Презентація " Present Simple VS Present Continuous"

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Презентація розпоблена для вивення/повторення/практики вживання та утворення теперішнього простого та теперішнього подовженого часів в писемному та усному мовленні. Різниця у вживанні відповідно до ситуацій спілкування
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Present. Simple Time(Indefinite)Present Progressive Time(Continuous)By Babchynetska Zhanna

Номер слайду 2

Номер слайду 3

Formation of the verb. Present simple. Present Continuouse. Affirmative. I/You/We/They + VHe/she/it + Vs (es)Interrogative. Do + I/you/we/they + VDoes + he/she/it + VNegative. I/you/we/they + do not+VHe/she/it + does not + VAffirmative. I+ am + Ving. He/she/it +is+ Ving. You/we/they+ are+ Ving. Interrogative. Am + I + Ving. Is+he/she/it+Ving. Are+you/we/they+Ving. Negative. I+am not+Ving. He/she/it+is not+Ving. You /we/ they+are not+Ving

Номер слайду 4

Present Simple vs Present Continuous. I work. You work. We work. They work. He works. She works. It works. I am working. You are working. We are working. They are working. He is working. She is working. It is working.

Номер слайду 5

Present Simple vs Present Continuous. I do not work. You do not work. We do not work. They do not work. He does not work. She does not work. It does not work. I am not working. You are not working. We are not working. They are not working. He is not working. She is not working. It is not working.

Номер слайду 6

Present Simple vs Present Continuous. Do I work?Do you work?Do we work?Do they work?Does he work?Does she work?Does it work?Am I working?Are you working?Are we working?Are they working?Is he working?Is she working?Is it working?

Номер слайду 7

Present Simple vs Present Continuousповторювана або постійна дія: I learn English at school. He doesn’t eat meat. (He is vegetarian.)тимчасова дія: I am learning English. (I am moving to the USA soon.) He isn’t eating meat.(It’s fast.)загальний факт: It rains in autumn. дія в момент мовлення: It is raining outside. найближчі плани: I am playing football this weekends. розклад: The film starts at 8 p.m.

Номер слайду 8

Present Simple vs Present Continuous. Ключові слова:always, never, usually, sometimes, seldom, rarely, often, regularlyevery day/week/month/ year Ключові слова:now, nowadays, still, today, tonight, at the moment, at present, Look! Listen! this month/week/year.

Номер слайду 9

Stative verbs. There are verbs which are not used in Continuous Tenses They express state not action. They are: Like, love, hate ( ненавидіти), want (хотіти) , know (знати), remember (пам’ятати), forget (забувати), understand (розуміти)Think (думати), believe (вірити,вважати), taste ( мати смак) аnd others.

Номер слайду 10

Let’s practice: choose correct verb from. Once a week I ________ to dance classes.go b) goes c) am going2. Look! Peter _________ to the water. a) jump b) jumps c) is jumping3. Don’t give Mary any cheese. She _____ it!a) hate b) hates c) is hating

Номер слайду 11

Let’s practice: choose correct verb from4. You ________ lunch in cafeteria every day.have b) has c) are having5. We ________ to Poland next Thursday.a) go b) goes c) are going6. I________ you are crazy!a) think b) thinks c) am thinking

Номер слайду 12

Let’s practice: choose correct verb from7. David is rich! He ________ Mercedes.drive b) drives c) is driving8. Jack is not at home. He ____ in the library.a) study b) studies c) is studying9. It _______ quite hard tonight!a) snow b) snows c) is snowing

Номер слайду 13

Let’s practice: choose correct verb from10. We ________ Christmas tree before winter holidays. decorate b) decorates c) are decorating11. Linda ____ the Christmas tree at home. decorate b) decorates c) is decorating12. He is from Brazil. He _______ Spanish.a) speak b) speaks c) is speaking

Номер слайду 14

Let’s practice: choose correct verb from13. Rotten tomato ______ awful.taste b) tastes c) is tasting14. It _______ dark. Switch on the light.a) get b) gets c) is getting15. I _______ Ukraine in two weeks.a) leave b) leaves c) am leaving

Номер слайду 15

Let’s practice: choose correct verb from16. My friends usually ____ about sport.talk b) talks c) are talking17. Kate _______ back home early today.a) come b) comes c) is coming18. Water _________ at 1000 C.a) boil b) boils c) is boiling

Номер слайду 16

Let’s practice: choose correct verb from19. Turn off the gas. The milk ______.boil b) boils c) is boiling20. Look! Peter and Mary _______ together.a) dance b) dances c) are dancing21. Mary _______ all modern dances well.a) dance b) dances c) is dancing

Номер слайду 17

Let’s practice: choose correct verb from22. Daniel ______ fishing every week.go b) goes c) is going23. You _______ as a radio DJ.a) work b) works c) is working24. The prices _______ up.a) go b) goes c) are going

Номер слайду 18

Let’s practice: translate into English. Мій тато працює щодня. Ми сьогодні не працюємо. Ввечері він завжди читає газети. На вулиці йде дощ. Восени часто йде дощ. Вони не живуть у столиці. Зараз він живе в готелі. My father works every day. We are not working today. He always reads newspapers at the evening. It‘s raining outside. It often rains in autumn. They do not live in the capital. He is living at the hotel now.

Номер слайду 19

Let’s practice: translate into English8. Я не вивчаю французької мови.9. Хтось стукає в двері.10. Дивись, літак летить дуже низько.11. Я читаю багато.12. Зараз я читаю книгу про війну.13. По понеділках вона прокидається рано. 14. Як правило, Петро готує звіти вчасно. I do not learn French. Someone is knocking at the door. Look! The plane is flying very low. I read a lot. I am reading a book about war. She gets up early on Mondays. As a rule, Peter prepares reports in time.

Номер слайду 20

Let’s practice: translate into English15. Петро готується до екзамену.16. Учні в школі здають екзамени раз на рік.17. Ми часто ходимо у бібліотеку.18. Ми йдемо у бібліотеку.19. Зараз я поясню це правило.20. Я планую взяти таксі.21. Мій потяг прибуває завтра зранку. Peter is preparing to the exam. At school pupils pass exams once a year. We often go to the library. We are going to the library. I am explaining this rule now. I am taking taxi. My train arrives tomorrow at the morning.

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Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 3
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Кравцов Ігор
    In this case not "Time", but "Tense"!
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  2. Суржан Вікторія
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    Відповідність темі
  3. Біро Тетяна Володимирівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
Babchinetska Zhanna
10 лютого 2022
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5.0 (3 відгука)
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