Презентація "Engineering Week". “Sport and Engineering”

Про матеріал
Досліджуємо тему "Спорт та інженерія" в рамках інженерного тижня, де поєднано вивчення англійської мови з цікавим STEM-проєктом: виготовленням спінера! Учні мають змогу ознайомитися з термінологію, пов'язаною з інженерією, проєктуванням та спортом; потренувати креативність, критичне мислення та problem-solving skills. Зрозуміти, як інженерні принципи використовуються в спорті; з радістю взяти участь в aktiviteтах й відчути себе справжніми інженерами! До такої роботи з задоволенням долучаться і діти з особливими освітніми потребами.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Engineering Week“Sport and Engineering”

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the application of science and mathematics to solve problems a broad field that includes everything from designing bridges to building robotshelps us to make the world a better place. Engineering

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Engineers design new products and technologies that improve our lives. They also help to solve problems like climate change and poverty.

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“Ways in which "sport" and "engineering" are related” require creativity and problem-solving skills. Both sport and engineering use scientific principles to achieve a desired outcome. Both sport and engineering can be used to improve human performance.

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Sports equipment, such as balls, bats, and skis, are designed by engineers. Sports facilities, such as stadiums and arenas, are built by engineers. Sports medicine, which helps athletes to prevent injuries and improve performance, is a branch of engineering. Specific examples of how sport and engineering intersect.

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Engineering Week is a great opportunity for students to learn about engineering and to explore their own engineering interests. At our today’s English lesson we will be able to apply engineering principles to create a rainbow paper spinner toy https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1759287343498043/

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Materials: A piece of paper. Scissors. Glue. Colored pencils or markers. Instructions for Making А Rainbow Paper Spinner Toy. Cut the paper into 8 equal strips. Glue the ends of the strips together to form a ring. Use colored pencils or markers to decorate the spinner.

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you can consult with your parents or teachers ask them or teachers for help. The results of your work, impressions and photos can be shared in Classroom, on Facebook or Instagram, adding hashtags: #інженернийтиждень #томущоцікаво.

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Англійська мова, Презентації
24 березня
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