Презентація "Михайло Коцюбинський «На камені»"

Про матеріал
Презентація до уроку позакласного читання за аквареллю М.Коцюбинського "На камені"
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imageКоцюбинський «На камені»

Акварель – ( франц.  аquarelle –

«водянистий», «водою зроблений») – виконаний художником за допомогою

пензля й водяних фарб напвпрозорий кольоровий малюнок.


imageІсторія написання твору

imageIndependent Work

You now have 20 minutes to silently read chapter 2 independently. Take note of any language techniques that the author has used to develop a sense of character and setting.

imageBigger thoughts

Consider 3 of the themes that have been communicated through the novel so far.

How can you take these and expand upon them to become "bigger thoughts"?

Create a mindmap for each bigger thought your exercise books.

Chapter Questions


In pairs, work through the questions for chapter 2.


You need to answer all questions in full sentences and make sure you address all sections of the questions.


Consider the cover of the novel.


Now that you have read further into the story, take note of what Think you see, what you think and what

you wonder about the cover.

 Wonder books and we will discuss as a Note this down in your exercise class.

Think Pair

Think about what you have learnt

image                                                                                                                Share                today.


Pair up with someone and discuss

the top 3 things you've learnt.


As a class, let's share something we have all learnt.

Finish any incomplete chapter 2 questions.



Continue to develop your bigger thoughts mindmaps.

imageSee you next lesson
25 січня 2023
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