Презентація "IT'S YOUR PLANET!"

Про матеріал
Презентація до теми "Природа і довкілля" з англійської мови для 11 класу за НМК Oksana Karpyuk "English 10"
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

IT’S YOUR PLANET! Environmental Problems

Номер слайду 2

Global warming The ozone layer Climate change The greenhouse effect Deforestation Endangered species Pollution Acid rain Toxic waste Sea level Токсичні відходи Вирубування лісів Глобальне потепління Забруднення Кислотні дощі Озоновий шар Парниковий ефект Зникаючі види Зміна клімату Environmental Problems

Номер слайду 3

BARE NECESSITIES There is little I need to survive: Some air, some fire, some water, too, Four walls, a roof, a kitchen and a loo, Some friends, so I don’t feel alone, And my MOBILE PHONE. Some clothes, especially my jeans, Bacon and teens of Heinz baked beans, Mars, Snickers and Toblerone, And my MOBILE PHONE. My fridge, my freezer and my TV, And digital camera and DVD, And the cool gear that I’ve outgrown, And my MOBILE PHONE. And Adidas, Nike and satellite dish, A friend, and love, and meat, and fish, And make-up, and perfume, and cars, that go fast, And hope that the future will be better than the past, And my Beatles CDs and my Pearl Jam Live. But if it was necessary to survive, I’d give up everything I own But my MOBILE PHONE!

Номер слайду 4

If you had a lot of old newspapers and empty bottles, would you Leave them on the pavement? Put them in a rubbish bin? Recycle them? 2. If somebody offered to give you one of the following as a gift, which would you choose? A big fast car A motorbike A bicycle? 3. If you were in the middle of a city and wanted to go somewhere 1 or 2 km away, would you Take a taxi? Take a bus? Walk or cycle? 4. If you had a picnic on the beach, would you Leave your rubbish on the beach? Put your rubbish in the first bin you found? Take your rubbish home? 5. If you had 1000 dollars to spend, would you Buy a fur coat? Go on a safari? Adopt a dolphin? Quiz HOW GREEN YOU ARE

Номер слайду 5

MOSTLY A’s You are not very green, are you? Please look after our world before it’s too late. MOSTLY B’s You’re trying to be more green, but you don’t always get it right. Learn more about the environment. MOSTLY C’s Well done. You’re really green! We need more people like you to help us save our environment! HOW GREEN YOU ARE keys

Номер слайду 6

To help our planet we must or mustn’t. Fill in. We … pollute rivers. We … use only unleaded petrol. We … recycle paper, glass, etc. We … create so much rubbish. We … destroy rainforests. We … protect wildlife. We … drop litter on beaches. We … let factories pollute the air.

Номер слайду 7

Reduce air pollution Protect endangered species Have less rubbish Save rainforest Keep rivers, lakes, oceans, etc clean. Stop cutting down and destroying the trees Stop factories from polluting them Create wildlife parks Use unleaded petrol Recycle glass, paper or aluminium To help our planet we should to do smth. Match.

Номер слайду 8

SAVE THE PLANET Listen and fill in. The fish in the _____ are dying From the pollution we create We’ve got to _____ polluting Before it’s too late Before it’s too late Our planet is in trouble It gets worse every _____ We have to _____ our planet In every possible way In the woods and forests They’re cutting down the _____ We’ve got to _____ the forests Everyone agrees Everyone agrees The hole in the ozone layer Is getting _____ every day We’ve got to stop _____ pollution We have to find a way We have to find a way

Номер слайду 9

SAVE THE PLANET Let’s sing! The fish in the sea are dying From the pollution we create We’ve got to stop polluting Before it’s too late Before it’s too late Our planet is in trouble It gets worse every day We have to help our planet In every possible way In the woods and forests They’re cutting down the trees We’ve got to save the forests Everyone agrees Everyone agrees The hole in the ozone layer Is getting bigger every day We’ve got to stop air pollution We have to find a way We have to find a way

Номер слайду 10


Номер слайду 11

Our planet is in trouble It gets worse every day We have to help our planet In every possible way Thank you

До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
25 лютого 2020
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