Qualities of Personality

Про матеріал
ема уроку: Qualities of Personality Aims Мета. Активізувати та систематизувати ЛО теми; розвивати лексично-граматичні навички; розвивати навички аудіювання та усного мовлення; розвивати мовні, інтелектуальні та пізнавальні інтереси; здійснювати взаємозв’язок навчального матеріалу з конкретними життєвими ситуаціями; виховувати повагу до співрозмовника та думки інших
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План-конспект уроку з англійської мови     10 клас

Тема уроку: Qualities of Personality

Aims Мета. Активізувати та систематизувати ЛО теми; розвивати лексично-граматичні навички; розвивати навички аудіювання та усного мовлення; розвивати мовні, інтелектуальні та пізнавальні інтереси; здійснювати взаємозв’язок навчального матеріалу з конкретними життєвими ситуаціями; виховувати повагу до співрозмовника та думки інших

Обладнання. Equipment Мультимедійна презентація, аудіо матеріали, завдання для індивідуальної роботи, мультимедійна дошка, роздатковой матеріал, підручник

Хід уроку

I. Початок уроку. Організаційний момент.

2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Aim. Бесіда з учнями

Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1.Greeting:  Goodmorning, children! Nice to see you all! On today`s lesson we`re going to speak about Qualities of Personality. We`ll speak about different people, try to describe their personality. We’ll  define and give examples of various character traits; Explain how character traits are displayed in everyday life; Discuss and write about positive and negative character traits; Improve listening, reading, speaking skills through different activities. So, let`s start

3.Warming up.   Мовленнєва зарядка уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T:And now tell me please, which features of character do you appreciate

in people? What kind of people do you respect? Name negative qualities of Personality you did not want to have. (Pupils give their answers.)

Вчитель просить учнів відповісти на запитання які якості характеру вони цінюють у людині, яких людей вони поважають, які якості характеру є негативними.


1. Активізація лексичного матеріалу (ЛО теми). Presenting vocabulary. Повторення лексики з теми

  Kind, angry, crazy, mad, friendly, helpful, sociable, aggressive, pessimistic, optimistic, ambitious, caring, selfish, polite, honest, strict, generous, greedy, jealous, lazy, absent-minded,naughty, spoilt, hard-working, intelligent, chatty, trustful , trustworthy, responsible, bossy, shy, rude, talkative, sad.

Task 1 Complete the sentences.

Harry Porter is… ( clever, serious, brave, helpful,friendly )  

 Cinderella is … (hard-working, helpful, shy,    kind, )                                        

Mickey Mouse is…( clever and funny)

  The Superman is … (brave, helpful, friendly.)

4. Checking homework. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

1) Describe your presonality. Write a description of personality anybody of your relatives. (Учні усно , користуючись записами, зробленими вдома , описують себе та    когось із членів своєї родини).

2)Перевірка знань лекики за темою.  (Завдання на картках)

Personality Types

1) A person who likes to give or share things with others

A) selfish   B) interesting  C) generous

2) Someone who always tells the truth.

 A) comical    B) honest    C) ungrateful

3) A person who doesn’t want to work

A) spoiled B) clever C) lazy

4) Someone who is always on time.

A) punctual B) lazy C) shy

5) A person who can’t keep a secret.

A) bigmouth B) depressing C) caring

6) Someone who does not think about other peoples’ feelings.

A) talented B) brilliant C) selfish

7) A person who always tells the truth.

 A) helpful  B)honest C) helpless

8) Someone who thinks about what others need.

A) caring  B) lazy  C) chatty

9) A person who comes up with new and original ideas

 A) creative   B) timid  C) narrow-minded

10) Someone who has a strong desire to succeed.

A) forgetful B) ambitious C) disorganized

Relaxation Period.

We will whatch a short video about a child has nothing to eat at school and answer the questions


What feelings does pupil have when he opened empty lunchbox?

What feelings does pupil have when he opened  lunchbox full of food?

Describe the Qualities Of Personality of his classmates.

It's lunch time at a Norwegian school. The students are coming out of their lunch box. But a child discovers that his is empty. Sad, he asks to get out of class. When he comes back to sit down, he finds out that his box is full of food. He understands that the students around him have shared some of their lunch with him.


