Презентація на тему "Extreme sports"

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Презентація ознайомить учнів з новим лексичним матеріалом, розширить їх знання про екстремальні види спорту,що урізноманітнить заняття і допоможе зробити його більш цікавим.
Зміст слайдів
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The most extreme and dangerous sport, which uses a special parachute for jumping from fixed objects. Base jumping is considered to be the most dangerous type of skydiving and is currently considered as an extremely extreme sport. The height from which the base jumper jumps can be from 40 to 1000 meters, while ordinary parachutists jump from a height of not less than 1000 meters. The lower the object, the higher is the skill of the jumper, and the more dangerous the jump. Another difficulty of this sport is that the chute need only a few seconds at the beginning of the jump.

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For base jumping are specially designed parachutes, which are significantly different from the usual. They have no backup parachute, because it is not useful for such a small height, and no belaying devices. The difficulty in jumping lies in the fact that touchdown usually occurs on a limited surface, and therefore requires a lot of experience from the flying base jumper parachute. Attempts by independent base jumps without the appropriate equipment and skills, as a rule, lead to serious injuries or death.

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Rafting and white water rafting are recreational outdoor activities which use an inflatable raft to navigate a river or other body of water. This is often done on whitewater or different degrees of rough water. Dealing with risk and the need for teamwork is often a part of the experience. Rafting are... Rafting in Grand Canyon, USARafting in Himachal Pradesh, India. Rafting in Alaska

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Rafting—this sports rafting in mountain rivers and rivers with a large number of rapids ,rifts, waterfalls

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Rafting is a very dangerous sport,especially If you do not observe safety. In this sport there are injuries and even death . Every trip is associated with great risk.

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Rafting without an instructor is very dangerous, you should follow many rules. The instructor will tell you about the necessary equipment, how to provide first aid in this sport and much more.

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Rafting equipment: oars, raft, helmet, life jacket, wetsuit, hydraulic shoes. Oars. Raft. Helmet. Life jacket. Hydraulic shoes

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Most popular places for rafting in the world... Andrew Peacock. Futaleufu River, Chile

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Most popular places for rafting in Ukraine... The Black Cheremosh River. The Prut River

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Zorbing (globe-riding, sphereing, orbing) is the recreation of rolling downhill in an orb, generally made of transparent plastic. Zorbing is usually performed on a gentle slope, but can also be done on a level surface, permitting more rider control. In the absence of hills some operators have constructed inflatable, wooden or metal ramps.

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History. Hamster balls have been manufactured and sold since at least the 1970s. In the early 1980s, the Dangerous Sports Club constructed a giant sphere (reportedly 23 meters across), but it was unsuccessful. In 1994, Dwane van der Sluis and Andrew Akers conceived the idea for a type of sphere in Auckland, New Zealand, calling their invention the "Zorb". With two other investors they created the firm ZORB Limited, and set to work commercializing sphereing.

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Construction. The zorb is double-sectioned, with one ball inside the other with an air layer between. This acts as a shock absorber for the rider, damping bumps while travelling. Orbs are lightweight and made of flexible plastic. A typical orb is about 3 meters in diameter, with an inner orb size of about 2 metres. The inner and outer orb are connected by numerous (often hundreds) small ropes. Orbs have one or two tunnel-like entrances.

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Countries. Zorbing is performed at commercial locations, where prospective riders pay a fee for each ride or for a whole day's activity. 'Hill-Rolling' (the another name for this activity) is practiced in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, New Zealand, the middle of Sweden, Estonia, the Gold Coast in Australia, North Pole, Canada, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Japan, Kochi in India, Thailand and Slovenia.

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People. The Guinness Book of World Records recognizes two sphereing records, set over two consecutive days in 2006: - Longest sphereing ride held by Steve Camp who travelled 570 meters. - Fastest sphereing ride held by Keith Kolver who reached a speed of 52 kilometers per hour.

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- Hill zorbing - Hydro zorbing - Aqua (water) zorbing - Snow zorbing - Aero zorbing - Night LED zorbing. Classification.

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Zorbs have been adopted as a symbol of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia.

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Ajectives. Exciting. Fantastic. Funny. Positive. Uncomfortable. Hilarious. Unforgettable Fascinating

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Wingsuit flying

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What is the wingsuit flying?Wingsuit flying is an extreme sport, is a type of skydiving in which the "pilot" or jumper wears a special suit that makes him look like a flying squirrel and jump from a height from the plane or mountain.

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Wingsuit. Wingsuit is a suit that forms 3 wings in the air ( 2 in the arms and between the legs), allowing the athlete to control his flight.

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The flight. Thanks to the wingsuit person can fly like a bird. For some time and a distance of up to 2.5 kilometers the athlete flies straight, then down and opens the parachute.

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Varieties of flight wingsuit1. Wingsuit B. A. S. E. ( Base jumpers jump from stationary objects located on the ground at a relatively low altitude.)2. Proximity (the jump is performed from a landscape elevation, mainly from mountains and rocks.)3. Group flight ( when several wingers jump together (this is how the first jumps are made), they form a "flock".

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Interesting Facts1. A flight in a wingsuit in a group is called flock. And the world record for flying in a flock is 71 people who located in the form of a bomber2. When flying in a flock, you can talk to each other and hear each other.

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17 листопада 2020
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5.0 (2 відгука)
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