Відкритий урок «Поговоримо про мистецтво»

Про матеріал
Мета: - вдосконалювати лексичні навички й навички читання, аудіювання й говоріння по темі уроку; - формувати навички монологічного мовлення; - вдосконалювати навички вживання та утворення дієслівних часів; - практикувати учнів у виконанні тестових завдань в електронному режимі; - розвивати логічне мислення та мовну здогадку; - виховувати інтерес і повагу до мистецтва, розширювати знання учнів щодо світового мистецтва.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Номер слайду 2

Номер слайду 3

1.Warming-up. 2.Speaking. Types of Art. Styles of painting. 3.Fanous English Painters. 4.Grammar Point. 5. Vocabulary. 6.A Cloud. 7.Do you agree? “Art and my life”.

Номер слайду 4

Are you interested in art? What art in particular? What world-famous artists do you know? Who is your favorites painter? Do you know any British Museums?

Номер слайду 5

Types of Art

Номер слайду 6

realism classicism avant-garde abstraction impressionism folk futurism primitive icon

Номер слайду 7

Номер слайду 8

Номер слайду 9

Номер слайду 10

Номер слайду 11

Номер слайду 12

Номер слайду 13

It’s hard to overestimate the role of art in one’s life. Art forms our outlook and enriches our inner world. Art has a great educational significance. Art brings people up – makes them more humane and kind. Art holds up people’s spirits in the tragic moments of their lives. The language of art is universal.

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Литвин Людмили Петрівни

Урок № 60.

Лютий 2020 рік                                                                                                11-А клас


Тема: «Поговоримо про мистецтво».

Мета: - вдосконалювати лексичні навички й навички читання, аудіювання й говоріння по темі уроку;

  • формувати навички монологічного мовлення;
  • вдосконалювати навички вживання та утворення дієслівних часів;
  • практикувати учнів у виконанні тестових завдань в електронному режимі;
  • розвивати логічне мислення та мовну здогадку;
  • виховувати інтерес і повагу до мистецтва, розширювати знання учнів щодо світового мистецтва.

Тип уроку: комбінований.

Обладнання: мультимедійна дошка, комп’ютери, малюнки по темі «Поговоримо про мистецтво», тестові завдання, презентація до уроку (додається).

Хід уроку:

І. Організаційний момент: Everyday talk.

ІІ. Основний зміст уроку:

  1. Мотивація навчальної діяльності, повідомлення теми, мети і задач уроку: Art is an expression of our culture. Art has a great educational significance. Art holds up people’s spirit in the tragic moments of their likes. The language of art is universal. So, today we are “Speaking about Art,” about Famous English painters.
  2. Мовна зарядка. (“Т – Cl”), (T – P1, P2, P3, etc. …)


  • Are you interested in art?
  • What art in particular?
  • What world-famous artists do you know?
  • Who is your favorites painter?
  • Do you know any British Museums? (the British Museum, the Tate Museum, the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, the Museum of Madam T.)
  1. Speaking. Types of Art. (“T-Cl)
  1. – What types of Art do you know?
  • What styles of painting do you know?  (slides 1-2)
  1. – What sayings of famous people about Art do you know? (slides 1-2)
  • Art is long and life is fleeting. (Longfellow)
  • A picture is a poem without words. (Horatio)
  • All art is but imitation of nature. (Seneka)
  • Art is not an end to itself, but a mean of addressing humanity. (M. Mussorgskiy)

( Work with the presentation – the teacher asks questions, pupils give answers, analyze the information on the slides).

  1. Reading. Famous English Painters: (P1-Cl) (slides № 6-7)
  • Sir J. Constable ( a short biography);
  • Sir J. Turker ( a short biography);
  • Sir T. Gainsbough ( a short biography);
  • Sir T. Reynolds ( a short biography) (див. Додаток №1).
  1. Reading.

Ex. 8, p. 169, Text “Portrait of Duchess De Beaufort” (“P1-Cl”)

  1. Retelling the text.

Ex.  8, p. 169.

  1. (answer the question)
  • What is this text about?
  • Is it an outstanding work of art by T. Gainsborough?
  • Does the artist depict a graceful and attractive young woman?
  • Is she an aristocrat?     
  • The dress is very low cut, isn’t it?
  • Is it a traditional ceremonial portrait?
  • Have we a feeling that she is looking at us?
  • Do you like the portrait of Duchess De Beaufort”

Monologue “Portrait of Duchess De Beaufort” (“P1-Cl”) (“P1-Cl”)

  1. Grammar point. Повторення вживання та утворення дієслівних часів (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Present Perfect) (див. Додаток № 2).

