ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ З ВІДЕО "Music in Our Life. The Beatles."

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Учасники заходу будуть активно залучені до комунікації англійською мовою та отримають можливість розширити свій лексичний запас, обговорити свої музичні уподобання, що сприятиме не лише покращенню рівня володіння англійською мовою, а й засвоєнню важливої інформації про життя і творчість відомої британської біт-рок-гурт The Beatles
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The Beatles Ladies and gentlemen!

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Sometimes, a single spark is enough to start a raging flame, and four young guys unfamiliar with musical notation are enough to start a revolution in music.

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During their ten years of existence, The Beatles won millions of fans around the world and became an inspiring example for several generations of musicians.

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The History of the Beatles Watch a video

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Rowdy and principled John Lennon

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Cute handsome Paul McCartney

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Talanted and enigmatic George Harrison

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Funny and cool Ringo Starr

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Thus was formed the traditional structure of the most popular band of all time – The Beatles

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Their producer Brian Epstain made them sloppy rockers inintelligent guys.Their music has captivated millions of hearts around the world and their style is copy anyone Became popular releasing single Love me do/P.S. I love you Band was broken in 1970, but Over half a century later, their records still sell in millions every year.

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They recorded 13 albums

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First, still quite young, they played skiffle, later surely played rhytm and blues. Experimented with psychedelic rock and used the sitar in some songs

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“Please,Please me” – Taste of Honey, Baby It`s you «With the Beatles» - All my loving, It Won`t be Long «Hard day`s night» - And I Love Her, Can`t Buy me love, Tell Me Why «Beatles for sale» - Eight Day`s a Week, Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby,I`ll Follow the sun «Help» - Help, I Need You, I`ve Just Seen a Face, Yesterday «Rubber soul» - Michelle, Wait, Think for Yourself, Girl «Revolver» - I`m Only Sleeping, Eleonor Rigby, Good Day Sunshine «Magical mistery tour» - All You Need Is Love, Strawberry Fields Forever, Your Mother Should Know «Sgt.Peppers…» - Sgt Peppers Lonely Hurts Club Band, When I`m Sixty-Four «White album» - Blackbird, Rocky Racoon «Yellow submarine» - All Together Now, Yellow Submarine «Abbey road» - Come Together, I Want You, Oh Darling «Let it be» - Maggie Mae, Two Of Us I can not be determine my favorite song of The Beatles or album, but I can identify some of each plate

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The only phrase that can describe the music of the Beatles:

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They made song`s about love and peace Because LOVE is ALL we need

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The Beatles didn't just change music, they changed the world.

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Thank you for attention!

19 жовтня 2024
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