Презентація "Going to the cinema"

Про матеріал
Презентовано жанри фільмів, завдання для перевірки вивчених лексичних одиниць, а також вивчення нової лексики, фонетична зарядка у вигляді вірша, перераховано кількість типів фільмів, запропоновано різноманітні зразки згоди та незгоди у вигляді сталих словосполучень, для показу відношення учнів до даних типів фільмів, такі як: I like... I enjoy... I’m keen on...(бути схибленим на чомусь) I’m fond of... I love.. I hate ... I can’t bear ...(не терпіти щось) I dislike ... I can’t stand ...(ненавидіти) I don’t like А також додано текст про перші винаходи кіно та завдання після тексту.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Going to the cinema. Підготувала вчитель англійської мови. Пилипенко Ірина Леонідівна

Номер слайду 2

Spring, you are beautiful. The flowers open. The birds sing. The trees are green. The days get longer. Welcome spring!

Номер слайду 3

True or False1. The mouse is sleeping. 2. The lion is angry. 3. The lion is little. 4. The lion opens its mouth and roars. 5. The mouse runs away. 6. The lion chews a hole in the net. A western фільм про війнуa comedy наукова фантастикаa cartoon пригодницький фільмan adventure film вестернa war film мультфільмa science fiction film комедіяa feature film глядачa viewer фільм жахівa horror film художній фільм

Номер слайду 4

True or False1. The mouse is sleeping. 2. The lion is angry. 3. The lion is little. 4. The lion opens its mouth and roars. 5. The mouse runs away. 6. The lion chews a hole in the net. There are 12 different genres in film. Action. Adventure. Comedy. Crime Drama Historical Horror Musicals Science Fiction War Westerns Animated cartoon. Genre - Жанр. A genre is a type of movie. Every movie has a genre.

Номер слайду 5

True or False1. The mouse is sleeping. 2. The lion is angry. 3. The lion is little. 4. The lion opens its mouth and roars. 5. The mouse runs away. 6. The lion chews a hole in the net. Please, name it!What genre of film is it?

Номер слайду 6

True or False1. The mouse is sleeping. 2. The lion is angry. 3. The lion is little. 4. The lion opens its mouth and roars. 5. The mouse runs away. 6. The lion chews a hole in the net. What genre of film is it?

Номер слайду 7

True or False1. The mouse is sleeping. 2. The lion is angry. 3. The lion is little. 4. The lion opens its mouth and roars. 5. The mouse runs away. 6. The lion chews a hole in the net. What genre of film is it?

Номер слайду 8

True or False1. The mouse is sleeping. 2. The lion is angry. 3. The lion is little. 4. The lion opens its mouth and roars. 5. The mouse runs away. 6. The lion chews a hole in the net. What genre of film is it?

Номер слайду 9

True or False1. The mouse is sleeping. 2. The lion is angry. 3. The lion is little. 4. The lion opens its mouth and roars. 5. The mouse runs away. 6. The lion chews a hole in the net. What genre of film is it?

Номер слайду 10

True or False1. The mouse is sleeping. 2. The lion is angry. 3. The lion is little. 4. The lion opens its mouth and roars. 5. The mouse runs away. 6. The lion chews a hole in the net. What genre of film is it?

Номер слайду 11

True or False1. The mouse is sleeping. 2. The lion is angry. 3. The lion is little. 4. The lion opens its mouth and roars. 5. The mouse runs away. 6. The lion chews a hole in the net. What genre of film is it?

Номер слайду 12

True or False1. The mouse is sleeping. 2. The lion is angry. 3. The lion is little. 4. The lion opens its mouth and roars. 5. The mouse runs away. 6. The lion chews a hole in the net. NEW WORDSvarious – різний prefer – віддавати перевагу thriller – трилер show – сеанс to invent - винаходити “talkie” – звукове кіноto project pictures – проектувати картинкиcinema bill – афішаto award – нагороджуватиcomplicated – складно

Номер слайду 13

I like... I enjoy... I’m keen on...(бути схибленим на чомусь)I’m fond of... I love.. For example. I like detectives. Express your agreement

Номер слайду 14

I hate ... I can’t bear ...(не терпіти щось) I dislike ... I can’t stand ...(ненавидіти) I don’t like ... For example. I hate horror films. Express your disagreement

Номер слайду 15

Cinema. An American Thomas Edison made the first machine with moving pictures in 1891. It was called a kinetoscope. Then in 1895 a machine that projected pictures on to a screen was invented by two French brothers, Auguste and Louis Lumiere. They called their machine a cinematographe. The pictures from machine were shown one after another very quickly. The Lumierebrothers gave the world’s first public film show in 1896. In the beginning films were made to show news. But by 1902 film makers began to write stories for films and use actors. The first “talkie” was shown in America in 1927. It was called “The jazz Singer”. There are many different kinds of films: features films, animated cartoons, documentary or popular science films, westerns, comedies, historical, musical, horror films, newsreels and a lot of others.

Номер слайду 16

Making a film is very difficult and complicated. Many people work at a film studio and take part in the film shooting. They are a producer, a scriptwriter, a cameraman, actors and actresses. We see films either at the cinema or on TV. From time to time we go to the cinema. We buy tickets at the box – office beforehand. Near the cinema we can see a cinema bill where we can read what films are on the show begins. Cinema is loved by people in all the countries. That is why nearly every year different film festivals are held. The most popular of them are film festivals in Cannes and in Odessa. The best films win “Oscar” or “Gold Duke”, the most talented actors and actresses are awarded with prizes.

Номер слайду 17

“True” or “False”. Correct the false statements. A French Thomas Edison made the first machine with moving pictures in 1891. The pictures from machine were shown one after another very quickly. The first “talkie” was shown in England in 1927. Making a film is very easy and simple. We buy tickets at the box – office beforehand. Nearly every year different film festivals are held. We see films either at the cinema or on TV.

Номер слайду 18

A CARTOONA ROMANTIC FILMAN ADVENTURE FILMA COMEDYA DOCUMENTARYAN ACTION FILMNick is three years old. He likes funny stories about animals. He can watch them for a long time. He is fond of imaginary characters. They can speak, dance and sing and who, in fact, can live like a man.  Ann is seventeen. She prefers films about love. They are touching and exciting. She likes it when they end happily. Tom likes films full of actions. They are dynamic, exciting and impressive. The main character/characters is/are always strong and brave. They usually fight for justice. Kate is fond of comical situations. They are full of jokes. Such films make you laugh and feel happy. They improve your mood. They are funny. Sam likes exciting and dynamic films. Sometimes they describe comical situations. They are full of adventures. Liz wants to know as much as possible. She likes films about nature, space, inventions, science. They tell you about different processes.

До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
14 квітня 2021
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