Match the sentences and the tenses (check your skills)

  1. Vocabulary Point. Let us check up your vocabulary on the topic “Speaking about Art”
  1. Test 1. Match the nouns and the definitions (див.додаток № 3)
  2. Test 2. Check your skills. Read the text and fill in the missing words (див. Додаток № 4).
  1. Vocabulary Point. Let us check your skills – “A cloud”. (P1-Cl)
  2.  Speaking. (P1-P2)

Ex. 5, p.185

“Art and my life”. Do you agree? (slide 10)

III. Підсумок уроку.

T: Today we have spoken about Art and English painters. To my mind you have learnt a lot of new information about Art. Thanks for your work. I give you excellent marks.

IV. Домашнє завдання. Знайти інформацію “Famous English Painters” (підготувати реферат)

  T.: The lesson is over. Have a good day! Good-bye!









Додаток № 1

John Constable

  • an English landscape painter;
  • was born in Suffolk in 1776;
  • in 1799 was send to the Royal Academy in London to study art;
  • loved the countryside, and his best work was of outdoor scenes in his native Suffolk and his London home in Hampstead;
  • found the success in France where his 1821 master work The Haywain was exhibited at the Paris Salon of 1824;
  • died in 1837 and buried, St. John-at-Hampstead Churchyard, London, England.

Sir Joshua Reynolds

  • was born in Devonshire in 1723;
  • a portrait painter;
  • the most prominent figure in the English school of painting;
  • one of the founders and first President of the Royal Academy;
  • promoted the “Grand Style” in painting which depended on idealization of the imperfect;
  • died in 1792 and buried, St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, England.

Sir Thomas Lawrence

  • was born in Bristol in 1769;
  • English painter;
  • in 1794 he was a Royal Academician, and he became the fashionable portrait painter of the age;
  • had all the qualities of the personal manner and among English portrait painters he takes a high place;
  • president of the Academy from 1820 to his death;
  • died in 1830 in London.

Thomas Gainsborough

  • was born in Suffolk in 1727;
  • one of the great masters of 18th-century portraiture and landscape painting;
  • painted fancy pictures of scenes of the rural poor;
  • in 1768 Gainsborough became one of the founders of the Royal Academy;
  • after 1784 Gainsborough refused to exhibit at the Royal Academy, and instead, created his own showings at his London house in Pall Mall;
  • produced about 200 landscapes and about 800 portraits of the English aristocracy;
  • died in 1788 and buried, St. Anne Churchyard, Kew, London, England.


Додаток № 2

Match the sentences and the tenses:

1. I hope somebody has got my message.

Present Perfect

Future Simple

Past Simple

2. Is he in London now?

Past Simple

Present Progressive

Present Simple

3. Where will he travel next year?

Present Perfect

Future Simple

Present Progressive

4. What's happening?

Present Progressive

Future Simple

Past Simple

5. They were looking for professor Wallace.

Present Progressive

Future Simple

Past Progressive

6. He will take a plane from London to Indonesia.

Past Simple

Present Progressive

Future Simple

7. He is going to take some photos.

Past Simple

Present Progressive

Present Perfect

8. What was she wearing?

Past Progressive

Future Simple

Past Simple

9. Professor Wallacce was in Indonessia about two months ago.

Past Simple

Future Simple

Present Perfect

10. Kate's got many pen friends.

Future Simple

Present Perfect

Present Progressive

11. Elephants are often 4 metres tall.

Present Simple

Past Simple

Present Perfect

12. Jane was at the newsagent's.

Present Progressive

Future Simple

Past Simple




Додаток № 3

Match the nouns to the definitions and make up your sentences:

  1. Someone who paints picture is…
  2. Someone who knows much about colures is…
  3. Someone who buys and sells pictures is…
  4. Someone who buys and sells pictures is…
  5. Someone who paints portraits is…
  6. Someone who paints landscapes is…
  7. Someone who paints seas is…
  8. Someone who loves art is…


  1. a colorist;
  2. an art dealer;
  3. an art critic;
  4. a portraitist;
  5. a landscapist;
  6. a marinist;
  7. an admirer;
  8. an artist.












Додаток № 4

Read the text and fill in the missing words and word-combinations from the box:

If you happen to be in London visit _____ by all means. It is a _____ old building of 1838, which faces _____. Its new building was _____ by the largest _____ of paintings belonging to the nation where you can find _____ of the world’s best _____. You will be unable _____ Gainsbough’s, Turker’s or Constable’s _____. Even if you are not a ______ of ______, a thing of beauty won’t leave you from the 14th century to the early 20th century. Next to the National Gallery there is _____. It contains thousands of _____ of famous people from British history.



Trafalgar Square, designed, magnificent, The National Gallery, world famous, collection, works of Art, to take your eyes off, great admirer, artist, masterpieces, art, The National Portrait Gallery, Portraits. 


29 лютого 2020
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