Reading. Розвиток навичок читання.  Now read the article

Tom Sietas  When people first see Tom Sietas, they do not usually notice anything special. He is not very tall, and he is not particularly well-built. But those factors help Tom to do something incredible. Tom has the world record for static apnea. In other words, Tom can hold his breath underwater, without moving, for just over 22 minutes. He only discovered his ability by accident when he went diving inJamaica at the age of 18. Because he is not very big, it means that he does not need to get a lot of oxygen to his muscles. And it helps that his lungs are 20 % larger than is usual for his height and build. But it is not only a question of his body. His personality plays a big part in his success, too. Thought processes use a lot of oxygen. So it is important that Tom is calm and patient. Luckily, he rarely gets nervous in the water. In fact, Tom is so calm that he occasionally falls asleep underwater. Obviously, he always trains very carefully to prepare for a new record because what he does is highly dangerous. We are waiting this year to see what he does next. Are we expecting another record attempt?  Definitely!

Judit Polgar  People are always saying that geniuses are born, not made I want to prove that it is not true! This was the obsession of a Hungarian teacher called Laszlo Polgar. To prove that he could make someone a genius, he took his three daughters out of school and started to teach them a specialist subject – chess. One of the three, Judit, is now the greatest female chess player of all time and the only woman so far to be in the world top 10! Laszlo himself wasn’t a great chess player, but he was a clever teacher. At first, Judit's sisters were better than her, but she gradually became more serious about playing. At first, she played just ten minutes a day. When she was 12, it had increased to ten hours. At 15 she was the youngest grandmaster ever. To win at chess, you need to be confident, hard-working and a little bit selfish. Judit's wins include victories against 10 male world champions, including Kasparov and Karpov. Thanks to Judit, little by little, people are starting to pay more attention to women chess players.

After reading. Виконання післятекстових завдань.

Define are the statements True or False?

1. For what Tom does, it is important to e big and strong.

2. Tom can swim underwater for over twenty minutes without breathing.

3. Tom always knew about his natural talent for staying underwater.

4. Mental qualities are also important to be good at static apnea.

5. Laszlo Polgar had a theory and he proved that it was true.

6. Judit's chess ability was easy to see right from the beginning,

7. From the start, she played for hours and hours every day.

III. Заключна частина уроку.

  1. Summarizing: We`ve done a good work today. Оцінювання знань. Коментар оцінок.
  1. Homework.  Домашнє завдання

The lesson is over. Good-bye! Ex. 1 p. 36, ex.4 p. 37
























Traits of character


Suggested level – B1

Liudmyla Dumenko,

A teacher of English,

Specialized school # 5 named after V. Stus,



Students will:

 Define and give examples of various character traits;

 Explain how character traits are displayed in everyday life;

 Discuss and write about positive and negative character traits;

 Improve listening, reading, speaking skills through different activities




I. Ice Break Game

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you! How are you?

And now let's speak about feelings and emotions on your way to school.

(Pupils express their points of view.)

T: The person's character is the God's gift. If you want to be successful in

your life and get along with others, certain personal traits can help you.

And today we are going to talk about traits of character. Look at the

poster and read what is written there.

“Every human has three characters – that which he exhibits, that which

he has, and that which he thinks he has.”

II. Warm –up.

T: First, make a mind map with the words you associate with the topic.












III. Main Part.

Activity 1. Running dictation

T: I will divide the class into 2 groups. You will have to read the words from

your cards, run to the blackboard and write the words there.

1. Polite calm

2. Competitive friendly

3. Considerate sociable

4. Generous forgiving

5. Witty hard-working

6. Energetic cheerful

7. Industrious optimistic

8. Sincere timid

9. Impatient slow

T: Now on the blackboard you have some important qualities in people. Write

these qualities in order of importance for you. You’ll work in group and write

down your answers on these papers.

Let us check up are your points the same? Can you explain your choice? Use

such expressions: In my opinion…, I think…, To my mind…

Activity 2.Listening.

T: Now you are going to listen to four teenagers talking about themselves. Note

the adjectives of personality that best describes each person.






