Презентація " OVOSTAR"

Про матеріал
Матеріали містять інформацію про найбільші аграрні компанії України, прив'язані до теми бізнесу та економічних категорій.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Номер слайду 2

Ovostar Union is a vertically integrated holding company, a producer of eggs and egg products in Ukraine. Ovostar Union is the second largest producer of eggs and egg products in Ukraine, controlling about 8% of this market. The holding was built in 1998. Since 2011, Ovostar Union has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, today the holding's capitalization is $ 145 million. The founders of the holding, Boris Belikov and Vitaly Veresenko, own the company in equal shares. HEAD OFFICE34 Petropavlivska street, Kyiv, 04086, Ukraine

Номер слайду 3

Ovostar Union's vertically integrated production covers all processes from feed production to a wide distribution sales structure. OPERATING STRUCTURE OF THE GROUP: FODDER PLANTPARENTAL HERDINCUBATORYOUNG LIVESTOCK FARMPOULTRY FACTORIESEGG PRODUCTION PLANTTRADE AND DISTRIBUTION COMPANY

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BRANDSYASENSVIT™YASENSVIT™ is one of the national leaders in the egg market. Since 2001, YASENSVIT™ has been providing customers with high-quality products in individual package, that are now widely represented in retail chains and are available to consumers in any part of Ukraine at the present time. In 2017, the Yasensvit's poultry farm was certified and received permission to export products to the EU countries. "YASENSVIT — an egg as it is!" YASENSVIT™ products do not contain antibiotics, hormones and any other harmful substances and meet international standards of quality and safety of food products.

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OVOSTAR EGG PRODUCTSOVOSTAR™ is 100% egg. Egg products under OVOSTAR™ have been produced since 2005. OVOSTAR™ was the first on the Ukrainian market to offer liquid egg products to its consumers. In 2014, OVOSTAR™ received permission to sell products to EU countries. OVOSTAR egg products are sold both for further use as ingredients in the food industry and to a final consumer for home use.

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Ovostar Union is one of the top egg producers in Europe. In 2018, 1.6 billion eggs were produced at the company's poultry farms, the number of laying hens amounted to 6.4 million. According to the results of the audit of the European Commission since 2017, Ovostar Union supplies eggs to the EU countries.40% of the total sales of Ovostar Union eggs are exported. Products are sold in 55 countries of the world — in the markets of the EU, Middle East, Southeast Asia and Africa.

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Ovostar Union produces dry and liquid egg products, separated products and mixtures, chilled and frozen. Constant investments in the production capacities make it possible to customize products to specifications of customers. Ovostar Union has been exporting products since 2006. According to the results of the European Commission audit since 2014, Ovostar Union supplies egg products to EU countries. Today Ovostar Union products are sold in 55 countries — in the EU, Middle East, Southeast Asia and Africa. 50% of the total sales of egg products are exported.

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BOARD OF DIRECTORSBORYS BIELIKOV - CEO, BOARD MEMBER. Mr. Bielikov founded GC "Ovostar Union" in 1999 (till 2011 – LLC "Borispol Agro Trade"). Since 2007 and up to now he has been holding the position of group Chief Executive Officer. VITALIY VERESENKO - BOARD MEMBER. Mr. Veresenko is at GC "Ovostar Union" since 1999. Till 2001 – General Director at CJSC "Malynove".

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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
9 березня 2021
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