Time to have lunch DAY BY DAY
Greeting ─ Hello! — I am glad to see you. — How are you? — What day is it today?
Phonetic Exercise Th They Birthday Them The That These Those Then Mother Father
have dinner
have supper
Exercise 1, page 78 Tim has lunch at 1 oclock. dinner at 4 oclock. supper at 8 ocklock.
She usually cooks in the afternoon.
She usually watch cartoons in the afternoon.
She usually phones in the afternoon.
She usually reads in the afternoon.
They usually drink juice in the afternoon.
They usually ski in the afternoon.
Exercise 2, page 78
Реєструючись, ви погоджуєтеся з угодою користувача та політикою конфіденційності.
«На Урок». Освітній інтернет-проект