Презентація "The Red Book Of Ukraine. The Animal World"

Про матеріал
Презентація є супроводжуючим матеріалом до проекту "Червона Книга України. Світ Тварин". Мета: познайомити учнів з назвами тварин, які їснують в Україні, але яким загрожує небезпека зникнення. Головна ціль - зрозуміти, що діти можуть зробити, щоб захистити розмаїття тварин. Засобами іноземної мова учні намагалися під час підготовки проекту і представлення результату через презентацію донесті думку, чому можно сказати "Так", а чому "Ні" для збереження природи і тварин в рідній країні.А ще розвивали навички пошукової роботи, вчилися збирати матеріал з різних джерел, готувати і оформлювати презентацію.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Номер слайду 2

The animals of the Red Book of Ukraine

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Objectives: to become aware of the animal world on the territory of Ukraine to get acquaintance with the animal world in the reserve Askania Nova to broaden pupils’ outlook and extend knowledge about the animals on the list of the Red Book to bring up the will to protect the environment and fair attitude to the environment to teach students to do projects to select the necessary material, to use the reference literature, the Internet, the encyclopedias, dictionaries to improve skills to carry out the research work

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The List of Thematic Words Nouns: animal wild life fauna environment deforestation forest fires floods danger scientists species animal skin fur Adjectives: beautiful wonderful marvelous picturesque endangered extinct rare valuable Verbs: to protect to keep to save to look after to breed to feed to found to spread to attract to admire to enjoy to surround to hunt to destroy to disappear, to pollute

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Quotations The greatness of the nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated. Mahatma Gandhi To understand whether animals have a soul, you need to have a soul. Albert Schweitzer An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language. Martin Buber I believe in animal rights, and high among them is the right to the gentle stroke of a human hand. Robert Brault

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Proverbs A lion sleeps in the heart of every courageous person A champion bull begins from birth A bird never flew on one wing A good horse cannot be of a bad colour

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Fantastic Fauna Zones variety of animals

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Wildlife in Danger Elephants are killed for their ivory tusks which are used to make ornaments or necklaces. Blue whales are hunted for food and oil. Polar bears are in danger because of weather changes and warm temperature. Rhinos are now becoming extinct as their horns are used to make special medicine. Pandas are killed for their fur to make rugs.

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Lions and tigers have little space to live because of people’s activity Penguins are killed because of pollution caused by oil from ships Mountain gorillas are killed because their hands are used to make souvenirs Arabian oryx is in danger because of its horns. They are used for ornaments. Musk oxen are almost extinct because people use their musk to make perfume.

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ONLY WHEN Only when all the rivers have run dry And all the fish in the river have died, Only when all the rainforests have been burnt down And there is no food for animals, Only when all the blue skies have been filled with smoke And all the cities of the world have choked, Will the man understand That’s too late to save the Earth

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Animals in captivity land which is protected by a government because of its natural beauty, historical or scientific interest. National Park Zoo – a place, usually in a city, where animals of many kinds are kept

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an enclosed area of land where wild animals are kept, so that people can drive round to look at them. Safari park

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Reserve an area of land where wild animals and plants are protected

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Baron Friedrich Eduardovich von Falz-Fein (1863 – 1920) the founder of the reserve Askania-Nowa

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2,250 species of animals

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The Red Book of Ukraine 1980 - the 1-st edition of the Red Book on Ukrainian flora and fauna was published. 1994 - the 2-nd edition of the Red Book was released. 2009 - the 3-rd edition of the Red Book came out.

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The Red Book of Ukraine includes insects - 226 fish - 69 animals - 68 reptiles - 11

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Lynx Mostly lives in the Carpathians. The number is 350-400 species. The reasons the species is on the list of the Red Book - facing degradation and fragmentation of habitat, not enough food and slaughter.

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A long-eared hedgehog No major threats are known for most of the area in Ukraine

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Golden eagle It is protected around the world. In Ukraine it needs special attention.

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Corsac fox In 2004 corsac fox was defined as Least Concern. This species is constantly hunted because of its fur. The number of corsac fox is different from year to year. In 2009 corsac fox was included in the Red Book.

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Wild cat It lives in the region of the Carpathian Mountains. It is listed as Vulnerable in the Red Data Book.

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Speckled/ground squirrel (spotted souslik) It is threatened by the loss and fragmentation of its habitat. The status – Vulnerable.

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Stoat It doesn’t face any significant threat to its survival. Conservation status – Least Concern

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European polecat It is classed as Least Concern

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European / mountain hare Conservation status - Least Concern

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European Bison In 1996, the International Union for Conservation of Nature classified the European bison as an endangered species

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Azov dolphin Black Sea Afalina They are in danger because of water pollution

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River otter Data Deficient – there isn’t much information about the risks to this species.

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Brown Bear The brown bear's principal range includes parts of the Carpathian region. Conservation status – Least Concern.

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Gray wolf Conservation status – Least Concern

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White owl Conservation status– endangered. This bird is a very rare species on the territory of Ukraine.

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International organizations help animals all over the world the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a police force for animals the World Society for the Protection of Animals aims to prevent cruelty and mistreatment of animals the World Wildlife Fund is the most famous international organization which seeks to help endangered species

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What must we do to save …

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to National Parks to preserve animals which are on the brink of extinction! We say

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to animal reserves to keep and save animals! We say

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We say

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to destruction of the habitat of animals! We say

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to the Zoos to preserve and save rare species of animals! We say

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22 січня 2019
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