Презентація до уроку з англійської мови для 8 клсу з теми "Музика в моєму житті"

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Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Номер слайду 2

Music in our life

Номер слайду 3

Objectives: to revise students' vocabulary on the topic "Music" to develop learners' reading skills through the methods of interactive reading to improve student's skills for speaking and comprehension to develop learners' creative abilities

Номер слайду 4

What words do you associate with the topic “Music”?

Номер слайду 5

What words do you associate with the topic “Music”?

Номер слайду 6

Vocabulary practicedrums, classical, rap, trumpet, soul, blues, violin, reggae, bass guitar, country and western, keyboards

Номер слайду 7

Complete the sentences with one of the following words. Guitar, influence, piano, expression, enrichment, music, inner, absorb, felling, pop-group__________can be inspiring force only if it is itself inspired. Music __________us because we all have different tendencies. Each person will __________from the music the kind of felling natural to him.. As we absorb the __________of the music our inner nature grows. This growth is an _________of the psyche. Music can open new phases of our __________ of life. The way of __________of music is limitless.

Номер слайду 8


Номер слайду 9

People can't live without music. They can listen to it everywhere even in the forest, when they walk and hear birds' singing. Music can be classical and modern. Classical music is performed by symphonic orchestras, it is serious and requires good understanding. Some people, especially teenagers, think that classical music is boring and dull. But they are not right! Most people prefer modem music. There are different kinds of modern music: pop, rock, disco, rap, techno and others. Young people like pop, disco and rap. Older people prefer jazz, rock and pop. I'm fond of music and like to listen to...

Номер слайду 10

Answer the questions.1. People can live without music, can't they?2. Where can they listen to the music?3. What is classical music?4. What is modern music?5. What music do you prefer?6. What are different kinds of modern music?7. What music do the teenagers / older people prefer?

Номер слайду 11


Номер слайду 12

Max Barsky Max Barsky - a popular Ukrainian singer, who recorded many songs and clips, which a huge number of fans in Ukraine and abroad. Born on 8 March 1990, the city of Kherson, Ukraine. Your real name Nikolay Bortnik. After the man finished school, he moved to Kiev. Here he entered the Kiev Academy of pop art. His specialty was the vocals. Career In 2008 he participated in the casting of "Star Factory - 2" and the fall in the number of project participants. In 2011, Barsky first starred in the video for the song "Losing You". This video won the "Top 40 Euro. Chem". Next, Max acts in Moscow and is becoming increasingly popular. August 9, 2011 Max Barsky received a crystal microphone, and was named the best singer of the year. August 16 the same year out video for the song "Eyes - killer." Its premiere took place in the capital of Russia. In 2012 he took part in the qualifying round of the Eurovision Song Contest, but took second place. May 3, 2012 he released his album called «Z. Dance», whose songs in English

Номер слайду 13

Max Barsky

Номер слайду 14

Maria Yaremchuk Maria Yaremchuk was born March 2, 1993 in the city of. Chernivtsi, the son of People's Artist of Ukraine Nazar. Yaremchuk. In 2009 Maria graduated from high school number 4 of. Chernivtsi and entered the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Circusand Variety Arts. LO Utesov on a class pop vocal. In 2012, he became a member of the project's voice Krainaand took 4th place. In April 2012, was cast in the contest New Wave 2012, where. Mary was ranked third. In October 2012, Maria presented the song to me again, and. November 26, 2012, the premiere of the video for this song. In May 2014 in Copenhagen, Maria Yaremchuk represented. Ukraine at Eurovision 2014.

Номер слайду 15

Maria Yaremchuk

Номер слайду 16

Oleg Skripka Oleg Skripka was born in Tajikistan in a family of immigrants from Ukraine. He grew up in the Murmansk region in Russia. In 1987 he graduated from the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. In the same year it was created a group of "Screams Vidopliassova" ("BB"). In 1987, the group "BB" becomes a member of the Kiev rock club, received first prize at the Kiev rock festival "Rock Parade", released his hit "Dancing." In 1990, "Screams Vidopliassova" provides a tour of France and Switzerland, during which a large French newspaper Le Monde out material about the group. In 2000, "BB" stands in Riga, London, gives a concert at the Moscow Palace of Youth tour in Siberia. In January 2002 - a tour of Israel and Portugal, in February of the same year - a few concerts in New York in 2003 - performance in Toronto. He is translating the songs of Viktor Tsoi in the Ukrainian language. In 2007, Oleg Skripka took 2nd place in the dance project Ukrainian TV channel 1 +1 "Dancing with the Stars." The most famous song, "Spring", "share", "Dreamland".

