Презентація ''Катерина Білокур'"

Про матеріал
Білоку́р Катери́на Васи́лівна — українська художниця, майстриня народного декоративного живопису, представниця «наївного мистецтва».
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Katerina Bilokur1900-1961

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Biography Kateryna Bilokur is a favous self-taught painter and an highly original Ukrainian folk artist. Kateryna Bilokur`s life was not easy. She was born December 7, 1900, in the village of Bogdanivka, Kyiv region, into the family of a poor peasant. She had no possibility to study at school.

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Biography The first works of Bilokur (1920s — early 30s) were amateurish. They were the portraits of her relations and villagers executed with charcoal and self-made vegetable paints. The second half of the 1930s was an important period in her creativity. Then she took to drawing still-lifes. Bilokur’s paintings were first displayed at the Poltava Regional Exhibition in 1940 and then at a national exhibition in Kyiv.

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Biography The two years spent on fascist-occupied territory were the most trying in the life of Kateryna Bilokur. Only a few pictures were made in this period. After the liberation of her native village, Bilokur creates new compositions.

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Technique. The 1950s were the most productive years in Bilokur’s artistic career. She made original and bright still-lifes. The main effect is produced by the use of pure colors which is characteristic of folk decorative art on the whole.

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In the 1950s Bilokur made her first attempts in water-color painting. During the last years of her life, which were dimmed by serious illness, Kateryna Bilokur created a number of notable pictures. Kateryna Bilokur died June 9, 1961. Her creativity has won her general recognition. In her native village a monument was erected in her honor. At all times of the year its pedestal is covered with flowers which she so admired. Biography

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Portrait of Olya Bilokur

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Portrait of farmer Tatiana Bakhmach

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Portrait of the nieces

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Portrait of Nadia Bilokur

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Collective farmer

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House in Bogdanovka

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Early Spring

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In the village

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September in the Bohdanivkavillage on the dam

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On the cliff

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Everything goes, Everything passes

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Hello harvest

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Still life "Flowers, apples, tomatoes"

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Watermelon, carrots, flowers.

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Still life with spikes and lug

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Still life

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Still life with bread

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Flowers and vegetables

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Flowers by fence

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Field Flowers

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Flowers on the blue background

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Decorative flowers

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Flowers and nuts

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King spike

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Field of the collective farm

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Garden Flowers

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Wheat, flowers, grapes

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Bouquet offlowers

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Pumpkin bloom

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Flowers and. Birches in theevening

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Apples of. Bogdanivka

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Thank you for attention!!!

29 травня 2020
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