Презентація на тему: "Natural parks in Great Britain"

Про матеріал
Презентація на тему: "Natural parks in Great Britain". Допоможе сформувати уявлення учнів про парки Великобританії, поглибити знання учнів про визначні місця; виховувати почуття поваги до пам'яток культури й потребу в пізнанні світової культури країни, мову якої вивчають , стимулювати і підтримувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови
Зміст слайдів
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Natural parks in. Great Britain

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England is considered the birthplace of European style landscape park in a culture that emphasizes the beauty of nature. English parks are characterized by naturalness in Locating smooth lines.

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Botanical Garden of "Eden"For example, the earliest lawns of Oxford and Cambridge maintained in perfect condition for several hundred years. In modern Britain, there are many botanical gardens, open to all comers, and the creation of lawns is a kind of national passion

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Masters of the English fleet assigned prominently element of unpredictability and surprise. Visitors to the park can rarely predict what to expect for the next turn alley

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The most famous parks of Great Britain. New Forest

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New Forest - a national park in the south of England, located in the counties of Hampshire and Wiltshire. The park contains the spirit of Victorian England

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As part of the royal forests, known since 1818. Here, one of the few survivors in England forests grow 900 species of grasses, flowers and shrubs and are found wild ponies. National park in the south of the UK, is located in two counties of England - Somerset and Devon.

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Exmoor in England is famous for the largest livestock royal deer. On the rocks breeding flocks of seabirds.

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Dartmurskyy National Park in south-west England - the most southern Britain. 368 sq. miles heaths, bogs and wooded valleys with a rich wildlife and numerous ancient ruins.

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According to Arthur Conan Doyle, there are always going fogs and rain. It is in Dartmoor events occur his famous detective "Hound of the Baskervilles."