Well, yes, I suppose that it is fair to call me that. I don’t know. It is just that I

love sleeping. I hate getting up early. And if you give me a choice between

doing something active like sport or just lying on a sofa watching TV all day, I

Will definitely go for lying on the sofa. And even better if I can stay in my

pyjamas all day. (Lazy)


No, the thing is that I do not think I am the best, the most intelligent and the

most attractive. I am the best, the most intelligent and the most attractive. In

fact, I am the best at everything. (Arrogant)


I hate it when people move my things. In my room, everything is always in

exactly the right place. I never leave my clothes out and my desk is always

ready for work. The thing is that when you are like me, you always know where

to find things. (Tidy)


Oh, I really hate that. When my friends arrive late and make me wait, I get

really angry with them. And waiting for buses or trains just makes me lose

control. Even waiting for just two or three minutes gets me angry. (Impatient)

Activity 3.Reading.

Before reading

T: Look at the photos in the article and describe what you can see. Why do you

think these two people are so special?

While reading.

Now read the article

Tom Sietas

When people first see Tom Sietas, they do not usually notice anything special.

He is not very tall, and he is not particularly well-built. But those factors help

Tom to do something incredible. Tom has the world record for static apnea. In

other words, Tom can hold his breath underwater, without moving, for just over

22 minutes. He only discovered his ability by accident when he went diving in

Jamaica at the age of 18. Because he is not very big, it means that he does not

need to get a lot of oxygen to his muscles. And it helps that his lungs are 20 %


larger than is usual for his height and build. But it is not only a question of his

body. His personality plays a big part in his success, too. Thought processes use

a lot of oxygen. So it is important that Tom is calm and patient. Luckily, he

rarely gets nervous in the water. In fact, Tom is so calm that he occasionally

falls asleep underwater. Obviously, he always trains very carefully to prepare

for a new record because what he does is highly dangerous. We are waiting this

year to see what he does next. Are we expecting another record attempt?


Judit Polgar

People are always saying that geniuses are born, not made I want to prove that

it is not true! This was the obsession of a Hungarian teacher called Laszlo

Polgar. To prove that he could make someone a genius, he took his three

daughters out of school and started to teach them a specialist subject – chess.

One of the three, Judit, is now the greatest female chess player of all time and

the only woman so far to be in the world top 10! Laszlo himself wasn’t a great

chess player, but he was a clever teacher. At first, Judit's sisters were better than

her, but she gradually became more serious about playing. At first, she played

just ten minutes a day. When she was 12, it had increased to ten hours. At 15

she was the youngest grandmaster ever. To win at chess, you need to be

confident, hard-working and a little bit selfish. Judit's wins include victories

against 10 male world champions, including Kasparov and Karpov. Thanks to

Judit, little by little, people are starting to pay more attention to women chess


After reading.

Define are the statements True or False?

1. For what Tom does, it is important to e big and strong.

2. Tom can swim underwater for over twenty minutes without breathing.

3. Tom always knew about his natural talent for staying underwater.

4. Mental qualities are also important to be good at static apnea.

5. Laszlo Polgar had a theory and he proved that it was true.

6. Judit's chess ability was easy to see right from the beginning,

7. From the start, she played for hours and hours every day.

IV. Summing-up.

T: Let's sum up what we have discussed in the lesson. What features would you

like to improve or develop in your character? What personality do you intend to



Our time is over. Thank you very much for our lesson. You were active, hard-

working, creative and cute. Your marks are … .

V. Home assignment.

Write down a list of your strong points. Be ready explain why.


Today we


Ознайомимося з конструкцією There is There are

Правило використання There is There are

Особливості перекладання речень з конструкцією

There is There are

Тренування вживання конструкції There is There are

Fill in There is \ There are

1._________a cat in the room.

2._________ toys in the box.

3._________a book on the table.

4._________one lamp on the desk.

5._________ten dogs in the street.

6._________pencils in the bag.

7._________a computer in the room.

8._________one teacher in the class.


1. There is a cat in the room.

2. There are toys in the box.

3. There is a book on the table.

4. There is one lamp on the desk.

5. There are ten dogs in the street.

6. There are pencils in the bag.

7. There is a computer in the room.

8. There is one teacher in the class.

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