Презентація на тему " Brain Entertainment Show"

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Сценарій позакласного заходу, з метою популяризації знань з історії, географії, літератури Великої Британії у вигляді інтерактивної гри.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Brain Entertaining Show. The United Kingdom of Great. Britain and Northern Ireland. Підготувала матеріал Вчителька англійської мови. Пірнівської гімназіїЮртаєва Вікторія Іванівна Пірнове – 2022

Номер слайду 2

Цілі заходу: Практична мета: Розвивати вміння аудіювати текст, ігноруючи незнайомі слова. Формувати навички логічно будувати висловлювання за змістом почутого. Освітня мета: Поглибити знання учнів про творчість В. Шекспіра. Розширити знання учнів про державний устрій Великої Британії та про столицю країни (Лондон). Виховна мета: Розвивати вміння самостійно знаходити і передавати нову інформацію, використовуючи доступні засоби. Розвивати вміння ефективно співпрацювати під час групової роботи.

Номер слайду 3

Хід заходу. Ведучий: The motto of today`s show is «If we don’t go to. Britain, then Britain comes to our school!»So, let`s watch the most remarkable places of Britain`s capital – London. Представлення команд, членів журі. Розминка команд: What is the full name of the country, the language of which you learn?England b) Great Britain C) The United Kingdom of Great Britain. And Northern Ireland2. How do we call the National Flag of Kingdom?a) Union Jack b) Black Flag c) United National Flag3. Who rules in Britain nowadays?a) George V b) Charles III c) Elizabeth I4. The Prime-Minister of UK is…a) Margaret Thatcher b) Lizz Trass c) Rishi Sunak5. W. Shakespeare is known as author of…a) detective stories b) drams c) historical novels6. W. Shakespeare was born in…a) Stafford-upon-Avon b) London c) Edinburg7. During his life W. Shakespeare wrote … sonnetsa) 48 b) 45 c) 978. What do Englishmen mean saying “a golden hand shake”? ( урочисті проводи)9. An umbrella was invented twice: why so?II. Конкурс капітанів. Ведучий: Now, each captain will recite a poem of the outstanding. British poets.

Номер слайду 4

1st captain: W. Shakespeare Sonnet (дивись додаток 1)2nd captain: R. Burns “My heart`s in the highlands” (дивитисядодаток 2)Номер художньої самодіяльності. Ведучий: Well done. And now, your home task. Each team hasprepared an information about one of the well-known London`s places ofinterest. They are to describe it without naming this place. Theopponents should guess: What place was described?Team 1 (дивитися додаток 3)Team 2 (дивитися додаток 4)Журі підводить підсумки трьох конкурсів та Team 2 виконує номерхудожньої самодіяльності. Ведучий: And now I want to see how solid and smart your teams are. Take these crosswords and solve them in the shortest period of time.(дивитися додаток 5)Учні працюють. У відеозапису звучить романс. В. Шекспір сонет 102. III. Підведення підсумків шоу. Show-Flash Mob “We like English”. Виконання пісні “ I`ve just called tosay I love you” всіма учнями (дивитися додаток 6).

Номер слайду 5

But be contented when that fell arrest. Without all bail shall carry me away,My life hath in this line some interest,Which for memorial still with thee shallstay. When thou revievest this, thou dostreview. The very part was consecrate to thee: The earth can have but earth, which is his due;My spirit is thine, the better part of me. So then thou hast but lost the dregs of life,The prey of worms, my body being dead,The coward conquest of a wretch`s knife,Too base of thee to be remembered;The worth of that is that which itcontains,And that is that, and this with theeremains. Sonnet 74 by William Shakespeare в оригіналі. Будь певна: якщо нагло під арешт. Візьмуть мене, не давши на поруки –Від мене щось в рядках цих, врешті-решт,Залишиться тобі й після розлуки. В них віднайдеш минулі наші дні,Де тільки ти, й затьмила всіх собою. Землі – земне, найкраще ж, що в мені –Моя душа – залишиться з тобою. Все інше – осад лиш на дні життя,Для червів здобич – тлінне моє тіло: Злодійський ніж – і кане в небуття –Твоєї пам’яті не заслужило.оооо. Все ж найдорожче, що ношу в собі –оооо. Воно твоє й залишиться тобі. Сонет 74 в перекладі В. Марача Додаток 1

