Quick Minds 3 ''His hair is curly'' Control work

Про матеріал

Завдання містить словниковий запас, опис малюнка та завдання на присвійні займенники

Перегляд файлу

Friday, the second of December

                                                                                Diagnostic work

His hair is curly

  1. Choose the right word
  1. Кучерявий
  1.       Straight    b) Thin     c) Mustache     d) curly
  1. Зуби
  1.       Mustache    b) Teeth     c) Beard)      d) Blonde
  1. Борода
  1.       Beard    b) Thin     c) Fat       d) Teeth  
  1. Put possessive pronouns into sentences: my, your, his, her, our, their

For example: ( He)…..hair is curly ---His hair is curly

  1. (She)…..sister is 10 years old
  2. (We) …… T-shirts are yellow
  3. (They)…… eyes are green
  4. ( You) …….trousers are great
  5. (I)…….book is interesting
  1. Describe the children. ( 3 sentences)

For example: Ann’s jeans are blue. She has got small eyes. Ann is fat


18 серпня 2023
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