Презентація "London"

Про матеріал
Презентація "Лондон". Ця презентація створена для вивчення визначних місць Лондона -столиці Великобританії. Учні зможуть побачити відомі місця та засвоїти інформацію про них. У презентації подані короткі та зрозумілі факти. Виконана для учнів 5-6 класів.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Презентація на тему “Лондон”Юрівська ЗОШ, викладач Яблуневська О. О.

Номер слайду 2

London and its sights.

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London is the capital of Great Britain. London is situated on the river Thames. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Its population is about 9 million people. It is also a very old city. London is 2000 years old. London consists of 3 main parts: the City, the West End and the East End.

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The West End is the riches part of London. The main interesting places are situated there. And the East End is a working part of London.

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Trafalgar Square. It is the central square of London and traditional place for people to meet

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The Houses of Parliament. It is a place where the British Government sits. Residence of the English kings up to the 16th century.

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Big Ben The big clock on the tower of the palace of Westminster in London is often called Big Ben. It is the biggest clock bell in Britain. It weights 15,5 tons. It’s a clock in the tower and it is a big bell. You can hear it every hour. Each face is 7metres in diameter The numbers are 60cm  long The minute hands are 4.2 metres long and weigh about 100kg, and the hour hands are 2.7 metres long and weigh 300 kg !

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Tower Bridge. It is the oldest and famous bridge across the Thames. It was made of wood by the Romans, but it was often burnt down. Later it was made of stone.

До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
28 квітня 2020
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