Презентація "Music in our life"

Про матеріал
Презентація містить завдання на дифініцію тематичних слів; на розвиток граматичних знань ,конкретно з теми "Passive voice"
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

1. Give the answers to these musical definitions.1. CD is short for “ compact d_ _ _”.2. A play in which the actors sing the words to music is an o_ _ _ _.3. Elvis Presley was the king of r_ _ _’n’ r_ _ _.4. When two singers sing together it’s a d_ _ _.5. In a pop group this person is the lead, bass or rhythm g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.6. A person who writes classical music is a c_ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Номер слайду 2

2. Write the names of the instruments under the correct heading.1 . Stringed instruments _______________________________2. Wind instruments ___________________________________3. Percussion instruments _______________________________4. Keyboard instruments ________________________________A kobza, a guitar, a flute, a French horn, a double bass, a cello, a saxsophone,bagpipes, an accordion, a bandura, a xylophone, a drum, a piano, an organ.

Номер слайду 3

3. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense form and voice.1. A new concert hall … ( to build ) in the capital city recently.2. I … ( to ask ) at the music lesson tomorrow.3. Our musical dictations … ( usually/ to check) by our teacher.4. The girl … (not/ to allow) to go to the concert.5. A new album by Tina Karol … (to record) this month.6. Two tickets to the concert (to buy) yesterday.

Номер слайду 4

1. a singer2. a drum3. a trumpet4. well known5. a band6. a sound7. to record8. a record9. to sing10. folk11. a voice12. an audience13. to buy a ticket14. favourite15. a lead singer 16. to play a violin17. a musician18. musical 19. a choir20.a string21. a single22. a cello23. a list24. loud2. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.1. I was sung songs by my mum when I was a child.2. The teachers were shown concert by their pupils yesterday. 3. We were loved by our teachers.4. He was considered the king of rock n roll.5. The concert hall was decorated with her favourite flowers.6. The lyrics were loved last century.

Номер слайду 5

 Translate the sentences into English.1. Мені записали нову музику на диск.2. Нам купили квитки на концерт групи «Океан Ельзи».3. Пісні співали учні нашої школи для батьків.4. Солісту подарували квіти після концерту5. Йому показали народні музичні інструменти.6. Шкільний хор слухали вчителі і діти. 2. Answer the questions. What musical instruments do you know?What music styles do you know?Who plays on the guitar?Who plays on the piano? Who plays on the cello?6. What is your favourite group?

До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
14 березня 2020
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