Quick Minds 4 '' At the seaside'' Control work

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Контроль знань з теми містить текст з теми '' At the seaside'', тестове завдання до тексту та завдання на складання запитання за допомогою питального слова ''Why''

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Tuesday, the twenty-third of May

Diagnostic work

" At the seaside"

I.Read the text and make a test bellow

Are you ready for a day at the seaside? Let's explore some easy and fun activities you can enjoy:

  1. Sandcastle Building: Take your buckets! Build sandcastles ,shape the sand with your hands. Create towers, walls. Don't forget to decorate them with seashells!
  2. Seashell Hunting: Walk along the beach and look for beautiful  seashells. Look for different colors and shapes. Collect them and show them off to your friends.
  3. Beach Ball Games: Play games with a beach ball. Throw it with your friends or try to keep it in the air for as long as possible. It's lots of fun!
  4. Picnic on the Sand: Take a yummy snack or a sandwich and have a picnic on the sand. Sit on a blanket and enjoy your food while listening to the sounds of the sea.
  5. Drawing in the Sand: Use a stick or your finger to draw pictures or write your name in the sand. See how creative you can be!
  6. Running on the Beach: Feel the soft sand under your feet when you run along the shoreline. Enjoy the freedom of running and let the breeze blow through your hair.
  7. Ice Cream Treat: Treat yourself to a delicious ice cream cone. Choose your favorite flavor and enjoy the sweet and cold treat on a hot day.

Remember to have fun and stay safe at the seaside. Listen to the instructions of your parents or adults who are with you. Enjoy your day of adventure by the sea!


  1. What can you enjoy as a sweet treat at the seaside?

     a) Ice water             b) Fresh juice             c) Ice cream cone

  1. How can you draw pictures at the seaside?

     a) With a stick or your finger         b) Paint on a paper                            
c) Use a computer


  1. What games can you play with a beach ball?

     a)Go rollerblading       b) Volleyball       c) Play golf

  1. What can you do while having a picnic on the sand?

      a) Write a novel        b) Do puzzles        c)   Eat delicious food

  1. What can you search for along the beach?

     a) Seashells            b) Crabs           c) Leaves

  1. What can you build with buckets and spades at the seaside?

     a) Treehouses       b) Sandcastles       c) Snowmen






sandcastle -   замок із піску      freedom -  свобода           stick - палиця

shape - форма                            breeze - бріз

seashell - морська ракушка        cone -  рожок

blanket - покривало                    flavor - смак

soft - ніжний                               treat - смаколик

shoreline - берегова лінія            threehouses - будинки на деревах


II. Make a questions with "WHY"

1. He is a student at the University.-

2. We were glad to see you last time.-

3. I don't remember what's happened.-

4. My mom would like to enjoy this summer holidays.-

5. This weekend I'm going to make a sandcastle on the beach.-