Презентація Topic: Сome back to Ukraine

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Презентація до уроку англійської мови в 9 класі за підручником О.Карпюк. Topic: Сome back to Ukraine. Ст. 226-233
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Номер слайду 1

Monday, the twenty-fourth of April. Classwork Topic: Сome back to Ukraine

Номер слайду 2

LVIV — FLORENCE OF EASTERN EUROPE 750 year-old Lviv is one of the oldest cities in Ukraine and the most peculiar in its historical development. The city is situated on the hills of the Roztochya Natural Reserve where the main European watershed lies. For its geographical position and historical tradition Lviv was meant to play a signifi cant part in the life of Central and Eastern Europe. Lviv with its 830 000 inhabitants, mostly Ukrainians, occupies the territory of 155 sq km. The city is an important trade, educational, cientific and cultural centre. Foreign investment into this region is growing rapidly. Modern Lviv is a stunning urban panorama, splendid mix of different national traditions, hectic businesslife and open-hearted hospitality.

Номер слайду 3

SIGHTS OF LVIV The uniqueness of the city was formed under the infl uence of мediterranean humanism between East and West. The central part of Lviv became a historical-architectural preserve and in 1998 was included into the UNESCO List of the World Heritage Sites. Lviv boasts about 2 000 historical, architectural and cultural monuments. The city centre is located in a place which is picturesquely surrounded by seven hills. Architectural masterpieces are framed by fresh greenery of the numerous parks.

Номер слайду 4

The inimitable architectural landscape of Lviv reflects the wise face of the Past, which is also concentrated in priceless exhibits of the museums and libraries. All this together with the enchanting atmosphere has made Lviv an important centre of international tourism. Lviv offers a wide range of entertainment to its guests. Theatres and the Opera House in particular, galleries and concert halls, the big Circus, night and art clubs, swimming pools and tennis courts attract tourists.

Номер слайду 5

THE PRINCE’S CITY On the top point (413 m) of Lviv, in XIII century Prince Danylo of Halych built a castle for his son Leo, who gave his name to the city. Pidzamche is the area under the hill, which forms the preserve of the oldest cult buildings. Among them, the XIII-century St John the Baptist Church and St Nicholas Church, Neo-Roman Snowy Mary Cathedral (XIV century) and Renaissance Ensemble of the Benedictine Nunnery (1597). The Ensemble of Greek Catholic St George Cathedral, the masterpiece of Rococo style, built by B. Meretini in the 18th century is adorned with the sculptures of the outstanding master Joseph Pinsel.

Номер слайду 6

Physical Activity. Фізкультхвилинка.

Номер слайду 7

THE HEART OF OLD LVIV Walking the narrow paved streets of Lviv, you come across the grey-haired Past everywhere. In the heart of old Lviv there are plenty of houses, which are worth your attention. First of all, it is Lviv Opera House Lviv St George Cathedral the ensemble of the Rynok Square with the City Hall and 44 buildings, among which there are the Blackstone Palace, the Venetian House and the marvelous Royal Palace (today the History Museum) with its Italian Courtyard. You should not fail to visit the Pharmacy Museum (2, Drukarska Str.) which was founded in 1735. Here you can taste a healing ‘iron wine’ made according to the ancient recipe.

Номер слайду 8

Teatralna Street leads to the Theatre of Stanislav Skarbek (today Theatre named after M. Zankovetska) which is built in the style of classicism. Nearby you can enjoy the view of the Jesuit Cathedral (XVII century), Natural History Museum, People’s House (behind the statues of Venus and Mars). Next to it lies the Ivan Pidcova Square with a former Guard-House. Where Halytska Street crosses the Cathedral Square you will admire an architectural pearl of early XVII century – The Boims Chapel. The faсade and interior will impress you with fi ligree stone carving. Rynok Square is fringed with picturesque little streets, each with its own peculiar atmosphere.

Номер слайду 9

Lviv is a city of temples. Over 80 beautiful domes and towers of sacral buildings dominate the panorama of Lviv from the High Castle. The most fascinating ones are concentrated in the city centre. Various styles and building traditions blend into the harmonious mixture of Byzantine, Roman and Gothic as well as Renaissance, Baroque and Classicism. The Lvivians always demonstrated ethnic and religious tolerance. Different Christian churches co-exist in Lviv: Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Greek Catholic, Protestant and Armenian. There are Synagogues for the Jewish community.

Номер слайду 10

Choose the correct item.1 The uniqueness of the city was formed … Mediterranean humanism between East and West.a) due to b) under the infl uence of c) with the help of2 In the heart of old Lviv there are plenty of houses, which area) worth your attention b) founded in 1735 c) named after the famous Lvivians3 Prince Danylo of Halych built … .a) a marvelous Royal Palace b) solemn building of the National University c) a castle for his son Leo4 Theatre named after M. Zankovetska is built in the style of ..a) Renaissance b) Classicism c) Rococo5 The city centre is located in a place which is picturesquely surrounded bya) seven hills b) plenty of houses c) different Christian churches6 Over 80 beautiful domes and towers of sacral buildings are opened to your eye from … .a) the Rynok Square b) St. George Cathedralc) the High Castle7 In the Museum Pharmacy, which was founded in 1735, you can taste some …a) dishes of Ukrainian cuisine b) European wines c) ‘iron wine’

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