for him not to be behind the group?

Card 4

You are offered to play in the jazz band, but you won’t get a lot of money for this activity. Would you agree or would you try to find another way of earning money?

Card 5 You are going to school and see a child has got into trouble. There will be test at the first lesson. What would be your choice: to help the child in his trouble, or to be in time for classes?

3. Speaking on the topic.

 Round-table talk.


In all these situations, you have just talked about you have to carry out some responsibility. Let’s speak about definition of it all together.

Say what you feel, when you hear the word “responsibility”? You know that if you do not fulfill your responsibility you might have to take the consequences. You know, however, that if you do fulfill your responsibility you might be rewarded. How would you fill if somebody didn’t fulfill his responsibility? What would be your life like at school, at home, community? Is it important to fulfill any responsibility in the society you live in? Support your answers with examples.

So, to crown it all we may say that

       Responsibility is the duty or obligation of a person to do something or to behave in a particular way.

      Responsibility is also the duty or obligation of a person not to do something or not to behave in a particular way.



You’ll get the cards with the spheres of your activities. Discuss with your partner    what responsibility you have and how you would carry it out.

  • You are a politician;
  • You are a journalist;

             _  You are a teacher at school for invalids;

  • You are a designer;
  • You are a leader of a music group;
  • You are the headmaster of your school;
  • You are a pilot at the international plane;
  • You are a priest.



Pre-reading activity:    

You have just described some responsibilities you could fulfill in different cases in life. Express your idea on the questions:

Did you choose the responsibility freely?

Was the responsibility imposed on you?

Did you assume the responsibility without consciously thinking about doing so?

Reading activity:

Responsibilities may come from a variety of sources. The may develop as a result of our jobs, our school, the law, or our moral principles. Some responsibilities may come from only one source, others from two or more sources. Read the text about nine categories of responsibility, think which of them you fulfill rather often (seldom), regularly.

  1. UPBRINGING. People take on responsibilities as a result of the influence of their parents, family members, and others close to them, such as friends and teachers. Obligations such as helping with household chores, taking care of younger children, and obeying family rules are typical responsibilities for many young people. Families also can pass to their children religious and moral beliefs that call for the performance of certain duties.
  2. PROMISES. When we make promises to others, we are expected to fulfill them, to live up to our word. We understand from an early age that a promise should be kept. That is why very young children can be heard complaining,   but you promised! Promises may be stated explicitly or they may be implied. A promise may be a private verbal agreement, such as a pledge to help a friend, or a written legal contract such as an agreement to repay a loan.
  3. ASSIGNMENT. Whether you are going to school or working at a job, others will most likely assign certain responsibilities to you. For example, in school your teacher may assign homework or give you the responsibility to develop a computer program; in a job, your boss might assign you the responsibility or cleaning the shop or managing other employees.
  4. APPOINTMENT. In some instances, people are appointed to positions that carry certain responsibilities. For example, the president of the United States appoints people to serve as ambassadors to foreign countries; a club president might appoint a member to take minutes at a meeting. Appointments differ from assignments in that they can usually be refused without penalty.
  5. OCCUPATION. Each job carries certain respon­sibilities. For example, an auto mechanic is responsible for repairing automobiles expertly and efficiently. A police officer is responsible for enforcing the law and protecting people’s safety. A legislator is responsible for representing his or her constituents and working for the general welfare.
  6. LAW. The legal system imposes many responsibilities on us, including the obligation to attend school, serve on a jury, obey traffic laws, and pay taxes. The Constitution – the supreme law of our land – also places a number of responsibilities on members of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of our government.
  7. CUSTOM. Many responsibilities come from custom. Traditions that have been followed for a long time often become obligations. Examples include waiting in line in public places, taking turns, and observing religious holidays.
  8. CIVIC PRINCIPLES. Our society places on citizens obligations that include voting, serving on juries, serving in the armed forces in case of national emergency, and obeying the law. As citizens we are responsible for keeping informed about public issues and for monitoring the conduct of political leaders and governmental agencies, to ensure their compliance with constitutional values and principles.
  9. MORAL PRINCIPLES. Some of the strongest obligations that people feel come from their moral principles. Such principles may be based on personal values or religious beliefs. Examples include the responsibility to treat others as you would like to be treated, to avoid telling lies, to refrain from cheating, and to respect others.

