Проект "Restaurant of our dream"

Про матеріал
Вимоги сучасного суспільства щодо компетентності випускників, які мають бути конкурентноспроможними, обізнаними, готовими до викликів, до плідної співпраці, до спілкування, до пошукової роботи та постійного саморозвитку, спонукають кожного учителя до пошуку цікавих та результативних видів роботи. Усі вищеперелічені якості він зможе розвивати в учнів, використовуючи проектну роботу. Саме такий вид учнівської діяльності найбільше навчає колаборації та вмінню організувати свою команду до перемоги, використовуючи знання та вміння усіх її членів..
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

The project: Presented by the students of the 7th form Novovolynsk school № 4

Номер слайду 2

Our task: to open an own restaurant to invent a name for our restaurant to make the list of food it sells, according to tastes of all students of our sub-group On the basis of questioning to make a menu, including ingredients and prices to every dish to make poems (create advertising of the restaurant)

Номер слайду 3

Plan of the project Stage 1: Interview all members of our sub-group about their favourite cuisine. Then using results choose cuisine for our restaurant and name it. Stage 2: Choose the most popular dishes, including first courses, second courses, appetizer, salads, desserts and drinks. Stage 3: Write ingredients and price to every dish. Stage 4: Think about advertising of the restaurant

Номер слайду 4

Stage 1. Favourite cuisine To investigate this question we interviewed the pupils. Our questions were: How do you think, is Chinese cuisine: absolutely delicious? tasty? or horrible? Using these three variants of answers we asked about: Italian? Mexican? English? Ukrainian? Russian cuisine? And also about American fast food.

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Our results

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Discussing our results we decided to open the restaurant of Ukrainian and Russian cuisine. That’s why we named it “Slavonic”

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Stage 2. Menu We remembered such Slavonic dishes: First courses: chicken broth, pea soup, sorrel soup, cabbage soup, beetroot borshch, mushroom soup, fish soup Second courses: cutlet, chop, rissole, stewed, fried or roast meat (beef, veal, pork, lamb, mutton, fowl), basting, chicken Kyiv, mashed potatoes, beans, buckwheat, noodles, roast potatoes, varenyky, holoobtsee, stuffed paprika Salads: salad with roast cabbage, mixed salad, olivye, Appetizer: black caviar, pate, meat-jelly, assorted-meats, herring, salo – pork red and lard Desserts: mlyntsee (pancakes) , jelly, Varenyky with cherries, sweet cottage cheese or blueberries Non-alcoholic drinks: juice, milk, kefeer (sour milk), kvas, uzvar (stewed fruit) Strong drinks: horilka (vodka), nalyvka (infusion of fruit and vodka), vyshnivka (alcohol drink from cherries)

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Stage 3. The Menu Card First courses: chicken broth 3 - 00 pea soup 2 - 00 sorrel soup (sorrel, pork, eggs) 3 -50 cabbage soup 2 - 50 beetroot borshch 4 - 00 (beetroots, cabbage, carrot, pork, haricot bean) mushroom soup 3 - 25 fish soup 3 - 25

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Second courses: cutlet (beef, pork, onions, bread) 3 - 50 chop or rissole (pork, flour, eggs) 4 - 00 stewed, fried or roast meat (beef, veal, pork, lamb, mutton, fowl) 4 - 50 basting (meat, carrot, onion, butter, sour-cream) 3- 75 chicken Kyiv (boneless chicken, lemon juice, butter, egg, dill) 5 - 00 mashed or roast potatoes 2 - 00 stewed beans 2 - 50 varenyks with potato, cabbage or cottage cheese 3 - 50 holoobtsee or stuffed paprika 4 - 00

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Appetizer: sandwiches with red or black caviar 7 - 50 sandwiches with pate or pork lard 4 - 00 meat-jelly 5 - 00 assorted-meats (bacon, ham, smoked meat, smoked lard, sausages) 12 - 00 herring 4 - 50 Salads: salad with roast cabbage 2 - 50 (cabbage, oil, garlic) mixed salad 2 - 75 (sour cabbage, tinned cucumbers, boiled beetroots, carrots, potatoes, onions, oil) salad “Olivye” 3 - 00 (boiled eggs, carrots, potatoes, tinned cucumbers, sausage, onions, mayonnaise)

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Desserts: mlyntsee (pancakes) 3 -50 milk-jelly 3 - 00 varenyks with cherries, sweet cottage cheese or blueberries 5 - 00 Non-alcoholic drinks: juice 2 - 50 milk 2 - 00 kefeer (sour milk) 1 - 50 kvas 2 - 00 uzvar (stewed fruit) 2 - 00 Strong drinks: horilka (vodka) 7 - 00 nalyvka (infusion of fruit and vodka) 6 - 50 vyshnivka (alcohol drink from cherries) 6 - 00

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Stage 4. Our poems (Advertising ) Acrostic poem Haiku (Japanese) Slavonic Eat and have a rest, establishment Our restaurant is the best cordially Come to “Slavonic” invite offering numerous delicious courses Cinquain poem Restaurant Traditional, comfortable, Satisfying, calming, warming, Includes Ukrainian-Russian cuisine “Slavonic”

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Eat at our restaurant and you will be satisfied and happy!!! We believe that every happy minute may change our world for better. We’d like to hear from you! e-mail:

20 березня 2020
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