Номер слайду 17

Oleg Skripka

Номер слайду 18

Alexander Yarmak Alexander Yarmak born in Boryspil. With 12 years began studying music, particularly rap reading. The 15-year-old began to seriously play KVN. Also involved in programming, including web programming. In summer 2011, Alexander first began to publish their tracks in social network Vkontakte, and later duplicate them on You. Tube. In December of the same year published the first clip. During 2012 Yarmak presented several successful video clips and full-length album "Yas. Yu. Tuba." In 2013, the video for the song "Heart boy" became hits leader among all Russian artists on You. Tube, and according Website "New Rap" won in the category "Video of the Year." In 2013, starred in the TV series "How hartuvavsya Style", about the life and formation of Alexander Yarmak. March 21, 2015 in social networks was introduced third album «Made in UA».

Номер слайду 19

Alexander Yarmak

Номер слайду 20

Vladimir Tkachenko Vladimir Tkachenko - the Ukrainian singer, composer. He is the winner of the International Competition "Yunist Dnipra".2005 - finalist of the project "Chance - 4", a member of "the fourteenth and Tavria Games".  In 2006 - the participant of the project "T Zirka" national selection for the PC "Eurovision 2006" finalist. 2007 - soloist "dueta Barcelona", silver medalist of the contest New Wave - 2007; As of 2007 - 2008. - Participant of the TV project "Best Song of the Year". With his new song "I hate and love," the singer performed at project "Best Song of the Year".  In 2009, Vladimir Tkachenko began work on his album, and in September in the rotation left his new song "You choose." In 2010 - to participate in the PC "Eurovision" song written «Goodbye Sadness». In September 2010, Vladimir is involved in the TV show X-Factor, and goes to the final. In mid-January, 2011. Participants of the show "Dancing with the Stars."

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Vladimir Tkachenko

Номер слайду 22

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk: music and physics.style.colorfillcolorstroke.colorfill.type

Номер слайду 23

Slava Vakarchuk is the lead vocalist of Okean Elzy, the most successful post-Soviet rockband in Ukraine. He is the son of Ivan Vakarchuk, a professor of physics at Lviv University and the former Minister of Education and Science in Ukraine. He is one of the most successful musicians in Ukraine and he has a degree intheoretical physics.

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The band "Okean Elzy", thanks to the work  which Svyatoslav Vakarchuk became known singer and composer, was founded in 1994. Sviatoslav was not only the organizer of the group, but also the author of the majority of texts and music and a constant leader "Okean Elzy". After graduation Vakarchuk  can continue studying abroad, but instead he choose a music career. Musical career

Номер слайду 25

Okean Elzy is one of the most successful and popular Ukrainian rock bands. It was formed in 1994 in Lviv, Ukraine. The band's vocalist and frontman is Svyatoslav Vakarchuk. Okean Elzy is one of the best-loved Ukrainian rock band not only in Ukraine but also in most CIS countries. In April 2007 Okean Elzy received FUZZ Magazine music awards for “Best rock act”.

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Current members. Svyatoslav Vakarchuk vocal (1994-present)Vladimir Opsenitsa guitar (2013-present)Denys Dudkobass (2004–present)Miloš Jelić piano, synthesizers (2004–present)Denys Hlinin drums (1994–present)

Номер слайду 27

Albums1998 - "Tam, de nas nema" (There, where we aren't)2000 - "Yananebibuv" (IWas. In. Heaven)2001 - "Model"2003 - "Supersymetriya" (Supersymmetry)2005 - "GLORIA"2007 - "Mira" (Measure)2010 - "Dolce Vita"2013 – "Zemlya" (Land)

Номер слайду 28

Viktor Tsoi Viktor Tsoi - rock singer, guitarist, vocalist of the band "Cinema". Born June 21, 1962 in Leningrad. In 1969 he went to school. From 1974 to 1977, Choi trained at the Art School. In 1981, Choi, together with Alexei Rybin and Oleg Valinsky form a group of "Cinema". After the spread of the album, the band recorded new songs. The Group received the title of laureate. "Cinema" creates several songs that became popular and brought even greater prominence in the biography of Victor Tsoi. Then Victor participated in the shooting of several films ("Ya-XXa", "End of holiday", "Rock", "Assa"). After the release of the album "Blood", the popularity of Choi, and with it the "Movie" instantly rose. The next album, "Cinema" in the biography of Choi became "Star Called Sun". At the same time (1989), Victor called the best actor at the Odessa film festival "Golden Duke". Choi is recording songs for a new album, but suddenly dies in a car crash. At the end of 1990, after the death of Victor, the most recent "Black Album" group.

Номер слайду 29

Viktor Tsoi

Номер слайду 30


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