Презентація на тему “Bring up children”

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Презентація до уроку на тему «Bring up children». Підійде як для 9 класу так і для 10.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Коваленко Г. В. Вчитель англійської мови Ізюмський ліцей №1 Ізюмської міської ради

Номер слайду 2

Номер слайду 3

Pre-reading task. Look at the picture and discuss the questions:1. What relationships are shown on the photo?2. What role does this relationship play in your own life?3. Do you get on with your parents?

Номер слайду 4

Pre-reading task. Match the word combinations with their meaning. Bring up a) having no chance of being harmed or killed. Make sure b) to criticize someone angrily for doing something wrong. Be out of danger c) ensure that something is done or happens. To raise a family d) look after a child until it is an adult. Tell off e) to get a wife and make children

Номер слайду 5

«It can be so difficult to support a family and bring up children, » says Michael Wilson, father of two teenage girls. “It's something that one can ever prepare you for because every family consists of different people and personalities. Firstly, you have to make sure that everyone has what they need. Children require so many things these days, from school uniforms and books, pens and pencils to games, toys, computers and, of course, clothes. Secondly, there is always the concern that they might be out danger. I see so many terrible things on the news every day that I always wonder whether my own children are safe or not and sometimes I get very concerned, even if they are only a little late coming home. That's what they don’t understand when I tell them off. Of course, there are wonderful aspects to rising a family. It is a great pleasure to watch them grow and develop their own personalities, not to mention the love and warmth that exists in a family. My wife and children are the most precious things in my life and, despite the difficulties, I can honestly say that I couldn't change a thing!

Номер слайду 6

While-reading task. Read the text and chose the best headline. Explain you choice. Giving the best to children. Thoughts of family brining up. Punishment of children.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Номер слайду 7

While-reading activity. Write True or False.1. It can so easy to bring up children and support a family.2. Every family consists of different people and personalities.3. Dad is not worried about where his children are. 4. It is disgusting for parents to watch how their children grow.

Номер слайду 8

Post-reading activity. Read and order the sentences according to the text. It is a great pleasure to watch them grow and develop their own personalities, not to mention the love and warmth that exists in a family. Every family consists of different people and personalities.there is always the concern that children might be out danger.

Номер слайду 9

Post-reading task. Make up «A family charter»