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Whattoseeindessa. OMilko Andrii

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What is Odessa?Odessa remains in the top 3 most popular tourist destinations in Ukraine. You should go to this city not only in summer to relax at sea, but at any time of year. There are many interesting cultural, historical, architectural and gastronomic places for every taste. We will tell you what to visit in Odessa..

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Potemkin Stairs. Probably one of the most popular places in Odessa. The stairs appeared in the middle of the 19th century as a gift from Prince Vorontsov to his beloved wife Elizabeth. Potemkin stairs have 192 steps and are among the ten most beautiful in Europe. Here they make appointments, shoot and show movies, cross-country fans of a healthy lifestyle.

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National Opera and Ballet Theater. Even if you are not a big fan of opera or ballet, the Opera House is worth a visit. Because, first, the Odessa Opera House is the oldest of all opera houses in Ukraine; and secondly, Forbes magazine has included it in the list of the most unusual sights of Eastern Europe. Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Rimsky-Korsakov conducted the theater at different times, Fedor Chaliapin, Solomiya Krushelnytska sang, Anna Pavlova and Isadora Duncan danced. And Alexander Pushkin mentioned the Odessa theater in the novel "Eugene Onegin".

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Deribasovskaya Street. The world-famous pedestrian street is one of the most memorable places in Odessa. It is also called the heart of Odessa with many shops, restaurants and historical monuments. There is a monument to Osip Mikhailovich Deribas, the founder of Odessa. Also on this street is a bas-relief of the inventor of the Esperanto language Ludwik Zamenhof.

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Monument to Darth Vader. A very interesting monument has recently been added to modern tourist routes - a monument to Darth Vader, the Dark Lord from the famous movie "Star Wars". By the way, this is the first monument in the world dedicated to this figure. It is located on the territory of the Presmash plant (28 Stolbova Street). A famous local sculptor, Oleksandr Mylov, turned Darth Vader into a factory monument to Vladimir Lenin, which was to be dismantled in accordance with decommunization legislation. Darth Vader is made of titanium alloy, and a wireless internet transmitter is built into his head. Now it is a landmark in Odessa.

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House of the Sun. One of the most popular places for photography among tourists in Odessa is the art object House of the Sun on Langeron Beach. This is a prototype of an old bronze door, which was at the entrance to the parade on Richelevskaya Street, 21. According to the plan of sculptor Mikhail Reva in the morning at dawn the sun "sets" in Odessa through the open door by the sea. "Let this door be the main entrance to the House of the Sun. And let, approaching them, people make their cherished desires. They will definitely come true! "- the author is convinced.

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Orange Monument. On Zhvanetsky Boulevard is a very nice bronze Monument to the Orange that saved Odessa, which was erected in 2004. It is dedicated to a historical event - in February 1800, three thousand Greek oranges were delivered from the port of Odessa to St. Petersburg to Emperor Paul I as a gift (or as a bribe). The people of Odessa asked the emperor for money to complete the construction of the port, which was the "main breadwinner" of the city. This event is associated with the beginning of the prosperity of Odessa.

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Privoz Market. Mykhailo Zhvanetsky wrote that in Odessa it is easy to be a writer - open a window, listen carefully to local conversations and write everything down carefully. To feel the real color of Odessa, you should visit the main market of the city, where you can not only buy fresh produce, but also learn the art of bargaining from locals. And be sure to buy the most delicious roast bulls there

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Catacomb. If you do not suffer from claustrophobia, we advise you to gather courage and dive into one of the most interesting and unusual excursions - in the catacombs of Odessa. This is a huge underground labyrinth under the city, which was formed after work on stone mining in the XIX century. The catacombs near Moldavanka were actively used by the Odessa criminal world. During World War II, a guerrilla detachment hid there, and during the Cold War, anti-nuclear bunkers were built in the catacombs.

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City garden. Next to Deribasovskaya is the first park in Odessa, built in the early nineteenth century, immediately after the founding of the city. Singing fountains appeared here in 2006 after restoration, as well as a restored indoor stage where symphony orchestras perform during the warm season. There are also several monuments in the garden: a monument erected in honor of the well-known and loved by millions of readers book "Twelve Chairs" by Odessa writers Ilf and Petrov "Twelfth Chair", a monument to the legendary Leonid Utesov, who was born in Odessa in 1895.

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