Презентація: Introduction to "Used To"

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Презентацію можно використовувати під час вивчення теми з граматики "USED TO"в 10-х та 11-х классах. Теоретичний матеріал створено для ознайомлення з темою.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Introduction to "Used To"The phrase "used to" is a common grammatical construction in English. It's used to describe past habits, states, or situations that no longer exist. It's essential to understand how "used to" works to speak and write English fluently. by Oksana

Номер слайду 2

Definition of "Used To""Used to" describes past habits, states, or situations that are no longer true. It's a verb phrase that describes past actions or situations that have changed. Past Habits. I used to play soccer every day. Past States. I used to live in New York City. Past Situations. I used to have a dog.

Номер слайду 3

Expressing Past Habits with "Used To"We use "used to" to talk about past habits or actions that were repeated regularly. It's commonly used for actions that no longer happen now.1 Past. I used to play tennis every day.2 Present. Now I only play once a week.

Номер слайду 4

Contrasting "Used To" and "Would""Used to" describes past habits, while "would" is used for past actions or events that occurred frequently."Used To"I used to go to the gym every day."Would"I would always go to the gym after work.

Номер слайду 5

Negative Form of "Used To"The negative form of "used to" is "didn't use to". It's used to indicate a past habit or state that no longer exists.1 Past Habit. I didn't use to eat breakfast.2 Past State. I didn't use to have a car.3 Past Situation. I didn't use to live in a city.

Номер слайду 6

Interrogative Form of "Used To"The interrogative form of "used to" is "Did you use to...?" It's used to ask questions about past habits or states. Did you use to...?Ask a question about a past habit or state. Yes, I used to... Answer with "yes" and the positive form of "used to". No, I didn't use to... Answer with "no" and the negative form of "used to".

Номер слайду 7

Common Mistakes with "Used To""Used to" is often misused, especially with "be used to." It's essential to understand the difference between the two phrases. Correct. Incorrect. I used to live in Paris. I was used to living in Paris. I used to play the piano. I was used to playing the piano.

Номер слайду 8

Practice Exercises and Examples. Here are some examples of "used to" in sentences. Practice using these examples and try creating your own. Past Habit. I used to drink coffee every morning. Past State. I used to live in a small town. Past Situation. I used to have a cat. Negative. I didn't use to have a smartphone.

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