Номер слайду 6

Robert Burnes. Robert Burns was born on 25 January 1759 in the village of Alloway, two milessouth of Ayr. He was a Scottish poet and lyricist and he is the best known of the poets who havewritten in Scots language, although much of his writing is also in English and alight Scots dialect. Despite his short life Burns left a huge catalogue of poetry and songs that have been poured over, enjoyed and spoken aloud for over 200 years. At the age of fifteen, he fell in love and shortly thereafter he wrote his first poemwhich I wanna to tell you today: My heart`s in the Highlands, my heart is not here,My heart`s in the Highlands a-chasing the deer –A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe;My heart`s in the Highlands, wherever I go. Farewell the Highlands, farewell to the North. The birth place of Valour, the country of Worth;Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,The hills of the Highlands for ever I love. Farewell to the mountains high cover`d with snow;Farewell to the straths and green valleys below;Farewell to the forest and wild-hanging woods;Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods. My heart`s in the Highlands, my heart is not here,My heart`s in the Highlands a-chasing the deer Chasing the wild deer, and following the roe;My heart`s in the Highlands , wherever I go. Додаток 2

Номер слайду 7

It is London church that is the site of coronations and other ceremonies of national importance. It standsjust west of the House of Parliament. Situated on the grounds of a former Benedictine monastery, itwas renamed as the Collegiate Church of St. Peter in Westminster by Queen Elizabeth I in 1560. Legendrelates that Saberht, the first Christian king of the East Saxons, founded a church on a small island in the River Thames, then known as Thorney but later called the west minster ( or monastery), and that thischurch was miraculously consecrated by St. Peter. It is certain that about ad 785 there was a smallcommunity of monks of the island and that the monastery was enlarged and remodeled by St. Dunstanabout 960. The rebuilding of the Norman-style nave was begun by the late 1300s under the architect Henry Yeveleand continued intermittenly until Tudor times. The Early English Gothic design of Henry III`s timepredominates, however, giving the whole church the appearance of having been built at one time. The western towers were the last addition to the building. They are sometimes said to have beendesigned by Sir Christopher Wren, but they were actually built by Nicholas Hawksmoor and John James. And completed about 1745. The choir stalls in the body of the church date from 1847, and the high altar And reredos were remodeled by Sir George Gilbert Scott in 1867. The abbey is crowded with the tombs and memorials of famous British subjects, such as Sir Isaac. Newton, David Livingstone, and Ernest Rutherford. Part of the south transept is well known as Poet`s. Corner and includes the tombs of Geoffrey Chaucer, Been Jonson ( who was buried upright), John Dryden, Robert Browning, and many others. The north transept has many memorials to British statesmen. Додаток 3

Номер слайду 8

That is one of the center of night life in the West End. This in oneоf the most popular meeting points of London, probably secondonly to Trafalgar Square. It is actually quite small, and most people are rather disappointedwhen they see it for the first time because they had imagined itwould be much bigger. It is a dynamic and picturesque place with ahappy and lively cosmopolitan atmosphere. There stroll who come from the most far-flung countriesin the world, of all races are dressed in their national clothes. Groupsof people like to gather around the foot of the statue of Eros, thegod of love, work of Sir Alfred Gilbert. They form a brightlycolorful picture. It is a West End shopping center. There are many shops with a big advertisements, belonging to different foreign firmsthere. Додаток 4

Номер слайду 9

Do the crossword{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}11{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}In what Place does the Queen live?What is the Tower of London now?What abbey plays the role of the Royal church?What square is situated in the geographical center of London?In Trafalgar Square there is a monument to Admiral…What is the most famous clock in Great Britain?What gallery can you visit in Trafalgar Square?What birds are the national symbol of London?

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