Презентація на тему "Inventions that Changed the World".

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Презентація на тему "Inventions that Changed the World"

стане корисною при плануванні уроків з англійської мови у 9 класі при вивченні теми "Відкриття та винаходи".

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Inventions that changed the World

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WRITINGSince time immemorial mankind has sought ways to transfer information. Primitive people used scrap materials: somehow constituted branch signals are passed through the smoke of bonfires and more. But a breakthrough in human development was possible only with the advent of letters about 4 thousand years BC

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TYPOGRAPHYHow typography met urgent human needs, showed the very first years after the invention of Gutenberg in the mid XV century. The appearance of books contributed easier information transfer. This sparked the green light to the Renaissance.

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TELEGRAPHUntil the mid-XIX century events and developments in other countries, people learned late for weeks and sometimes for months. The only way to transfer information over long distances was shipping mail. Meanwhile, the need for rapid communication increased. The invention of the telegraph was the best discovery of the day. In 1832, during his trip to America Morse created a model of Morse telegraph and became famous.

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PHONEAfter several years of hard work the first phone was created by Alexander Bell . On March 10, 1876 his assistant Watson clearly heard at the receiving station Bell's words, "Mr. Watson, please come here, I need to talk to you." Bell patented his invention and in August 1876 there were already about 800 phones in use.

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PHOTOGRAPHY & FILMEqually important finding for civilization seemed to transfer images. In 1826, Joseph Niepce using the pinhole camera was on a metal plate view from the window of his studio. And in 1837, Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre first got shot with a relatively high image quality. In 1891, the tireless inventor Tom Edison invented the peep show - serial device to demonstrate the effect of motion pictures. This invention inspired by the Lumiere brothers to create a movie. In December 1895, in Paris, on the Boulevard des Capucines, the first performance. Spectators witnessed a miracle - a white screen changed each other real moving pictures. In these mass pictures taken a huge emotional impact.

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RADIOIn 1895 Popov demonstrated wireless telegraphy apparatus. And in 1899 Italian inventor Marconi made ​​radio transmission across the Channel, and in 1901 - across the Atlantic. In 1904 the English scientist J. E. Fleming improved radiotelegraph receiver, and in 1913 the German A. Meissen created the first radiotelephone transmitter.

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Television. One of the most remarkable inventions of XX century is television. Like other complex technical solutions, television appeared and developed through the efforts of many inventors. In 1911, professor of St. Petersburg University B. Rosin demonstrated the world's first image on the glass screen cathode-ray tube. In 1928 the inventor Boris Grabowski found a way to transfer a moving image on the distance. And in 1929 Vladimir Zworykin developed High reception cathode-ray tube called the kinescope. Later modifications were used in all TVs.

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Personal Computer. The emergence of computer summed up all the semantic inventions of the last century. It became the primary means of processing and storing information with possible transfer to any distance.

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The INTERNETThe tenth invention that changed the world, was the most revolutionary. In 1989, Berners-Lee proposed a fantastic project relationship, now known as the World Wide Web, bringing together today for the quarter of the world's population (or 1.4 billion people). Why the Internet was a landmark invention? Internet has made the world a small village, where information spreads "the speed of sound." But most importantly - Internet unthinkable reduced distance. For monitor screen appears virtual reality, where our capabilities are not limited by time and space..

28 жовтня 2018
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