Номер слайду 9
Remembering. Say what you know or remember, describe, repeat, define, identify, tell who, when, which, where, what. Understanding. Describe in your own words, tell how you feel (interpreting or understanding) about it, what it means, explain, compare, relate. Applying. How can you use it? Where does it lead, apply (applying, making use of) what you know, use it to solve problems, demonstrate. Analyzing. What are the parts? The order? The reasons why, (taking apart, being critical) the cause/ problems/solutions/consequences. Evaluating. How would you judge it, does it succeed, will it (judging and assessing) work, what would you prefer, why do you think so? Creating. How might it be different, what if , (connecting, being creative) suppose, put together, develop, improve, create your own.