After-reading activity:   


 Having read the information from the text fill in the given charts with the facts you have found out. Discuss them with a partner. Give some examples.

Intellectual Tool Chart for Deciding Among Responsibilities




  1. What are the responsibilities?



  1. What are the rewards for fulfilling them?



  1. What are the benefits of fulfilling them?



  1. What are the costs of fulfilling them?



  1. How urgent are they?



  1. What is the time required to fulfill them?



  1. What other values or interests are involved?




5. Listening.

Pre-listening activity.


Think of some examples from your school life where you fulfilled some responsibilities and felt great after that (depressed, tired, exhausted )

Listening:  Listen to the story about three friends and their behavior after the performance. Be ready to retell it from the part of Marty.


                                              The Accident

Peter, Mario, and Marty looked older than they were. The three high school seniors played in a band they called Marley's Ghost; they played well enough to get gigs at local nightclubs. Although the state’s minimum drinking age was 18, these 17-year-old students had no trouble buying drinks with their take IDs.

After a particularly energetic performance at the Ace of Clubs one Friday night, Peter, Mario, and Marty stayed at the bar drinking beer for an hour or two. As they stumbled to the van at two-thirty in the morning, Marty said. "I don't think I should drive. I've had too much to drink." But Peter replied "Come off it. You're okay. Besides, Mario and I have had just as much as you. Just take it easy on the road, and well be home before you know it."

The three young men climbed into the van, with Marty behind the wheel, Peter in the passenger seat, and Mario passed out in the back. The short drive home was never completed. Swerving to avoid an oncoming car, Marty lost control of the van and crashed into a huge oak tree by the side of the road. Fortunately, he had his seatbelt on, and merely suffered a concussion and some cuts and bruises. Mario was not so lucky. He was thrown into the back of the front seats, separating his shoulder and seriously injuring his back. With therapy, he should recover most of his prior mobility, although he can expect back pain for the rest of his life. Peter, however, will not have to deal with any pain in the future. He was thrown through the windshield into the tree, and his injuries were fatal. He died before the ambulance arrived to take the victims to die hospital.


After listening activity.


Comment on this story and say what responsibilities the boys didn’t fulfill, where their mistake was and what you would do if you were Marty. Could he change the situation? What wouldn’t happen then? (P1 P2 P3 P4 …)

6. Discussion.


Speaker: You have been nominated for a top position in your student government that will involve after-school activities each week. This position would look impressive on your college applications. You also have been offered a job in the local video shop that would be very helpful financially, but would conflict with the student government position. Discuss in groups which position you would choose and explain your choice. Report to the class about the results of your talk.


7. Summing up.


1. Write a short newspaper article or the news on the radio or television. List the events involving different responsibilities.

2. Write a short essay in your journal describing how you would make a choice as for the leader in your class.







Практичне заняття факультативу на ІІ році навчання


Тема:                      Leadership at school.  The portrait of a leader.

                                     Лідерство в школі. Портрет лідера.

Навчальна мета:   Розвивати навички аудіювання, читання, усного

монологічного мовлення, уміння працювати в парах, малих групах. Навчити висловлюватись вільно по темі.


Розвиваюча мета: Розвивати уяву учнів, критичне мислення, їхні творчі

здібності, логічне мислення.

Виховна мета:       Виховувати активну життєву позицію, прагнути бути

  прикладом для інших, вміти відповідати за свої вчинки,     повагу до людей.

Унаочнення:   Роздатковий матеріал, творчі проекти учнів, картки,           магнітофон.

                                                Хід заняття

1. Introduction. Greeting .


Today we continue our talk about responsibilities we learned at the previous lesson, and talk about leadership at school, in your class. Also we will try to create a portrait of a leader as you see him to be. I wish you good luck in our today’s work As far as I know, you are very curious pupils and like to watch TV news a lot, or  listen to them on the radio. You have prepared some information from the mass media for today and now you will share it with the classmates. Listen to each other carefully and be ready to comment on the information you hear, speaking about responsibilities of different people.

       But first, lets revise all the categories of responsibilities (the pupils enumerate: upbringing, law, assignment, appointment, promises, occupation, custom, civic principles, moral principles responsibilities).

