One of the most favorite books since childhood is the fairy tale "The Fox Nikita".
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The author of the fairy tale «Mykyta's Foxis» Ivan Franko
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The main character is Lys Nikita. Secondary characters — Dogs, Brother Wolf, Bear, Boar, Monkey Fruzya.
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Nikita lives somewhere in the west of Ukraine. He can be characterized as prudent, economic, thrifty, as well as a brave, cunning, treacherous and fraudulent figure, inclined to make fun of his enemies, recklessly pestering them with various pranks. Slandered by detractors, he is forced to go to Lviv for the royal court. But the fox delays in every possible way to fulfill this formidable challenge, deceiving and luring the royal messengers into intricate traps. In the end, arriving at the court, the fox Nikita, skillfully playing on the king's feelings, accuses his enemies of a conspiracy and evades punishment by promising the king "the treasure of King Pea." For a while, he is saved by eloquence and his talent as a public speaker. When his tricks are revealed, he engages in a duel with his main rival, the Unfed Wolf, and defeats him not so much by force as by cunning.
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I really like reading the works of I. Franko. Among them is the fairy tale "The Painted Fox". She is very interesting. In this text, the main character is the fox Nikita. In my opinion, it has many advantages. The animal is wise, swift, observant, cautious, patient, optimistic. You can learn some character traits from him, but not all of his habits are good. I condemn pride, lying, trickery, dishonesty, selfishness, hypocrisy, boasting in the bald. This led to such consequences that the fox was torn to shreds. An animal is very similar to a person, because we recognize human traits. Here's what I can say about the bald Nikita. I'm glad that I. Franko gave us such a masterpiece.