презентація з англійської мови "At the Doctor"

Про матеріал
презентація мфістить чимало матеріалів за темою, які допоможуть учням вивчити тематичну лексику та використати її у спілкуванні. Наведено приклади діалогів для трансформації. Є також граматичні завдання для використання Past Perfect на зразку ситуацій за темою
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

At the doctorroleplay the following situation

Номер слайду 2

Translate into Ukrainian:1. After that accident he stayed in a hospital for two months.2. Covid 19 is a disease that caused pandemic in the world.3. My classmate’s father works at the dentist office.4. The doctor asked me about the symptoms of my disease and prescribed some treatment.5. My granny takes her pills for blood pressure three times a day after meals.6. You should take tablets regularly to recover from this disease.7. You have to pay for your treatment in a private hospital.8. My mother made an appointment and we went to the dentist office.

Номер слайду 3

Odd One Out:1.lungs, head, treatment, back, neck, heart, tooth , ankle2.check temperature, take pulse, listen to heart, make operations, a nurse, a sore throat3.a bruise, a cough, a pill, dizzy, to sneeze, a rash, a toothache, a backache4.a disease, an earache, the flue, hay fever, pneumonia, chickenpox, heart attacka)illness b)symptom c) health service d) part of the body

Номер слайду 4

Topical phrases• be hot/cold• have got a backache / earache ….• have a runny nose• have sore eyes• leg / arm hurts• feel bad• feel dizzy• have a rash• some pills• some drops• some injections• take pills for…• take dropstake a mixture/ a syrupgargle a throat

Номер слайду 5

Doctor: What’s the matter with you?You: I’ve got a terrible headache and a sore throat. Your mother: He’s also got a high temperature, I think. Doctor: Well, let’s listen to your breath and examine your throat. Oh! it’s really red. You: I’m sneezing and coughing all the time. Doctor : Don’t worry. I’ll prescribe you some medicine and you’ll be better in several days. Your mother: Should he stay in bed?Doctor: Yes, sure. I think 3 days will be enough. Also give him warm milk with butter and honey. Your mother: OK. I see. You: I hate milk and honey

Номер слайду 6

regularly; pills; symptoms; surgeon; disease; make an appointment; treatment; an accident; regular; private; 1. He has to take ... to control his blood pressure.2. Common ... of a cold are sneezing and a runny nose.3. A ……is a set of specific symptoms and signs that an ill person have.4. The best... for a cold is to rest and drink lots of warm drinks5. When you have a broken arm you should go to a ... .6. My friend had ... in the street yesterday so he had to go to hospital.7. Do you do any ... exercise?8. It’s important to exercise ... .9. Do you think the treatment in ... hospitals is better than in state hospitals?10. You should phone your dentist if you want to ... .

Номер слайду 7

1 Kate had her lunch. Then she took some medicine. (after) 2 Jim ate some ice-cream. Then he had a bad toothache. (when) 3 Sally drank a glass of warm milk. Then she felt better. (after) 4 Mother went to the chemist’s. Then father arrived. (before) 5 Sam recovered from his illness. Then the day of his birthday came. (by the time)

Номер слайду 8

Jane fell ill and her mother called a doctor. What had mother done before the doctor came? Example: lay Jane / bed A: What had mother done before the doctor came? B: She had laid Jane into bed. 1 put on / warm blanket 2 give / a glass of warm milk 3 check / temperature 4 clean / carpet

Номер слайду 9

Odd one out1.an ankle, a neck, a back, a bruise, a foot, a tooth, a stomach2.make an operation, gargle a throat, have a rash, check temperature, take pulse3.a headache, drops, pills, mixture, syrup, injection4.the flu, an earache, a rash, a sore throat, a cough, a backachea)symptoms b)medicine c)parts of the body d)medical service

Номер слайду 10

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect Tense1 It was a feeling he had never felt before . 2 The woman, who had been on a diet for a year looked younger than her age. 3 After he had cut his finger, he washed it and put on a plaster. 4 I felt better after I had taken a tablet of aspirin. 5 We were pleased to see Alex again. We hadn’t seen him for a month.6 Rose felt very tired after she had worked in the garden

Номер слайду 11

First aid – перша допомога. Paracetamol - парацетамол Antibiotics – антибіотики Aspirin - аспірин. Cotton - вата. Bandage - бинт. Drops - краплі Plaster - пластир an injection – ін’єкція mixture - мікстураpills - пілюлі painkillers - обезболюючіhousehold ammonia – нашатирний спиртantiseptic – антисептикthermometer- термометр

Номер слайду 12

Most accidents happen at home. Most illnesses begin at home. What things should we have at home to give the first aid.1. For a sore throat you may take ... . 2. When a person is operated on he is given ... not to feel any pain. 3. If your eyes hurt use ... . 4. If somebody has lost consciousness you may help him with ... . 5. When you’ve cut your finger, you should use some ... and ... to prevent the cut from infection. 6. When you catch a cold or have a temperature you may take ... or ... . 7. You may need .... to put a drug into your body by using a special needle. 8. If you have a cut or a scratch you may use some ... and ... .9. If you are hot or cold you should check your temperature with a …..

Номер слайду 13

Paul. Ouch! I’ve hurt my ankle. Lucy. Don’t worry. I know what to do. We did this at school. First, put something under the ankle. Here’s my coat. Is that comfortable, Paul?Paul. Thanks. That’s better. But it hurts. Lucy. We must put some ice on the ankle now. Simon. I’ll get some from the nearest cafe. Here’s a bag of ice. Lucy. Let’s put it on the ankle and we need something to put round it. Simon. Take my scarf. Lucy. Now we must put the ankle up a little. Give me your bag, please. It looks rather big. Let’s help him to put his ankle up. Keep the scarf round his ankle and I’ll call Mum. Paul. Thanks. What happens now?Lucy. We’ll take you to hospital.

Номер слайду 14

At the doctor1. What do you complain of ?2. What’s wrong with you?3. How long have you been ill?4. How long have you been this way?5. I’ll prescribe you some treatment6. You should …I have a temperature and I’m cold. It’s hard to swallow (ковтати)I don’t sleep well / I have an insomnia (безсоння)I have a runny nose and I’m sneezing. I have a stomach ache and vomiting ( блювота)I have a rash on my face/ hand/ body. Something must have fallen into my eye. I want to sleep all the time

Номер слайду 15

Good morning, doctor. You’ve made me an appointment for 11 o’clock. Come in , please. What do you complain of?I don’t sleep well. How long have you been this way?I think, two or three weeks already. Any other symptoms?No, that’s all. Where do you work?I’m a teacher in a local school. I, see. Your job is very stressful. And you spend much time at your telephone and computer, I suppose. You are right. I’ll prescribe you some treatment but you should follow all my instructions. First of all, you should walk for an hour before going to bed. Second, you shouldn’t use your gadgets for at least two hours before going to bed. It’s impossible. I have to check my pupils works which they send me via Viber or Google Classroom. It goes without saying! (це не обговорюється) And the last. Take these pills once before going to bed. How long should I take them?For 10 days and then I wait you here again. Thank you, doctor. Good bye. Good luck!

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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
24 травня 2023
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