2. Pair-work.


Discuss with your partner the last events in your school, the way they were performed, who was responsible to prepare them. Define what responsibilities the pupils had to fulfill. Say how you like those events.

3. Listening.

Pre-listening activity.


What happens, when you resume a responsibility? There are consequences to your choices. Some of the consequences may be benefits and some may be costs. It is important to recognize these benefits and costs in deciding whether to talk on the particular responsibility. Do you agree with it? Prove it with your own examples.


Listen to the story and complete the chart. Then answer the “What do you think?” question. Be prepared to share your answers with others.

What should Selina do?


Benefit or Cost



Selina, a junior at Elkwood High School, was well liked by her classmates and her teachers. Outgoing and friendly, with a sharp sense of humor, Selina got along well with most everyone. Yesterday, the assistant principal had asked Selina if she would be willing to take on the responsibility of serving as a peer mediator in the school's new violence-prevention program. Peer mediators helped to resolve disputes between students by listening to each student involved and by suggesting ways to resolve the dispute. The peer mediator cannot require the students to agree to any particular solution, but can help the students reach agreement by discussing the dispute with them. Peer mediators are not paid for their services, but they do receive a certificate of appreciation from the school, and their participation in the program can be helpful in applying to college. Peer mediators must participate in a two-week training course, which develops their abilities to listen, to defuse conflicts, and to get people to agree to proposed solutions. They must be available for at least one hour every day after school to conduct peer mediation sessions with students involved in disputes.

As Selina considered the assistant principal's request, she decided to list the consequences of taking on the responsibility, to help her decide what to do.


After listening activity.

The pupils share the results of their pair work in filling the chart and their opinion on the choice of Selina could be.

4. Interraction activity.


Go along the classroom and find a person who:


  • would never try to be responsible for any serious task in class;
  • would like to be active in after-classes activity if there weren’t so much homework every day;
  • would like to change his life style if somebody helped him with it;
  • would like to be a leader in class;
  • wouldn’t like to be a leader in class;
  • would like to organize interesting meetings with different people if the teacher gave him such a task;
  • would never be aggressive if he quarrelled with his classmates;
  • would be afraid to be the member of a student’s committee because of the costs of it.



Report to the classmates about the information you have just got. Say if you approve of your friends’ ideas. Explain why.

5. Speaking on the topic.



Comment on the following quotations. Demonstrate them with the examples from your life experience.

  • “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody”.  Bill Cosby.
  • “Good people are good because they’ve come to wisdom though failure”.

                                                                                             William Saroyan.

Round-table talk.


You have just talked about successful people, you met in life, how they overcame difficulties and found their happiness.

  •     What can you advise to a man, who often fails in something?
  •     What should any person do on the way to his aim?
  •     Must he be responsible for his actions?
  •     Must he “First think, then speak”?
  •     What must he rely upon?
  •     What traits of character must he possess to succeed?
  •     Do you know such people?


So, to sum it up let’s try to answer the question “What makes a good leader?”

6. Project work.

Group work.


What do you feel when you hear the word “leader”? What words come to your memory, when you hear this word?

So, for today you have brought many pictures, photos to create a portrait of a leader as you see him to be. Work in groups of 4 pupils and make up your projects. Don’t forget to use the words, we learn on this topic. Choose the captain of your team, the secretary, the pupil who will watch the time. Work cooperatively and be ready to answer the questions of your opponents after the presentation of the project.

Use the following phrases:

I really appreciate your idea!


A fantastic idea!

Might it be an idea to…

The first thing you have to do is…

Make sure you remember…

Be careful not to…

Mind the time

The point is that we don’t meet the dead line

By the way, don’t forget to …

It’s not really your fault

I’d rather put it down this way

Sorry, but I’m not quite clear on…

I’d go for this one because…

7. Summarizing. Evaluation.


1. Thank you for your active work. And now answer the following questions in your reflexive journals:

 - What did you do at the lesson?

 - What did you learn?

 - What questions do you still have?

2. Write the composition on one of the following topics:

 -  My idea of a key to success.

 - Can I be a leader? Why?

 - “If you can dream it, you can do it”.  (Walt Disney)

Автор: Павлюк Лариса Миколаївна, учитель англійської мови Ніжинського обласного педагогічного ліцею Чернігівської обласної ради, спеціаліст вищої категорії, учитель-методист, Відмінник освіти.

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